

Extras are optional parts of Framer that have specific tasks like preloading, touch emulation and hints. In general, they are enabled automatically based on where your prototype is shown. But extras are often overridable explicitly by you, if you require specific behaviour.



Hints are used to highlight layers that a user can interact with, such as taps, swipes, etc. They are mainly to help users discover what a project can do when they see it for the first time.


By default, hints are enabled both in Framer for Mac and when you share your prototypes with others. If you click anywhere outside of an interactive layer or outside of the device, purple rectangles will indicate the tappable or scrollable areas.


You can enable or disable hints for your entire projects like this:

  1. Framer.Extras.Hints.disable()


Or enable them like this:

  1. Framer.Extras.Hints.enable()


If you would like to show hints directly after a page loads, without any clicks you can do this:

  1. Framer.Extras.Hints.enable()
  2. Framer.Extras.Hints.showHints()


  1. 当你点击(不拖着滚动)一个可拖拽或可滑动图层时它会被高亮显示。
  2. 只有当可拖拽或可滑动图层确实可以水平或垂直滑动时才会有高亮提示。
  3. 有圆角的图层的提示框也是有圆角的。
  4. 旋转的图层现在还不支持提示。
  5. 不可见图层不会显示提示框,除非它们是被你设置为不可见或者透明度为0的。如果它们被其它图层覆盖但是任然可以响应触摸事件,他们还是会有提示框。

Draggable or scrollable areas will highlight if you tap them, but did not scroll.
Draggable or scrollable areas will only highlight if they can either scroll horizontal or vertically.
Layers with rounded corners will get a hint with rounded corners.
Rotated layers are currently unsupported.
Invisible layers will not show hints, unless they are set to invisible or their opacity is 0. They will show a hint if they are covered by another layer but still respond to taps.



You can override layers (or components based on layers) to customize the hint indicator (by default a purple rectangle). This is great when you want to disable the highlight on a specific layer, or have a specific visiual hint.


This is how you disable a hint on a specific layer:

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.onTap -> print "layerA"
  3. layerB = new Layer x: 220
  4. layerB.onTap -> print "layerB"
  5. # Set an empty function on showHint
  6. # 将showHint设为空函数
  7. layerB.showHint = -> print "nope"


And you can customize the hint the same way:

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.onTap -> print "layerA"
  3. layerB = new Layer x: 220
  4. layerB.onTap -> print "layerB"
  5. layerB.showHint = (hintFrame) ->
  6. # Create a hint layer, this will automatically be
  7. # placed in the hints context on top of everything.
  8. # 创建一个提示图层,他将会被自动放置到提示框所处的层级,在所有图层上面。
  9. hint = new Layer
  10. frame: hintFrame
  11. backgroundColor: "red"
  12. opacity: 0.5
  13. # Add a cool animation
  14. # 添加一个酷酷的显示动画
  15. hint.animate
  16. properties:
  17. scale: 1.3
  18. opacity: 0
  19. time: 0.5
  20. # Remove the layer when done
  21. # 动画显示出来之后移除它们
  22. hint.onAnimationEnd -> hint.destroy()



When you open a project, our preloader makes sure your media is loaded before fully displaying. It analyzes the images and video you use and downloads them in the background, all while showing a circular progress indicator. When everything is fully loaded, it displays your project simultaneously.


A preloader vastly improves the user’s experience because it avoids displaying your project in an incomplete state. When users interact with a prototype that is still loading, performance can suffer due to images being decompressed on the same thread that handles user interaction.

默认情况下preloader只会在 Framer 软件以外可以用,比如分享到网络的原型或正在镜像展示的原型。

By default the preloader is only enabled outside of Framer, such as when you share a project online or via mirroring.


You can force enable the preloader like this:

  1. Framer.Extras.Preloader.enable()


Or disable it like this:

  1. Framer.Extras.Preloader.disable()


你可以使用 setLogo() 方法来自定义预加载的图片,比如说用你自己的 logo 。

You can customize the preloader image with any image, such as your logo. To do so, use the setLogo() function:

  1. Framer.Extras.Preloader.enable()
  2. Framer.Extras.Preloader.setLogo("https://twitter.com/framerjs/profile_image?size=bigger")


虽然 preloader 能够发现你项目中使用的图像资源,但有一些特定的图片是在某一个特定的时间或情况下加载,这时候它就侦测不到了。因此,你可以使用 Framer.Extras.Preloader.addImage() 来手动加载一些图片。

While the preloader often does a great job of discovering the main images used in your project, it may fail to locate specific images that were used at arbitrary points. The preloader also allows you to add these images manually using Framer.Extras.Preloader.addImage().

下面的例子中,layerB 中的图片就不能被 preloader 发现,因为它是在 layerA 被点击之后才加载进来的,而且理论上说它的链接也不可预测。在这种情况下我们就在项目代码的顶部手动添加这个图片。

In the example below, the preloader cannot discover the image that layerB uses because it only gets created after a tap, and theoretically could be any url. So in this scenarios, we add the image manually at the top of the prototype.

  1. Framer.Extras.Preloader.enable()
  2. Framer.Extras.Preloader.addImage("https://twitter.com/framerjs/profile_image?size=bigger")
  3. layerA = new Layer point: Align.center
  4. layerA.onTap ->
  5. layerB = new Layer
  6. image: "https://twitter.com/framerjs/profile_image?size=bigger"


  1. 设备外观图片是不会被 preloader 处理的,因为它们一般情况下会被缓存起来,所以能很快显示出来。
  2. preloader 的超时时间是 30 秒,超过这个时间即使你的图片资源还没被完全加载也会被展现出来。
  3. 第二次及以后再次访问这个项目时,因为图片会被缓存起来相对来说会快一点。
  4. 视频的预加载是基于 canplay 事件的,即当有足够的缓冲数据流保证视频可以播放时。
  5. 加载出错也算是加载完成,因此如果有一些图片丢失没有加载出来也会被展现。
  6. 加载的进度是基于图片数量而非图片大小的,因此当你有很多图片要加载,而且一个比一个大时,最后一步可能就十分漫长。遗憾的是,目前没有好的办法能够让加载进度基于图片大小。

Device images are not counted against the preloader and are shown instantly because they are likely cached. There is a 30 second hard timeout on the preloader, after which your project gets shown even if not all images are loaded. Cached images load faster the second time you visit a project. Video preloading is based on the canplay event when enough buffer is available to play them. Loading errors are counted as loaded, so that the project appears even if some images are missing. The progress is based on image count and not loaded bytes, so if you have many small images and one big one, the last step may be significantly longer. Unfortunately, there is no great way to get progress based on size today.