

A ScrollComponent is used to scroll content. It implements momentum and spring physics, allows for customization, and emits different events.


The ScrollComponent is built with two layers. The ScrollComponent itself is a layer that masks its content. It has a content layer that has draggable enabled and constraints configured. It automatically manages the size of the content layer based on the total size of the sub layers of the content layer.

  1. # 创建一个新的ScrollComponent
  2. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  3. width: 100
  4. height: 100
  5. # 放进一个图层
  6. layerA = new Layer
  7. parent: scroll.content

你也可以使用滚动组件包裹一个已经存在的图层,只需要使用ScrollComponent.wrap()方法。ScrollComponent会将自己插入内容图层和它的父图层之间。如果你是从 Sketch 或者 Photoshop 导入设计图,并且像让它们变成可以滚动的,就可以使用这种方法。更详细的内容看这里

You can also wrap an existing layer within a ScrollComponent, using ScrollComponent.wrap(). The ScrollComponent will insert itself in-between the content and its super layer. This is useful when you’ve imported designs from Sketch or Photoshop and want to make a layer scrollable. You can learn more about wrapping in the learn section.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. width: 300
  3. height: 300
  4. scroll = ScrollComponent.wrap(layerA)

scroll.content <layer>

添加滚动内容的图层。要给该组件添加滚动内容时,先创建一个新图层再将其父图层设为 scroll.content ,当图层内容超出时只会截取显示 scroll.content 尺寸那么大的部分。

The layer to add content to. To add content, create a new Layer and set its parent to the scroll.content layer. When the content doesn’t fit the ScrollComponent it will be clipped.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. width: 100
  3. height: 100
  4. layerA = new Layer
  5. parent: scroll.content
  6. image: "images/bg.png"
  7. width: 100
  8. height: 200

scroll.contentInset <object>


Inset for the content. This will give your content extra padding between the constraints and the actual content layers.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. width: 100
  3. height: 100
  4. layerA = new Layer
  5. parent: scroll.content
  6. image: "images/bg.png"
  7. width: 100
  8. height: 200
  9. scroll.contentInset =
  10. top: 20
  11. right: 0
  12. bottom: 20
  13. left: 0

scroll.speedX <number>

水平滚动速度,它的值是 0 到 1 之间的数字,默认值为 1。

Horizontal scrolling speed, number between 0 and 1. Default value is 1.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.speedX = 0.5

scroll.speedY <number>

垂直滚动速度,它的值是 0 到 1 之间的数字,默认值为 1。

Vertical scrolling speed, number between 0 and 1. Default value is 1.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.speedY = 0.5

scroll.scroll <boolean>

启用或禁用可滚动功能,默认是开启的,如果你设置为 false ,则水平和垂直两个方向的滚动都会被禁止。

Enable or disable scrolling. Enabled by default. If you set this to false, it will set both scrollVertical and scrollHorizontal to false.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.scroll = false

scroll.scrollHorizontal <boolean>


Enable or disable horizontal scrolling.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.scrollHorizontal = false

scroll.scrollVertical <boolean>


Enable or disable vertical scrolling.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.scrollVertical = false

scroll.scrollX <number>


Horizontal scroll location.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.scrollX = 250

scroll.scrollY <number>


Vertical scroll location.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.scrollY = 250

scroll.scrollPoint <object>

通过 xy 坐标来定义滚动的位置。

Define the scroll location with x and y properties.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.scrollPoint =
  5. x: 0
  6. y: 50

scroll.scrollFrame <object>


Visible scroll frame.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. scroll.scrollFrame =
  5. x: 0
  6. y: 250
  7. width: 250
  8. height: 250

scroll.velocity <number>


Current scroll speed and direction in pixels per second at this current time.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # On scroll, print the velocity
  3. scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
  4. print scroll.velocity

scroll.direction <string>


Current scrolling direction. Returns “up”, “down”, “left”, or “right”. The scrolling direction is the inverse of the direction of the drag action: when dragging downwards, you’re effectively scrolling upwards. (Read-only)

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # On scroll, print the direction
  3. scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
  4. print scroll.direction

scroll.directionLock <boolean>


Snap to horizontal/vertical direction after a certain threshold.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Allow dragging only in one direction at a time
  3. scroll.directionLock = true

scroll.directionLockThreshold <object>


The thresholds for lock directions. The x and y values represent the distance you can drag in a certain direction before it starts locking.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Snap horizontally after dragging 50px
  3. # Snap vertically instantly
  4. scroll.directionLock = true
  5. scroll.directionLockThreshold =
  6. x: 50
  7. y: 0

scroll.angle <number>

当前拖动的角度,它和你拖动方向的角度是相反的,因为当你向下拖动时实际上是要滚到上面(只读)。向右拖动是 0 度,向下拖动是 -90 度,向上拖动是 90 度。

Current scrolling angle (in degrees). The scrolling angle is the inverse of the direction of the drag action: when dragging downwards, you’re effectively scrolling upwards. (Read-only)

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # On scroll, print the angle
  3. scroll.on Events.Scroll, ->
  4. print scroll.angle

scroll.isDragging <boolean>

该图层是否正在被拖动(当你松开它但它还在运动时返回的是 false )。它是只读的。

Whether the layer is currently being dragged (returns false when animating). (Read-only)

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Check if the layer is being dragged
  3. scroll.onMove ->
  4. print scroll.isDragging

scroll.isMoving <boolean>


Whether the content is currently moving, either by dragging or by a momentum/bounce animation. (Read-only)

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Check if the layer is moving
  3. scroll.onMove ->
  4. print scroll.isMoving

scroll.closestContentLayer(originX, originY)

获得和ScrollComponent最近的内容图层,它是由图层的变换中心决定的。一个图层的变换中心的值是一个介于 0 到 1 之间的数字,(0,0) 表示变换中心处于图层的左上角,(0.5, 0.5) 表示处于图层中心,(1,1) 表示处于图层右下角。

Get the layer closest to the ScrollComponent, depending on the defined origin. The origin is defined as numbers between 0 and 1, where (0,0) is the top-left corner, (0.5, 0.5) the center, and (1,1) the bottom-right corner.

默认值是 (0,0) ,这意味着当计算哪个内容图层距离 ScrollComponent 最近时是计算它们左上角间的距离。

The default values are (0,0). This means that it calculates the distance from the top-left of the ScrollComponent to the top-left of the content layers.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Create content layers
  3. layerA = new Layer
  4. parent: scroll.content
  5. name: "layerA"
  6. x: 0
  7. y: 0
  8. layerB = new Layer
  9. parent: scroll.content
  10. name: "layerB"
  11. x: 50
  12. y: 50
  13. # Get the Layer of which the center point is closest
  14. # to the center point of the ScrollComponent
  15. print scroll.closestContentLayer(0.5, 0.5)

scroll.closestContentLayerForScrollPoint(originX, originY)


Get the content layer closest to a specific point.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Create content layers
  3. layerA = new Layer
  4. parent: scroll.content
  5. name: "layerA"
  6. x: 0
  7. y: 0
  8. layerB = new Layer
  9. parent: scroll.content
  10. name: "layerB"
  11. x: 50
  12. y: 50
  13. # Get the layer of which the top-left
  14. # corner is closest to x: 50, y: 25
  15. print scroll.closestContentLayerForScrollPoint(
  16. x: 50
  17. y: 25
  18. )
  19. # Returns layerB

你可以自己调节图层的变换中心,以此来决定距离计算的方式。默认的变换中心是 (0,0) ,这意味着当计算哪个内容图层距离 ScrollComponent 最近时是计算它们左上角间的距离。

You can adjust the origin values to define how the distance is calculated. The default values are (0,0). This means that it calculates the distance from the top-left of the ScrollComponent to the top-left of the content layers.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Create content layers
  3. layerA = new Layer
  4. parent: scroll.content
  5. name: "layerA"
  6. x: 0
  7. y: 0
  8. layerB = new Layer
  9. parent: scroll.content
  10. name: "layerB"
  11. x: 50
  12. y: 50
  13. # With the origins set to the center,
  14. # layerA becomes the closest
  15. print scroll.closestContentLayerForScrollPoint({ x: 50, y: 25 }, 0.5, 0.5)
  16. # Returns layerA

scroll.scrollToPoint(point, animate, animationOptions)


Scroll to a specific point, optionally animating.


  • point — 一个包含 xy 的对象.
  • animate — 一个布尔值,默认为 true(可选)。
  • animationOptions — 一个包含时间、动画曲线、动画延迟和重复次数的对象(可选)。
  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Scroll content to x: 200, y: 100
  3. scroll.scrollToPoint(
  4. x: 200, y: 100
  5. true
  6. curve: Bezier.ease
  7. )
  8. # Scroll very slowly
  9. scroll.scrollToPoint(
  10. x: 200, y: 100
  11. true
  12. curve: Bezier.ease, time: 10
  13. )

scroll.scrollToLayer(layer, originX, originY, animate, animationOptions)

滚动到指定图层,不过你只可以指定滚动到 scroll.content 的子图层的位置。

Scroll to a specific layer. You can only scroll to layers that are children of the scroll.content layer.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • originX — 一个 0 到 1 之间的数字(可选)。
  • originY — 一个 0 到 1 之间的数字(可选)。
  • animate —一个布尔值,默认为 true(可选)。
  • animationOptions — 一个包含时间、动画曲线、动画延迟和重复次数的对象(可选)。
  1. # Create ScrollComponent
  2. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  3. width: 500
  4. height: 500
  5. # Define Background
  6. layerA = new Layer
  7. x: 500
  8. y: 1000
  9. image: "bg.png"
  10. parent: scroll.content
  11. # Scroll to this layer
  12. scrollerA = new Layer
  13. parent: scroll.content
  14. scroll.scrollToLayer(scrollerA)

originXoriginY 需要滚动到图层中的哪个点,它的默认值是 0,0 ,也就是左上角。

The originX and originY arguments define the point within the layer that will be scrolled to. The default values are 0,0 - which is the top-left corner.

  1. scroll.scrollToLayer(
  2. layerA
  3. 0.5, 0
  4. true
  5. time: 2
  6. )

scroll.scrollToLayer(originX, originY)

滚动到最近的内容图层,你可以指定变换中心。一个图层的默认变换中心是 (0,0) 表示变换中心处于图层的左上角,而 (0.5, 0.5) 表示处于图层中心,(1,1) 表示处于图层右下角。

Scroll to the closest content layer, using the given origin. The default values are (0,0) which is the top-left corner, (0.5, 0.5) the center, and (1,1) the bottom-right corner.


  • originX — 介于 0 到 1 之间的数字。
  • originY — 介于 0 到 1 之间的数字。
  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. x: 75
  5. y: 75
  6. # Scroll to the center of layerA
  7. scroll.scrollToClosestLayer(0.5, 0.5)

scroll.mouseWheelEnabled <boolean>

启用或者禁用鼠标滚动,默认是禁用的。当设置为 true 时你可以拖动它滚动也可以通过鼠标控制滚动。

Enable or disable scrolling with mousewheel. Disabled by default. When set to true, layers can be scrolled both by dragging and with the mouse.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. width: 100
  3. height: 100
  4. # Allow scrolling with mouse
  5. scroll.mouseWheelEnabled = true
  6. layerA = new Layer
  7. parent: scroll.content
  8. image: "images/bg.png"
  9. width: 100
  10. height: 200


使用 ScrollComponent 包裹一个图层,使其变为可滚动的。如果你想把导入的设计图变成可以滚动的就可以这样写。

Wraps a layer within a new ScrollComponent. This is useful to create scrollable layers out of imported layers.

  1. # Import files from Sketch
  2. sketch = Framer.Importer.load "imported/Scrollable"
  3. # Wrap the "content" layer group
  4. scroll = ScrollComponent.wrap(sketch.content)

现在,scroll 就是一个代表可滚动组件的的变量,它把你包裹的图层变成了可滚动内容。你可以通过给 scroll 设置一些属性来调节滚动效果,如动量模拟、允许越界、弹性模拟等。

Now, scroll is the variable name of the ScrollComponent. This also automatically wraps your layer within a ScrollContent layer, which you can select to adjust certain properties like momentum, overdrag or bounce.

  1. # Import files from Sketch
  2. sketch = Framer.Importer.load "imported/Scrollable"
  3. # Wrap the "content" layer group
  4. scroll = ScrollComponent.wrap(sketch.content)
  5. # Change scroll properties
  6. scroll.scrollHorizontal = false
  7. scroll.speedY = 0.5
  8. # Change scroll.content properties
  9. scroll.content.draggable.momentum = true
  10. scroll.content.draggable.overdrag = false
  11. scroll.content.draggable.bounce = false


重新计算滚动区域尺寸和拖动范围,也会影响 contentInset 的值。

Re-calculates and updates the size of the content and the dragging constraints. It also accounts for the contentInset.

如果你想要更改图层的尺寸,就可以相应的去更新 ScrollComponent 的尺寸。

If you’re looking to change the size of your content layers, you can call it to update the size of your ScrollComponent accordingly.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. # Update the contents of the ScrollComponent
  3. scroll.updateContent()


复制一个 ScrollComponent ,包括它的内容图层和各项属性。

Copies a ScrollComponent, including its content and properties.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. parent: scroll.content
  4. # Copy the ScrollComponent
  5. scrollB = scroll.copy()

scroll.propagateEvents <boolean>

设置可拖动内容图层的“事件传播”属性,默认是 true 。当你想要嵌套 ScrollComponentsPageComponents 时需要用到它。

Set the propagateEvents property of the draggable content layer. Set to true by default. This is useful when working with nested ScrollComponents or PageComponents.

假如有这么一个场景:你想要在一个 scroll.content 内放另外一个可滚动图层。默认情况下,滚动内层图层时,外层的 scroll.content 也会滚动,这是因为它们在同时监听拖动事件。

Let’s say you’d like to have a draggable layer within the scroll.content layer. By default, moving the layer will also move the scroll.content. This is because both layers will listen to the dragging events.

为了阻止任何滚动事件从底层图层传播到父图层,可以将它的 propagateEvents 设置为 false 。它对于任何嵌套的可拖动图层都是其作用的。

To prevent any draggable children from passing events to its parent, set propagateEvents to false. This applies to all nested draggable layers.

  1. scroll = new ScrollComponent
  2. width: Screen.width,
  3. height: Screen.height
  4. scroll.content.backgroundColor = "#28affa"
  5. layerA = new Layer
  6. parent: scroll.content,
  7. backgroundColor: "#fff"
  8. layerA.draggable.enabled = true
  9. # Setting propagateEvents to false allows you to drag layerA
  10. # without also scrolling within the ScrollComponent
  11. layerA.draggable.propagateEvents = false