

Layer states manage and organize different combinations of layer properties. Animations can use them as a target. Switch lets you jump to another state instantly and cycle allows you to sequentially move from state to state.


You can add any layer property to a state, like x and y. Non-animatable layer properties like html will be set at the end of the state animation.


States can have an animation options property. Which will be used whenever layers get animated to the defined state.


There are three pre-defined states that can’t be overridden because they are already assigned to serve a purpose. You can get the state names for current and previous using their name property.

  • default — 初始激活状态。
  • current — 当前激活状态。
  • previous — 之前激活的状态。

示例: 创建或者删除一个状态

  1. # Create a state
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 100
  4. # Delete a state
  5. delete layerA.states.stateA

示例: 拥有动画选项的状态定义

  1. # Create a state with animationOptions
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 100
  4. animationOptions:
  5. curve: "spring"

示例: 执行状态变换动画

  1. # Create a state
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 100
  4. # Animate to the state
  5. layerA.animate("stateA")

示例: 跳转到另一个状态

  1. # Create a state
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 100
  4. # Switch to the state without an animation
  5. layerA.stateSwitch("stateA")

示例: 在状态之间循环变换

  1. # Set multiple states at once
  2. layerA.states =
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 100
  5. stateB:
  6. x: 200
  7. # On a click, go back and forth between states.
  8. layerA.onTap ->
  9. layerA.stateCycle("stateA", "stateB")

layer.states.current <object>


Returns an object of the currently active state.


  • name — 一个只读属性,返回状态对象的名字。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 500
  4. opacity: 0.5
  5. layerA.stateSwitch("stateA")
  6. print layerA.states.current
  7. # Output: <Object State>
  8. print
  9. # Output: stateA

layer.states.previous <object>


Returns an object of the previously active state.


  • name — 一个只读属性,返回状态对象的名字。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 500
  4. opacity: 0.5
  5. layerA.stateSwitch("stateA")
  6. print layerA.states.previous
  7. # Output: <Object State>