

The FlowComponent helps you transition and navigate between multiple screens. It’s built on two basic functions: showNext to transition to a new layer, and showPrevious to cycle back through previous layers. You can also use it to design overlays like modals, and fixed elements like a tab bar. The FlowComponent fires Transition events. Learn more about them here.


  • layer — 执行跳转的图层对象。
  • options — 一个包含动画选项的对象,比如动画时间、曲线等(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. # Show the layer
  7. flow.showNext(layerA, animate: true)

flow.showNext(layer, options)

这个方法可以让你过渡到一个新图层。默认情况下,它将会以动画的形式过渡到新图层,除非是第一个添加到 FlowComponent 中的图层。当它的宽高超出父图层的大小,那么它是可以被滚动查看的,当然可以被自动检测到是水平还是垂直滚动。

Transition to a new layer. By default, it will animate to the layer, except if it’s the first layer added to the FlowComponent. If the width or height of the layer exceeds that of its parent, it will become scrollable. It also automatically detects whether to become vertically or horizontally scrollable.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. # Show the layer
  7. flow.showNext(layerA)

设置 animatefalse 可以关闭动画,这样图层跳转就没有过渡效果了。

Set animate to false to switch between layers without a transition.

  1. # Create layers
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. backgroundColor: "#00AAFF"
  5. layerB = new Layer
  6. size: Screen.size
  7. backgroundColor: "#FFCC33"
  8. # Create FlowComponent and show layer
  9. flow = new FlowComponent
  10. flow.showNext(layerA)
  11. # Instantly show layerB on click
  12. layerA.onClick ->
  13. flow.showNext(layerB, animate: false)



Transition to the previous layer. By default, it will animate to the layer.


  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. layerB = new Layer
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. flow.showNext(layerA)
  7. # Switch to layerA on click
  8. layerA.onClick ->
  9. flow.showNext(layerB)
  10. # Return to the previous on click
  11. layerB.onClick ->
  12. flow.showPrevious()

flow.showOverlayCenter(layer, options)


Overlay a layer from the center, like a modal dialog.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  • options.modal — 布尔值,设置该模态框是否可点击遮罩层关闭(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. # Overlay the modal layer
  7. flow.showOverlayCenter(layerA)

默认情况下参数 modal 被设置为 false ,如果你不想让它的遮罩层被点击时关闭并且能够跳转到前一页,你可以将其设为 true

The modal argument is set to false by default. If you would like the overlay to be clickable and return to the previous screen, you can enable this boolean.

  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. backgroundColor: "#00AAFF"
  4. size: Screen.size
  5. layerB = new Layer
  6. borderRadius: 40
  7. backgroundColor: "#FFF"
  8. size: 500
  9. # Create FlowComponent
  10. flow = new FlowComponent
  11. flow.showNext(layerA)
  12. # Show modal, overlay is not clickable
  13. layerA.onClick ->
  14. flow.showOverlayCenter(layerB, modal: true)

flow.showOverlayTop(layer, options)


Overlay a layer from the top, like a notification screen.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  • options.modal — 布尔值,设置该模态框是否可点击遮罩层关闭(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. # Overlay the layer
  7. flow.showOverlayTop(layerA)

flow.showOverlayRight(layer, options)


Overlay a layer from the right.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  • options.modal — 布尔值,设置该模态框是否可点击遮罩层关闭(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. # Overlay the layer
  7. flow.showOverlayRight(layerA)

flow.showOverlayBottom(layer, options)


Overlay a layer from the bottom.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  • options.modal — 布尔值,设置该模态框是否可点击遮罩层关闭(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. # Overlay the layer
  7. flow.showOverlayBottom(layerA)

flow.showOverlayLeft(layer, options)


Overlay a layer from the left.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  • options.modal — 布尔值,设置该模态框是否可点击遮罩层关闭(可选)。
  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. # Overlay the layer
  7. flow.showOverlayLeft(layerA)

flow.transition(layer, transition, options)


Create a custom transition. The transitions use states internally to cycle back and forward. There are three layers (current, next and background) with two states each (back and forward). If you don’t define a specific state, the FlowComponent assumes you don’t want to animate that layer.


  • layer — 一个图层对象。
  • transition — 带有动画状态的方法。
  • options.animate — 布尔值,设置图层变换是否需要动画(可选)。
  • options.scroll — 布尔值,设置图层是否可滚动(可选)。
  1. # 自定义过渡
  2. scaleTransition = (nav, layerA, layerB, overlay) ->
  3. transition =
  4. layerA:
  5. show:
  6. scale: 1.0
  7. opacity: 1
  8. hide:
  9. scale: 0.5
  10. opacity: 0
  11. layerB:
  12. show:
  13. scale: 1.0
  14. opacity: 1
  15. hide:
  16. scale: 0.5
  17. opacity: 0
  18. # 创建图层
  19. layerA = new Layer
  20. backgroundColor: "#00AAFF"
  21. size: Screen.size
  22. layerB = new Layer
  23. backgroundColor: "#FFCC33"
  24. size: Screen.size
  25. # 创建页面流组件
  26. flow = new FlowComponent
  27. flow.showNext(layerA)
  28. # 使用自定义的过渡方法跳转到layerB
  29. layerA.onClick ->
  30. flow.transition(layerB, scaleTransition)


The custom transition is a function that returns an object with states. Inside the function you have access to the arguments current FlowComponent, layerA, layerB and the overlay. If you don’t pass states for layerA, layerB or the overlay, it will leave the layer as is on a transition.

flow.current <layer>


The layer (screen) that is currently visible.

  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. size: Screen.size
  4. # Create FlowComponent, add layer
  5. flow = new FlowComponent
  6. flow.showNext(layerA)
  7. # Get current screen
  8. print flow.current

flow.scroll <layer>


The automatically generated ScrollComponent layer. Any child layer that exceeds the width or height of the FlowComponent are automatically made scrollable. You can target the ScrollComponent with flow.scroll.

  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. width: Screen.width
  4. height: Screen.height + 100
  5. # Create FlowComponent, add layer
  6. flow = new FlowComponent
  7. flow.showNext(layerA)
  8. # Adjust contentInset
  9. flow.scroll.contentInset =
  10. top: 100


All scroll events are available when using flow.scroll. These events will only apply to the layer (or screen) that is currently visible.

  1. # Create layer
  2. layerA = new Layer
  3. width: Screen.width
  4. height: Screen.height + 100
  5. # Create FlowComponent, add layer
  6. flow = new FlowComponent
  7. flow.showNext(layerA)
  8. # Listen to scroll event
  9. flow.scroll.onMove ->
  10. ...


Note that if you listen to scrolling events directly on the FlowComponent, like flow.onScroll, the event will apply to all scrollable child layers.

  1. # Applies to any child layer
  2. flow.onMove -> ...
  3. # Applies to the currently visible layer
  4. flow.scroll.onMove -> ...

flow.header <layer>


Add a sticky header to a scrollable screen, like a a fixed navigation bar.

  1. # Create navigation layer
  2. navBar = new Layer
  3. # Create FlowComponent
  4. flow = new FlowComponent
  5. # Anchor layer to the top
  6. flow.header = navBar

flow.footer <layer>


Add a sticky footer to a scrollable screen, like a a fixed tab bar.

  1. # Create tab bar layer
  2. tabBar = new Layer
  3. # Create FlowComponent
  4. flow = new FlowComponent
  5. # Anchor layer to the bottom
  6. flow.footer = tabBar