

Animation objects manage animations targeted on a layer. This is what is created by the layer’s animate function. The only difference is that animation objects don’t start immediately, you have to explicitly execute start().


The animation options allow you to define curves, timing, delays and more. Layers can run multiple animations at the same time. If animations affect the same layer properties, only the last one will run.

Animatable Properties


Only numeric layer properties and color can be animated.


  • layer — 一个图层对象,需要执行动画的图层。
  • properties or state — 一个包含了动画最终属性值的对象,或者是一个状态对象。
  • options — 一个包含了所有动画选项的对象,如动画曲线、时间等(可选)。

示例: 图层和属性变化


Here, we create a new Animation for layerA. Once we start the animation, it will move horizontally from 0 to 100. Note that we left out many optional arguments. By default, the animation will take 1 second, with an ease curve.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Animate the layer to the right
  3. animationA = new Animation
  4. layer: layerA
  5. properties:
  6. x: 100



Animate a layer using a layer state by inserting the State object instead of layer properties.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.stateA =
  3. x: 100
  4. # Animate the layer to the right
  5. animationB = new Animation layerA,
  6. layerA.states.stateA
  7. animationB.start()



Multiple properties can be animated at once. Here, we animate the x and opacity properties, with a duration of 5 seconds.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Animate multiple properties for 5 seconds
  3. animationC = new Animation layerA,
  4. x: 100
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. options:
  7. time: 5
  8. animationC.start()



When using repeat, the end values of properties will be reset to their starting position instantly. In the example below, there is a 2 second delay between every repeat.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Repeat an animation 5 times, delay for 2 seconds
  3. animationD = new Animation layerA,
  4. x: 100
  5. options:
  6. repeat: 5
  7. delay: 2
  8. animationD.start()


  • Bezier.linear — 匀速运动。
  • Bezier.ease — 慢速进入,然后变快,最后慢速结束。
  • Bezier.easeIn — 缓慢进入。
  • Bezier.easeOut — 缓慢结束。
  • Bezier.easeInOut — 缓慢进入,缓慢结束。
  • Spring — 带阻尼的弹性曲线。

示例: Bezier

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Animate with a bezier curve
  3. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  4. x: 100
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. options:
  7. curve: Bezier(0.25, 0.1, 0.25, 1)

示例: Spring


The default spring can be used along with the time property.

  • damping — 反弹力。
  • mass — 运动图层的质量(可选)。
  • velocity — 开始速度(可选)。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Animate with a spring curve
  3. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  4. x: 100
  5. options:
  6. curve: Spring(damping: 0.5)
  7. time: 0.5

示例: Classic Spring


The classic spring cannot be used with the time property.

  • tension — 弹性张力。
  • friction — 弹性重力。
  • velocity — 初始速度(可选)。
  • tolerance — 动画结束前的最小值(可选)。
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # Animate with a spring curve
  3. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  4. x: 100
  5. options:
  6. curve: Spring(tension: 250, friction: 25)

Animatable Properties


Only numeric layer properties and color can be animated:

  1. x, y, z
  2. minX, midX, maxX
  3. minY, midY, maxY
  4. width, height
  5. opacity
  6. rotation, rotationX, rotationY, rotationZ
  7. scale scaleX, scaleY, scaleZ
  8. originX, originY, perspective
  9. scrollX, scrollY
  10. borderRadius, borderWidth
  11. shadowX, shadowY, shadowBlur, shadowSpread
  12. blur, brightness, saturate
  13. hueRotate, contrast, invert, grayscale, sepia



You can start multiple animations targeting the same layer, as long as they don’t target the same properties. If you start two animations both targeting x for the same layer, the first one will be cancelled.



Most properties benefit from GPU accelerated drawing. You can animate many of them smoothly. But some properties need to involve the CPU to animate, and are therefore more expensive to render:

  1. width
  2. height
  3. scrollX
  4. scrollY
  5. borderRadius
  6. borderWidth



Start the animation.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  3. x: 100
  4. # Nothing will move until we start
  5. animationA.start()



Stop the animation.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  3. x: 100
  4. animationA.start()
  5. # Stop the animation
  6. animationA.stop()



Create a new animation with all reverse values.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  3. x: 100
  4. animationB = animationA.reverse()
  5. # 在两个动画之间运动
  6. animationA.on Events.AnimationEnd, animationB.start
  7. animationB.on Events.AnimationEnd, animationA.start
  8. animationA.start()



Reset the layer to its default state.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  3. x: 100
  4. animationA.start()
  5. # On animation end reset the animation
  6. animationA.on Events.AnimationEnd, ->
  7. animationA.reset()



Reset the layer to its default state and start the animation again.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  3. x: 100
  4. animationA.start()
  5. # On animation end restart the animation
  6. animationA.on Events.AnimationEnd, ->
  7. animationA.restart()



Stop the currently active animation and jump to its end state.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. animationA = new Animation layerA,
  3. x: 100,
  4. time: 3
  5. animationA.start()
  6. # Finish the animation after a 1 second delay
  7. Utils.delay 1, ->
  8. animationA.finish()