

States are sets of layer properties and values. You can add, remove or switch between states. State switching can be done with or without an animation, and you can define different animation options for individual states too.

layer.states.add(name, states)


Adds a layer state. Each layer state is a collection of layer properties and values. You can add them one by one with a name and property object or all at once with an object containing the layer names and properties.


There is always a “default” state, containing the property values that the layer was created with.


  • name — 表示状态名的字符串.
  • states — 包含一个状态下图层的一些属性值集合.
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. # 添加一个状态
  3. layerA.states.add
  4. stateA:
  5. x: 500
  6. opacity: 0.5
  7. # 添加多个状态
  8. layerA.states.add
  9. stateA:
  10. x: 500
  11. opacity: 0.5
  12. stateB:
  13. x: 200
  14. opacity: 1



Remove a layer state by name.


  • name — 表示状态名的字符串.
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.add
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 500
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. layerA.states.remove("stateA")



Switch to a new state. This will animate the layer to the new state. By default, it will use the layer.states.animationOptions.


  • name — 表示状态名的字符串.
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.add
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 500
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. layerA.states.switch("stateA")



Switch to a new state without animating.


  • name — 表示状态名的字符串.
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.add
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 500
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. layerA.states.switchInstant("stateA")



The name of the current state.


  • name — A string, the title of the state.
  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.add
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 500
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. layerA.states.switchInstant("stateA")
  7. print layerA.states.current
  8. # Output: stateA

Switches to the next state. If we reach the end of the states we start at the beginning again. You can provide an array of state names for the ordering. If you don’t provide an array with state names it will use the ordering by when a state got added.


states — One or multiple strings.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.add
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 500
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. stateB:
  7. x: 200
  8. opacity: 1
  9. # Every time we call this we cycle through the states
  10."stateA", "stateB")

layer.states.animationOptions <object>

Set the animation options for the state machine. By default, the global animation options will be used.

  1. layerA = new Layer
  2. layerA.states.add
  3. stateA:
  4. x: 500
  5. opacity: 0.5
  6. stateB:
  7. x: 200
  8. opacity: 1
  9. layerA.states.animationOptions =
  10. curve: "spring(100, 10, 0)"
  11. layerA.states.switch("stateA")

These animation options will now be used for all state switches. To set different animation options for individual states, you can include them directly within the switch statement.

  1. # Switch to stateB with a spring curve
  2. layerA.states.switch("stateB", curve: "spring(400, 30, 0)")
  3. # Switch to stateB with an easing curve
  4. layerA.states.switch("stateB", time: 1, curve: "ease")