搜索引擎优化 (SEO) 新手指南
How Google Search Works
crawling / indexing /serving呈现 (内有各方面的优化建议)
Improve your crawling
Use these techniques to help Google discover the right pages on your site:
- Submit a sitemap.
- Submit crawl requests for individual pages
- Use a simple, human-readable, and logical URL paths for your pages and provide clear and direct internal links within the site.
- If you use URL parameters on your site for navigation, for instance if you indicate the user’s country in a global shopping site, use the URL parameters tool to tell Google about important parameters.
- Use robots.txt wisely: Use robots.txt to indicate to Google which pages you’d prefer Google to know about or crawl first, in order to protect your server load, not as a method to block material from appearing in the Google index.
- Use hreflang to point to alternate language pages.
- Clearly identify your canonical page and alternate pages.
- View your crawl and index coverage using the Index Coverage Report
Improve your indexing
There are many techniques to improve Google’s ability to understand the content of your page:
- Prevent Google from crawling or finding pages that you want to hide using noindex. Do not “noindex” a page that is blocked by robots.txt; if you do so, the noindex won’t be seen and the page might still be indexed.
- Use structured data.
- Follow the Google Webmaster Guidelines.
Read our SEO guide for more tips.
Improving your servingIf your results are aimed at users in specific locations or languages, you can tell Google your preferences.
- Be sure that your page loads fast and is mobile-friendly.
- Follow the Webmaster Guidelines to avoid common pitfalls and improve your site’s ranking.
- Consider implementing Search result features for your site, such as recipe cards or article cards.
- Implement AMP for faster loading pages on mobile devices. Some AMP pages are also eligible for additional search features, such as the top stories carousel.
Google’s algorithm is constantly being improved; rather than trying to guess the algorithm and design your page for that, work on creating good, fresh content that users want, and following our guidelines.
Consolidate duplicate URLs https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/139066
Define a canonical page for similar or duplicate pages
Use the URL Inspection tool to learn which page Google considers canonical.
Ask Google to recrawl your URLs https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6065812
l Inspect the URL using the URL Inspection tool
l if you have large numbers of URLs, you should submit a sitemap instead
Googlebot https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/182072
Googlebot类型 https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/1061943?hl=en
验证是Googlebot https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/80553
Block search indexing with ‘noindex’ https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/93710
关于robots.txt https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/6062608
网站站长指南 https://support.google.com/webmasters/answer/35769
设置好 HTML 中的 Title、URL、Keywords、Description
- 页面中的内容是否可以正常显示。如果内容是动态生成的,那么整个系统对于搜索引擎的体验将会特别。尽管 Google 可以动态的渲染页面,但是仍然会有一些影响。
- 页面的内容是否以推荐的 HTML 标签写的。如只有一个 H1 用于作内容的标题,多个 H1 标签可能会造成和 Title 不一致,导致显示在搜索引擎上的结果有误。
- 页面中的内链是否分配得合理。页面中是不是会有指向重要页面的链接,如首页。或者每个分类的详情页都会有链接,并链接到列表页。这样一来,列表页的排名就会比较高。
- 判断页面中的外链是否需要 nofollow 标签。
- 如果有独立的移动站点,要检测一下,是不是需要 rel=“canonical” 来表明他们的关系。
- 是否需要采用 rel=“next” 和 rel=“preve” 来指明页面间的关系,以让第一页拥有较高的排名。同时还能为浏览器开启 Prefetch 功能。
- 等等
<单页Web应用> 第九章
Google search guide
相关翻译 https://mp.weixin.qq.com/s/SMnjnD2izVaZxx7_gq_Xkg?