Ribotricer |
YES. |
1.3.1 |
Normalized projected vector |
Frame pattern consistency |
Conda |
Python3 |
[1] |
2019 |
https://github.com/smithlabcode/ribotricer |
RiboCode |
YES. |
1.2.11 |
Wilcox single rank test |
Frame preference |
Conda |
Python2 |
[2] |
2018 |
https://github.com/xryanglab/RiboCode |
RiboTaper |
YES. |
1.3.1a |
Fourier transform via multitaper method |
Frame preference and 3-nt periodicity frequency |
Conda |
Shell and R |
[3] |
2016 |
ORFscore |
YES. |
NA |
Chi-square test |
Frame preference |
Contained in RIboTaper |
NA |
[4] |
2014 |
YES. |
2.0.0 |
Two-component mixture model |
Frame pattern consistency |
Git-Hub |
Python3 |
[5] |
2017 |
YES. |
Version in Git-Hub |
Non-negative least squares regression and a random forest classifier |
Aggregated coverage features of ORF |
Git-Hub |
Python2 |
[6] |
2015 |
https://github.com/alexfields/ORF-RATER |
RibORF |
YES. |
1.0 |
Percentage maximum entropy |
Frame preference and uniform coverage |
Git-Hub |
Perl |
[7] |
2015 |
RiboWave |
YES. |
1.0 |
Wavelet transform |
Frame preference and 3-nt periodicity frequency |
Git-Hub |
Shell and R |
[8] |
2018 |
https://github.com/lulab/Ribowave |
Ribo-TISH |
YES. |
0.2.4 |
One-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test |
Frame preference |
Git-Hub/Pip |
Python2/3 |
[9] |
2017 |
https://github.com/zhpn1024/ribotish |
plastid |
0.48 |
calculate the profile of the RPF 5′ end distribution |
Custom selection |
Pip |
Python2 |
[10] |
2016 |
https://pypi.org/project/plastid/ |
Ribo-seQC |
0.99.0 |
Frame preference or progressively add more accurate in-frame signals |
Frame preference |
Git-Hub |
R |
[11] |
bioRxiv |
https://github.com/lcalviell/Ribo-seQC |
riboWaltz |
1.1.0 |
calculate the profile of the RPF 5′ end distribution |
Frame preference or custom selection |
Git-Hub |
R |
[12] |
2018 |
https://github.com/LabTranslationalArchitectomics/riboWaltz |
Shoelaces |
Pip |
https://bitbucket.org/valenlab/shoelaces/src/master/ |
RiboProfiling |
Bioconduct |
R |
2016 |
https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/RiboProfiling.html |
No. QC (only one offset) |
Supplementary file |
python |
2016 |
https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5059445/ |
RiboViz |
No. QC (only hisat2) |
Git-Hub |
R |
2017 |
https://github.com/riboviz/riboviz/blob/master/docs/user/prep-riboviz-operation.md |
riboSeqR |
No. QC (no offset) |
Bioconductor |
R |
2015 |
http://bioconductor.org/packages/3.0/bioc/html/riboSeqR.html |
systemPipeR |
No. QC (only end to end) |
Bioconductor |
R |
2016 |
http://bioconductor.org/packages/devel/bioc/html/systemPipeR.html |
RiboHMM |
YES. |
Version in Git-Hub |
Hidden Markov model (HMM) |
Aggregated coverage features of ORF |
Git-Hub |
Python2 |
[13] |
2016 |
DeepRibo |
YES. |
Version in Git-Hub |
convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks |
Frame preference and features of specific sequence |
Git-Hub |
Python3 |
[14] |
2019 |
SaTAnn |
YES. |
0.99.0 |
P-site interpretability and multitaper method |
Transcript filter and the same as RiboTaper |
R |
R |
[15] |
bioRxiv |
https://github.com/lcalviell/SaTAnn |
AltORFev |
YES. |
Version in the source |
Linear scanning mechanism and its modifications (leaky scanning, reinitiation) |
Nucleotide context of the start codons. |
Web/BioJava |
Web/ Java1.8 |
[16] |
2016 |
http://www.bionet.nsc.ru/AUGWeb/ |
YES. |
1.0.3b |
Hypothesis tests based on the generalized binomial distribution |
Frame preference |
Git-hub |
Java1.8 |
[17] |
2018 |
https://github.com/erhard-lab/gedi/wiki/Price |
SPECtre |
YES. |
Version in Git-hub |
Spectral coherence |
3-nt periodicity frequency |
Git-hub |
Python3 |
[18] |
2016 |
https://github.com/mills-lab/spectre |
NO. |
NA |
Footprint size distributions among different subunit |
Distribution of footprint length |
Contained in SPECtre |
NA |
[19] |
2014 |
Contained in SPECtre |
NO. Just a implement which find frame shifting or dual coding regions. |
Version in the source |
Calculating in-frame P-site proportion in sliding windows |
Frame preference |
In supplemental files of the article |
R scrpit |
[20] |
2012 |
https://genome.cshlp.org/content/22/11/2219/suppl/DC1 |
TE |
NO. |
NA |
The ratio of RPF and each ORF with mRNA-seq |
Translational efficiency |
NA |
NA |
[21] |
2009 |
NA |
ORF coding score |
NO. |
NA |
Mean of normalized translational efficiency of hexamers between ORF and intron region |
Translational efficiency |
NA |
NA |
[22] |
2014 |
NA |
NO. Just a metric inferring translation via the relationship between ORF and UTR sequence in downstream. |
Version in the source |
The ratio of each ORF coverage with coverage after stop codon of this ORF corrected by mRNA-seq |
Coverage after stop codon |
Web |
Java |
[23] |
2013 |
http://guttmanlab.caltech.edu/software/RRS.jar |
uORF-Tools |
NO. Just pipeline using Ribo-TISH. |
5.4.5 |
Ribo-TISH method |
The same as Ribo-TISH |
Git-hub |
Snakemake |
[24] |
2019 |
https://github.com/Biochemistry1-FFM/uORF-Tools |
NO. No available source. |
NA |
A random forest classifier with four metrics. |
Translational efficiency, coverage ratio, ORF length ratio |
NA |
NA |
[25] |
2013 |
NA |