Tools Whether to add and reasons Latest version Methods Category Installation Language Reference Year of reference Source
    Ribotricer YES. 1.3.1 Normalized projected vector Frame pattern consistency Conda Python3 [1] 2019
    RiboCode YES. 1.2.11 Wilcox single rank test Frame preference Conda Python2 [2] 2018
    RiboTaper YES. 1.3.1a Fourier transform via multitaper method Frame preference and 3-nt periodicity frequency Conda Shell and R [3] 2016
    ORFscore YES. NA Chi-square test Frame preference Contained in RIboTaper NA [4] 2014
    RP-BP YES. 2.0.0 Two-component mixture model Frame pattern consistency Git-Hub Python3 [5] 2017
    ORF-RATER YES. Version in Git-Hub Non-negative least squares regression and a random forest classifier Aggregated coverage features of ORF Git-Hub Python2 [6] 2015
    RibORF YES. 1.0 Percentage maximum entropy Frame preference and uniform coverage Git-Hub Perl [7] 2015
    RiboWave YES. 1.0 Wavelet transform Frame preference and 3-nt periodicity frequency Git-Hub Shell and R [8] 2018
    Ribo-TISH YES. 0.2.4 One-tailed Wilcoxon rank-sum test Frame preference Git-Hub/Pip Python2/3 [9] 2017
    plastid YES. QC 0.48 calculate the profile of the RPF 5′ end distribution Custom selection Pip Python2 [10] 2016
    Ribo-seQC YES. QC 0.99.0 Frame preference or progressively add more accurate in-frame signals Frame preference Git-Hub R [11] bioRxiv
    riboWaltz YES. QC 1.1.0 calculate the profile of the RPF 5′ end distribution Frame preference or custom selection Git-Hub R [12] 2018
    Shoelaces YES. QC Pip
    RiboProfiling YES. QC Bioconduct R 2016
    RUST No. QC (only one offset) Supplementary file python 2016
    RiboViz No. QC (only hisat2) Git-Hub R 2017
    riboSeqR No. QC (no offset) Bioconductor R 2015
    systemPipeR No. QC (only end to end) Bioconductor R 2016
    RiboHMM YES. Version in Git-Hub Hidden Markov model (HMM) Aggregated coverage features of ORF Git-Hub Python2 [13] 2016
    DeepRibo YES. Version in Git-Hub convolutional neural networks and recurrent neural networks Frame preference and features of specific sequence Git-Hub Python3 [14] 2019
    SaTAnn YES. 0.99.0 P-site interpretability and multitaper method Transcript filter and the same as RiboTaper R R [15] bioRxiv
    AltORFev YES. Version in the source Linear scanning mechanism and its modifications (leaky scanning, reinitiation) Nucleotide context of the start codons. Web/BioJava Web/ Java1.8 [16] 2016
    PRICE (GEDI) YES. 1.0.3b Hypothesis tests based on the generalized binomial distribution Frame preference Git-hub Java1.8 [17] 2018
    SPECtre YES. Version in Git-hub Spectral coherence 3-nt periodicity frequency Git-hub Python3 [18] 2016
    FLOSS NO. NA Footprint size distributions among different subunit Distribution of footprint length Contained in SPECtre NA [19] 2014 Contained in SPECtre
    PTS and CSCPD NO. Just a implement which find frame shifting or dual coding regions. Version in the source Calculating in-frame P-site proportion in sliding windows Frame preference In supplemental files of the article R scrpit [20] 2012
    TE NO. NA The ratio of RPF and each ORF with mRNA-seq Translational efficiency NA NA [21] 2009 NA
    ORF coding score NO. NA Mean of normalized translational efficiency of hexamers between ORF and intron region Translational efficiency NA NA [22] 2014 NA
    RRS NO. Just a metric inferring translation via the relationship between ORF and UTR sequence in downstream. Version in the source The ratio of each ORF coverage with coverage after stop codon of this ORF corrected by mRNA-seq Coverage after stop codon Web Java [23] 2013
    uORF-Tools NO. Just pipeline using Ribo-TISH. 5.4.5 Ribo-TISH method The same as Ribo-TISH Git-hub Snakemake [24] 2019
    TOC NO. No available source. NA A random forest classifier with four metrics. Translational efficiency, coverage ratio, ORF length ratio NA NA [25] 2013 NA