title: “Offensive Security Web Expert Exam Report”
author: [“student@youremailaddress.com“, “OSID: XXXX”]
date: “2020-07-25”
subject: “Markdown”
keywords: [Markdown, Example]
subtitle: “OSWE Exam Report”
lang: “en”
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The Offensive Security OSWE exam documentation contains all efforts that were conducted in
order to pass the Offensive Security Web Expert exam. This report will be graded from a
standpoint of correctness and fullness to all aspects of the exam. The purpose of this report is
to ensure that the student has the technical knowledge required to pass the qualifications for
the Offensive Security Web Expert certification.
The student will be required to fill out this exam documentation fully and to include the
following sections:

  • Methodology walkthrough and detailed outline of steps taken
  • Each finding with included screenshots, walkthrough, sample code, and proof.txt if
  • Any additional items that were not included



Provide the contents proof.txt

Vulnerability 1

Provide the method and code used to find the vulnerability 1.

Vulnerability 2

Provide the method and code used to find the vulnerability 2.

Vulnerability X

Provide the method and code used to find the vulnerability X.

PoC Code

Provide the final proof of concept code used to gain access to the server.


Provide a screenshot id or whoami command and the contents of proof.txt.

OSWE-exam-report-template_OS_v1 - 图1


Provide a detailed account of your methodology in creating the exploits. The steps taken
should be able to be easily followed and reproducible if necessary.

Additional Items Not Mentioned in the Report

This section is placed for any additional items that were not mentioned in the overall report.