This is a changing room or a dressing room, if you wanna change your clothes, you come into this room and get changed ,it enables people to change clothes in privacy.
    And here we can see different kinds of clothes, cashmere jackets, leather coat, and these are down coats.
    And this one is a mink coat, I’m not a vulgar moneybag by the way, because..I have to set the record straight , because people would take someone who wear a mink coat as a super rich guy, no I’m not.
    This is a suit vest, and this is a sweater, there are shirts, I usually wear it with a suit.
    Wool coat, trench coat, suits, leather jacket, underpants , socks and a belt.
    Yep that’s pretty much about my dressing room.
    而这件是貂皮大衣,顺便说一句,我不是庸俗的有钱人(土豪),因为..我必须澄清事实,因为人们会把穿貂皮大衣的人视为超级有钱的人,不,我是 不是。