You see this? This is a dead mosquito. Well as we know mosquitoes are very clever , they try flying around my ears to see if I’m awake. And them fly off and hide somewhere if I swat at them. but I am more clever, I make a fly swatter, and I swat at it, and killed it. Now it’s dead and it can’t bite me and suck my blood no more.

    你看到这个了吗? 这是一只死蚊子。 众所周知,蚊子非常聪明,它们会在我耳边飞来飞去(嗡嗡叫),看看我是否醒着。 如果我向他们猛击(拍他们),他们就会飞走藏好。 但我更聪明,我做了一个苍蝇拍,然后我拍了它,把它拍死了。 现在它已经死了,它不能再咬我,也不能再吸我的血了。