Few days ago, I posted a video about china’s high speed train and I talked about the food.
    I said the food that served on the train wasn’t that tasty. The exact words I said were it tastes like shit, then I got so many comments, criticizing me mostly. Some say I can’t stand what you said about Chinese food, some say your accent sounds like shit too, and some say you’re way out of line, and some say Chinese food ain’t shit, no one begged you to eat blah blah blah.
    Well I want to say all these comments are totally acceptable , because maybe they don’t understand the usage of the word “shit” that well , it could mean something bad.
    For example , who do you think you are? You piece of shit, teaching me what to do or you’re in deep shit, man. But it could also mean something good. For example, you really got some shit, brother .
    so it’s totally understandable that they would comment like that .after all, shit-heads could be everywhere.
    But you know what I can’t accept is that some people would think I am a foreigner . like this guy said, Each place has its own way of fostering its own residents, the food from your country might not match our appetite, either . Or this one, eat your burgers dude ,or this , stick to our burgers, junk food. And how about this , you should respect our Chinese food.
    Come on …. I even got a private message from a guy at a very late night. She said fuck off, you dead white guy, go back to your fucking country .
    The next day, I posted a WX moment and hopefully you all could understand what I’m trying to say this time. I’m Chinese, and I’m so proud of being a Chinese , and I hope I would be Chinese still if there was a next life. No shit!
    And to those real trolls on the internet , you don’t have to like what I said, you don’t have to like my personality, you don’t have to like my voice, my appearance , you don’t have to like me as who I am , you don’t have to like anything about, it’s okay. I didn’t come to this world for you , and I’m not sorry that I didn’t become what you want, I didn’t say something that you want to hear, because you are like shit to me. I know who I am and you know ho you are .

    我说火车上的食物不那么好吃。我的原话是it tastes like shit,然后我收到了很多评论,大多是喷我的。有人说你这样说我们中餐我可就不高兴了,有人说你的口音也像狗屎,有人说你过分了,有人说中餐不是狗屎,没人求你吃等等等等等等。
    第二天,我发布了一个 朋友圈,希望你们所有人能明白我在表达什么。我是中国人,我为自己是中国人而自豪,如果有下辈子,我希望我还是中国人。没开玩笑!