Q1.Why have I received a notification that the email I’ve sent has been bounced?

A: You do not have permission to send emails. Apply for permission here:https://bpms.alibaba-inc.com/workdesk/instStart?processCode=buc_apply_wbemail_permission

Q2: Can’t open CRM link ‘https://crm.alibaba-inc.com/caesar/‘?

A:Please save the link of CRM:
Private Pool https://crm.alibaba-inc.com/crmagent/romeo/private-sea.html?spm=a27dj.19484739.0.0.759313e5C5TJRh
Public Poolhttps://crm.alibaba-inc.com/crmagent/romeo/public-sea.html?spm=a27dj.19484760.0.0.622549ce5Mgv0K
Service Poolhttps://crm.alibaba-inc.com/crmagent/romeo/customer-service/in-service-new.html?spm=a27dj.19484773.0.0.71777ceabKIq9B

Q3: What if I see this error message and cannot log in to my CRM account?


  1. Confirm you have permission
  2. Click this link to switch to GGS-related roles:https://crm.Alibaba-inc.com/aegean/tritons/cgspartnerManage/message#/my-msg?_k=h1ghzn
  3. Click this link to visit the Private Pool and try logging in again: https://crm.alibaba-inc.com/crmagent/romeo/private-sea.html

    Q4: Why I can’t submit Note?

    A: Make sure to add new contact before submitting your note.

    Q5: How do I filter for Leads who: - Last logged in after June 1

  • Haven’t been contacted since November 1
    - Have no products posted
    - Aren’t marked as A+ or A- intent?