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The explanation of each indicator

Part 1:Performance


Month till date or Month to date (MTD) is the period starting from the beginning of the current month up until the present date, two days delay. For example, the MTD for the date 27th May is from 1st May till 25th May. Quarter-to-date (QTD) is a time interval that captures all relevant company activity that occurred between the beginning of the current quarter and the point at which the data was gathered later in the quarter,two days delay.

  1. New: Revenue of new contracts.
  2. Renewal: Revenue of renewal contracts.
  3. Ad Consumption: Revenue of the keyword advertisement consumption.
  4. Revenue: Total revenue of the salesperson, include new contract, renewal contract and Ad consumption.

NOTE : For the India / Malaysia / Vietnam market, the currency unit is displayed in local currency. Other markets are shown in US dollars. The revenue amount does not include advertising recharge

Part 2:Daily Activities


  1. Call: Number of calls that recorded in CRM NOTEs
  2. Effective Call: Number of effective calls that recorded in CRM NOTEs
  3. Email: Number of Emails that recorded in CRM NOTEs
  4. IM: Number of IMs that recorded in CRM NOTEs
  5. Others: Number of other sales activities that recorded in CRM NOTEs

    IM=Instant Message

Part 3: Sales Dashboard

3A.My Opportunities


  1. New: Distribution of leads corresponding to new contract opportunities across the pipeline
  2. Renewal: Distribution of in-service customers corresponding to renewal contract opportunities across the pipeline

    T-3: Three months before the contract expires. T-6: Six months before the contract expires.


  1. Leads - Distributed in the last 2D without follow up: New Sales leads that distributed in the last 2 days, have not been followed up after they entered the sales pool.
  2. Leads - ‘Prime’ no update > 5D:Prime sales leads have not been followed up for more than 5 days
  3. Leads - No update for >25D:Sales leads have not been followed up for more than 25 days
  4. Leads - ‘A-‘ /‘B+’ no update for >5D:Sales leads with Intend Grade A-/B+, have not been followed up for more than 5 day
  5. Days of Pipeline: The number of days the lead stayed in the current pipeline.