



  1. [root@localhost tmp]# ./gh-ost --help
  2. Usage of gh-ost:
  3. -aliyun-rds
  4. 当在阿里云RDS执行时设置为true
  5. -allow-master-master
  6. 允许在双主架构中使用
  7. -allow-nullable-unique-key
  8. 允许gh-ost基于带空列的唯一键进行迁移。只要不存在空值,这应该是可以的。如果在选定的键中存在空值,数据可能会被破坏
  9. -allow-on-master
  10. 允许直接在主库上迁移。最好是在从库上运行。
  11. -alter string
  12. 执行的具体命令
  13. -ask-pass
  14. 询问输入密码
  15. -chunk-size int
  16. 分批提交的最大值,默认1000
  17. -conf string
  18. 指定配置文件名
  19. -critical-load string
  20. 指定gh-osc退出的阈值,load超过这个值的话gh-osc自动退出
  21. -cut-over-lock-timeout-seconds int
  22. 定义持有锁的最大时间,超时退出
  23. -database string
  24. dbname
  25. -debug
  26. debug模式
  27. -default-retries int
  28. 重连次数
  29. -discard-foreign-keys
  30. 去除外键
  31. -dml-batch-size int
  32. 在单个事务中应用DML事件的批处理大小(范围为1-100)(默认为10)
  33. -execute
  34. 如果需要直接执行,打开此参数
  35. -master-password string
  36. master的密码
  37. -master-user string
  38. master的用户名
  39. -max-lag-millis int
  40. 监控主从延迟,超过该阈值后停止迁移,等待延迟正常
  41. -max-load string
  42. 定义数据库最大负载阈值
  43. -migrate-on-replica
  44. 在从库上迁移
  45. -nice-ratio float
  46. force being 'nice', imply sleep time per chunk time; range: [0.0..100.0]. Example values: 0 is aggressive. 1: for every 1ms spent copying rows, sleep additional 1ms (effectively doubling runtime); 0.7: for every 10ms spend in a rowcopy chunk, spend 7ms sleeping immediately after
  47. -ok-to-drop-table
  48. 迁移完成后删除旧表
  49. -password string
  50. askMySQL的密码
  51. -port int
  52. mysql的端口,默认3306
  53. -user string
  54. 用户名


  • 连接到主库,所有的操作都在主库上做变更,包括实时读取binlog,可能会造成主从复制延迟的问题

  • 连接从库,在主库上读写,读取从库的binlog,然后将变更应用到主

  • 在从库�迁移测试,即在迁移完成后,只在从库更改表结构,但是切换完成后,主库仍是旧表,从库是新表


下面我们结合general log在主库上测试一把

  1. [root@localhost tmp]# ./gh-ost -user="root" -password="xcl582388" -host="localhost" -port=3306 -allow-on-master -database="xucl" -table="t" -debug -alter "add column test varchar(10)" -assume-rbr --execute --initially-drop-old-table --ok-to-drop-table
  2. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO starting gh-ost 1.0.45
  3. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Migrating `xucl`.`t`
  4. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO connection validated on localhost:3306
  5. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO User has ALL privileges
  6. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO binary logs validated on localhost:3306
  7. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Inspector initiated on localhost.localdomain:3306, version 5.7.20-log
  8. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Table found. Engine=InnoDB
  9. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Estimated number of rows via STATUS: 0
  10. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Validated no foreign keys exist on table
  11. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Validated no triggers exist on table
  12. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Estimated number of rows via EXPLAIN: 1
  13. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Potential unique keys in t: [PRIMARY: [user flag id]; has nullable: false]
  14. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Recursively searching for replication master
  15. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Looking for master on localhost:3306
  16. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Master found to be localhost.localdomain:3306
  17. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO log_slave_updates validated on localhost:3306
  18. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO connection validated on localhost:3306
  19. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Streamer binlog coordinates: mysql-bin.000001:15862
  20. 2018/05/22 11:56:08 binlogsyncer.go:79: [info] create BinlogSyncer with config {99999 mysql localhost 3306 root false false <nil>}
  21. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Connecting binlog streamer at mysql-bin.000001:15862
  22. 2018/05/22 11:56:08 binlogsyncer.go:246: [info] begin to sync binlog from position (mysql-bin.000001, 15862)
  23. 2018/05/22 11:56:08 binlogsyncer.go:139: [info] register slave for master server localhost:3306
  24. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Beginning streaming
  25. 2018/05/22 11:56:08 binlogsyncer.go:573: [info] rotate to (mysql-bin.000001, 15862)
  26. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO rotate to next log name: mysql-bin.000001
  27. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO connection validated on localhost:3306
  28. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO connection validated on localhost:3306
  29. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO will use time_zone='SYSTEM' on applier
  30. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Examining table structure on applier
  31. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Applier initiated on localhost.localdomain:3306, version 5.7.20-log
  32. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Dropping table `xucl`.`_t_del`
  33. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Table dropped
  34. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Dropping table `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  35. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Table dropped
  36. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Creating changelog table `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  37. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Changelog table created
  38. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Creating ghost table `xucl`.`_t_gho`
  39. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Ghost table created
  40. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Altering ghost table `xucl`.`_t_gho`
  41. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG ALTER statement: alter /* gh-ost */ table `xucl`.`_t_gho` add column test varchar(10)
  42. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Ghost table altered
  43. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Intercepted changelog state GhostTableMigrated
  44. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Waiting for ghost table to be migrated. Current lag is 0s
  45. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG ghost table migrated
  46. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Handled changelog state GhostTableMigrated
  47. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Potential unique keys in _t_gho: [PRIMARY: [user flag id]; has nullable: false]
  48. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Chosen shared unique key is PRIMARY
  49. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Shared columns are user,flag,id,tttt
  50. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Listening on unix socket file: /tmp/gh-ost.xucl.t.sock
  51. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Reading migration range according to key: PRIMARY
  52. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Migration min values: [<nil>]
  53. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Reading migration range according to key: PRIMARY
  54. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Migration max values: [<nil>]
  55. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Waiting for first throttle metrics to be collected
  56. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO First throttle metrics collected
  57. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Operating until row copy is complete
  58. # Migrating `xucl`.`t`; Ghost table is `xucl`.`_t_gho`
  59. # Migrating localhost.localdomain:3306; inspecting localhost.localdomain:3306; executing on localhost.localdomain
  60. # Migration started at Tue May 22 11:56:08 +0200 2018
  61. # chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: ; critical-load: ; nice-ratio: 0.000000
  62. # throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
  63. # Serving on unix socket: /tmp/gh-ost.xucl.t.sock
  64. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping...
  65. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG No rows found in table. Rowcopy will be implicitly empty
  66. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Row copy complete
  67. # Migrating `xucl`.`t`; Ghost table is `xucl`.`_t_gho`
  68. # Migrating localhost.localdomain:3306; inspecting localhost.localdomain:3306; executing on localhost.localdomain
  69. # Migration started at Tue May 22 11:56:08 +0200 2018
  70. # chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: ; critical-load: ; nice-ratio: 0.000000
  71. # throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
  72. # Serving on unix socket: /tmp/gh-ost.xucl.t.sock
  73. Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:18076; State: migrating; ETA: due
  74. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG checking for cut-over postpone
  75. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 DEBUG checking for cut-over postpone: complete
  76. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Grabbing voluntary lock: gh-ost.41.lock
  77. Copy: 0/1 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:18076; State: migrating; ETA: N/A
  78. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Setting LOCK timeout as 6 seconds
  79. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Looking for magic cut-over table
  80. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Creating magic cut-over table `xucl`.`_t_del`
  81. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Magic cut-over table created
  82. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Locking `xucl`.`t`, `xucl`.`_t_del`
  83. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Tables locked
  84. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Session locking original & magic tables is 41
  85. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Writing changelog state: AllEventsUpToLockProcessed:1526982968208522643
  86. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Intercepted changelog state AllEventsUpToLockProcessed
  87. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Handled changelog state AllEventsUpToLockProcessed
  88. 2018-05-22 11:56:08 INFO Waiting for events up to lock
  89. 2018-05-22 11:56:09 DEBUG Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping...
  90. 2018-05-22 11:56:09 INFO Waiting for events up to lock: got AllEventsUpToLockProcessed:1526982968208522643
  91. 2018-05-22 11:56:09 INFO Done waiting for events up to lock; duration=968.589035ms
  92. # Migrating `xucl`.`t`; Ghost table is `xucl`.`_t_gho`
  93. # Migrating localhost.localdomain:3306; inspecting localhost.localdomain:3306; executing on localhost.localdomain
  94. # Migration started at Tue May 22 11:56:08 +0200 2018
  95. # chunk-size: 1000; max-lag-millis: 1500ms; dml-batch-size: 10; max-load: ; critical-load: ; nice-ratio: 0.000000
  96. # throttle-additional-flag-file: /tmp/gh-ost.throttle
  97. # Serving on unix socket: /tmp/gh-ost.xucl.t.sock
  98. Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:24040; State: migrating; ETA: due
  99. 2018-05-22 11:56:09 INFO Setting RENAME timeout as 3 seconds
  100. 2018-05-22 11:56:09 INFO Session renaming tables is 36
  101. 2018-05-22 11:56:09 INFO Issuing and expecting this to block: rename /* gh-ost */ table `xucl`.`t` to `xucl`.`_t_del`, `xucl`.`_t_gho` to `xucl`.`t`
  102. Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:24488; State: migrating; ETA: due
  103. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 DEBUG Getting nothing in the write queue. Sleeping...
  104. Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:29007; State: migrating; ETA: due
  105. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Found atomic RENAME to be blocking, as expected. Double checking the lock is still in place (though I don't strictly have to)
  106. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Checking session lock: gh-ost.41.lock
  107. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Connection holding lock on original table still exists
  108. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Will now proceed to drop magic table and unlock tables
  109. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Dropping magic cut-over table
  110. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Releasing lock from `xucl`.`t`, `xucl`.`_t_del`
  111. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Tables unlocked
  112. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Tables renamed
  113. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Lock & rename duration: 2.004491174s. During this time, queries on `t` were blocked
  114. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Looking for magic cut-over table
  115. 2018/05/22 11:56:10 binlogsyncer.go:107: [info] syncer is closing...
  116. 2018/05/22 11:56:10 binlogstreamer.go:47: [error] close sync with err: sync is been closing...
  117. 2018/05/22 11:56:10 binlogsyncer.go:122: [info] syncer is closed
  118. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Closed streamer connection. err=<nil>
  119. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Dropping table `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  120. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 DEBUG done streaming events
  121. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 DEBUG Done streaming
  122. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Table dropped
  123. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Dropping table `xucl`.`_t_del`
  124. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Table dropped
  125. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Done migrating `xucl`.`t`
  126. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Removing socket file: /tmp/gh-ost.xucl.t.sock
  127. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Tearing down inspector
  128. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Tearing down applier
  129. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 DEBUG Tearing down...
  130. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Tearing down streamer
  131. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 INFO Tearing down throttler
  132. 2018-05-22 11:56:10 DEBUG Tearing down...
  133. # Done

查看下general log如下:

  1. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.032569Z 36 Connect root@localhost on xucl using TCP/IP
  2. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.032680Z 36 Query SELECT @@max_allowed_packet
  3. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.032732Z 36 Query SET autocommit=true
  4. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.032768Z 36 Query SET NAMES utf8mb4
  5. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.032835Z 36 Query select @@global.version
  6. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.032947Z 36 Query select @@global.port
  7. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.033060Z 36 Query select @@global.hostname, @@global.port
  8. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.033136Z 36 Query show /* gh-ost */ grants for current_user()
  9. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.033853Z 36 Query select @@global.log_bin, @@global.binlog_format
  10. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.033991Z 36 Query select @@global.binlog_row_image
  11. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.034103Z 36 Query show /* gh-ost */ table status from `xucl` like 't'
  12. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.034859Z 36 Query SELECT
  16. WHERE
  20. )
  21. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.044897Z 36 Query SELECT COUNT(*) AS num_triggers
  23. WHERE
  24. TRIGGER_SCHEMA='xucl'
  26. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.052367Z 36 Query explain select /* gh-ost */ * from `xucl`.`t` where 1=1
  27. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.052842Z 36 Query SELECT
  36. LOCATE('auto_increment', EXTRA) > 0 as is_auto_increment,
  37. has_nullable
  39. SELECT
  46. SUM(NULLABLE='YES') > 0 AS has_nullable
  48. WHERE
  49. NON_UNIQUE=0
  50. AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'xucl'
  51. AND TABLE_NAME = 't'
  53. ) AS UNIQUES
  54. ON (
  58. )
  59. WHERE
  62. ORDER BY
  66. ELSE 1
  67. END,
  68. CASE has_nullable
  69. WHEN 0 THEN 0
  70. ELSE 1
  71. END,
  73. WHEN '' THEN 0
  74. ELSE 1
  75. END,
  77. WHEN 'tinyint' THEN 0
  78. WHEN 'smallint' THEN 1
  79. WHEN 'int' THEN 2
  80. WHEN 'bigint' THEN 3
  81. ELSE 100
  82. END,
  84. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.053794Z 36 Query show columns from `xucl`.`t`
  85. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.054658Z 37 Connect root@localhost on information_schema using TCP/IP
  86. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.054753Z 37 Query SELECT @@max_allowed_packet
  87. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.054836Z 37 Query SET NAMES utf8mb4
  88. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.054862Z 37 Query SET autocommit=true
  89. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.054953Z 37 Query show slave status
  90. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.055113Z 37 Quit
  91. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.055181Z 36 Query select @@global.log_slave_updates
  92. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.055274Z 36 Query select @@global.version
  93. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.055973Z 36 Query select @@global.port
  94. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.056058Z 36 Query show /* gh-ost readCurrentBinlogCoordinates */ master status
  95. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.063389Z 38 Connect root@localhost on using TCP/IP
  96. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.064119Z 38 Query SHOW GLOBAL VARIABLES LIKE 'BINLOG_CHECKSUM'
  97. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.066197Z 38 Query SET @master_binlog_checksum='NONE'
  98. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.066478Z 36 Query select @@global.version
  99. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.067845Z 38 Binlog Dump Log: 'mysql-bin.000001' Pos: 15862
  100. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.072505Z 36 Query select @@global.port
  101. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.072916Z 39 Connect root@localhost on xucl using TCP/IP
  102. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.072999Z 39 Query SELECT @@max_allowed_packet
  103. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.073068Z 39 Query SET NAMES utf8mb4
  104. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.073116Z 39 Query SET autocommit=true
  105. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.073167Z 39 Query select @@global.version
  106. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.073272Z 39 Query select @@global.port
  107. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.073354Z 36 Query select @@global.time_zone
  108. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.073430Z 36 Query select @@global.hostname, @@global.port
  109. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.078324Z 36 Query show columns from `xucl`.`t`
  110. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.079002Z 36 Query show /* gh-ost */ table status from `xucl` like '_t_gho'
  111. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.086250Z 36 Query drop /* gh-ost */ table if exists `xucl`.`_t_del`
  112. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.086565Z 36 Query show /* gh-ost */ table status from `xucl` like '_t_del'
  113. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.091585Z 36 Query drop /* gh-ost */ table if exists `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  114. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.091843Z 36 Query create /* gh-ost */ table `xucl`.`_t_ghc` (
  115. id bigint auto_increment,
  117. hint varchar(64) charset ascii not null,
  118. value varchar(4096) charset ascii not null,
  119. primary key(id),
  120. unique key hint_uidx(hint)
  121. ) auto_increment=256
  122. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.105332Z 36 Query create /* gh-ost */ table `xucl`.`_t_gho` like `xucl`.`t`
  123. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.118897Z 36 Query alter /* gh-ost */ table `xucl`.`_t_gho` add column test varchar(10)
  124. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.136898Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  125. (id, hint, value)
  126. values
  127. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  128. on duplicate key update
  129. last_update=NOW(),
  130. value=VALUES(value)
  131. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.136973Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  132. (id, hint, value)
  133. values
  134. (NULLIF(2, 0), 'state', 'GhostTableMigrated')
  135. on duplicate key update
  136. last_update=NOW(),
  137. value=VALUES(value)
  138. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.137162Z 36 Close stmt
  139. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.137316Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  140. (id, hint, value)
  141. values
  142. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  143. on duplicate key update
  144. last_update=NOW(),
  145. value=VALUES(value)
  146. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.137935Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  147. (id, hint, value)
  148. values
  149. (NULLIF(0, 0), 'state at 1526982968137068881', 'GhostTableMigrated')
  150. on duplicate key update
  151. last_update=NOW(),
  152. value=VALUES(value)
  153. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.138853Z 40 Connect root@localhost on information_schema using TCP/IP
  154. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.138921Z 40 Query SELECT @@max_allowed_packet
  155. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.142418Z 40 Query SET NAMES utf8mb4
  156. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.147283Z 36 Close stmt
  157. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.147431Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  158. (id, hint, value)
  159. values
  160. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  161. on duplicate key update
  162. last_update=NOW(),
  163. value=VALUES(value)
  164. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.147507Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  165. (id, hint, value)
  166. values
  167. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.13866344+02:00')
  168. on duplicate key update
  169. last_update=NOW(),
  170. value=VALUES(value)
  171. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.147809Z 36 Close stmt
  172. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.147837Z 40 Query SET autocommit=true
  173. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.147901Z 40 Query show slave status
  174. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.154605Z 36 Query SELECT
  183. LOCATE('auto_increment', EXTRA) > 0 as is_auto_increment,
  184. has_nullable
  186. SELECT
  188. TABLE_NAME,
  189. INDEX_NAME,
  193. SUM(NULLABLE='YES') > 0 AS has_nullable
  195. WHERE
  196. NON_UNIQUE=0
  197. AND TABLE_SCHEMA = 'xucl'
  198. AND TABLE_NAME = '_t_gho'
  200. ) AS UNIQUES
  201. ON (
  205. )
  206. WHERE
  207. COLUMNS.TABLE_SCHEMA = 'xucl'
  208. AND COLUMNS.TABLE_NAME = '_t_gho'
  209. ORDER BY
  213. ELSE 1
  214. END,
  215. CASE has_nullable
  216. WHEN 0 THEN 0
  217. ELSE 1
  218. END,
  220. WHEN '' THEN 0
  221. ELSE 1
  222. END,
  224. WHEN 'tinyint' THEN 0
  225. WHEN 'smallint' THEN 1
  226. WHEN 'int' THEN 2
  227. WHEN 'bigint' THEN 3
  228. ELSE 100
  229. END,
  231. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.155931Z 36 Query show columns from `xucl`.`_t_gho`
  232. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.161827Z 36 Query select
  233. *
  234. from
  235. information_schema.columns
  236. where
  237. table_schema='xucl'
  238. and table_name='t'
  239. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.164528Z 36 Query select
  240. *
  241. from
  242. information_schema.columns
  243. where
  244. table_schema='xucl'
  245. and table_name='t'
  246. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.165032Z 36 Query select
  247. *
  248. from
  249. information_schema.columns
  250. where
  251. table_schema='xucl'
  252. and table_name='t'
  253. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.168654Z 36 Query select
  254. *
  255. from
  256. information_schema.columns
  257. where
  258. table_schema='xucl'
  259. and table_name='_t_gho'
  260. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.174110Z 36 Query select /* gh-ost `xucl`.`t` */ `user`, `flag`, `id`
  261. from
  262. `xucl`.`t`
  263. order by
  264. `user` asc, `flag` asc, `id` asc
  265. limit 1
  266. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.174861Z 36 Query select /* gh-ost `xucl`.`t` */ `user`, `flag`, `id`
  267. from
  268. `xucl`.`t`
  269. order by
  270. `user` desc, `flag` desc, `id` desc
  271. limit 1
  272. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.175660Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  273. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.177282Z 41 Connect root@localhost on xucl using TCP/IP
  274. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.177373Z 41 Query SELECT @@max_allowed_packet
  275. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.177445Z 41 Query SET autocommit=true
  276. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.177492Z 41 Query SET NAMES utf8mb4
  277. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.177598Z 41 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  278. (id, hint, value)
  279. values
  280. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  281. on duplicate key update
  282. last_update=NOW(),
  283. value=VALUES(value)
  284. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.177694Z 41 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  285. (id, hint, value)
  286. values
  287. (NULLIF(0, 0), 'copy iteration 0 at 1526982968', 'Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:18076; State: migrating; ETA: due')
  288. on duplicate key update
  289. last_update=NOW(),
  290. value=VALUES(value)
  291. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.182899Z 41 Close stmt
  292. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.182955Z 41 Query START TRANSACTION
  293. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.183200Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  294. (id, hint, value)
  295. values
  296. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  297. on duplicate key update
  298. last_update=NOW(),
  299. value=VALUES(value)
  300. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.188933Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  301. (id, hint, value)
  302. values
  303. (NULLIF(0, 0), 'copy iteration 0 at 1526982968', 'Copy: 0/1 0.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 0s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:18076; State: migrating; ETA: N/A')
  304. on duplicate key update
  305. last_update=NOW(),
  306. value=VALUES(value)
  307. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.189266Z 41 Query select connection_id()
  308. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.189618Z 41 Query select get_lock('gh-ost.41.lock', 0)
  309. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.189677Z 36 Close stmt
  310. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.195756Z 41 Query set session lock_wait_timeout:=6
  311. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.196910Z 36 Query show /* gh-ost */ table status from `xucl` like '_t_del'
  312. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.197392Z 36 Query create /* gh-ost */ table `xucl`.`_t_del` (
  313. id int auto_increment primary key
  314. ) engine=InnoDB comment='ghost-cut-over-sentry'
  315. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.208183Z 41 Query lock /* gh-ost */ tables `xucl`.`t` write, `xucl`.`_t_del` write
  316. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.212669Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  317. (id, hint, value)
  318. values
  319. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  320. on duplicate key update
  321. last_update=NOW(),
  322. value=VALUES(value)
  323. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.213499Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  324. (id, hint, value)
  325. values
  326. (NULLIF(2, 0), 'state', 'AllEventsUpToLockProcessed:1526982968208522643')
  327. on duplicate key update
  328. last_update=NOW(),
  329. value=VALUES(value)
  330. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.215217Z 36 Close stmt
  331. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.215437Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  332. (id, hint, value)
  333. values
  334. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  335. on duplicate key update
  336. last_update=NOW(),
  337. value=VALUES(value)
  338. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.215664Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  339. (id, hint, value)
  340. values
  341. (NULLIF(0, 0), 'state at 1526982968215071085', 'AllEventsUpToLockProcessed:1526982968208522643')
  342. on duplicate key update
  343. last_update=NOW(),
  344. value=VALUES(value)
  345. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.216611Z 36 Close stmt
  346. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.248739Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  347. (id, hint, value)
  348. values
  349. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  350. on duplicate key update
  351. last_update=NOW(),
  352. value=VALUES(value)
  353. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.248821Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  354. (id, hint, value)
  355. values
  356. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.248488653+02:00')
  357. on duplicate key update
  358. last_update=NOW(),
  359. value=VALUES(value)
  360. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.249143Z 36 Close stmt
  361. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.277018Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  362. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.348104Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  363. (id, hint, value)
  364. values
  365. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  366. on duplicate key update
  367. last_update=NOW(),
  368. value=VALUES(value)
  369. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.348176Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  370. (id, hint, value)
  371. values
  372. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.347919396+02:00')
  373. on duplicate key update
  374. last_update=NOW(),
  375. value=VALUES(value)
  376. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.348452Z 36 Close stmt
  377. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.376954Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  378. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.448067Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  379. (id, hint, value)
  380. values
  381. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  382. on duplicate key update
  383. last_update=NOW(),
  384. value=VALUES(value)
  385. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.448141Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  386. (id, hint, value)
  387. values
  388. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.447880905+02:00')
  389. on duplicate key update
  390. last_update=NOW(),
  391. value=VALUES(value)
  392. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.448416Z 36 Close stmt
  393. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.478341Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  394. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.549633Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  395. (id, hint, value)
  396. values
  397. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  398. on duplicate key update
  399. last_update=NOW(),
  400. value=VALUES(value)
  401. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.549706Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  402. (id, hint, value)
  403. values
  404. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.549450894+02:00')
  405. on duplicate key update
  406. last_update=NOW(),
  407. value=VALUES(value)
  408. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.549982Z 36 Close stmt
  409. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.577941Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  410. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.648776Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  411. (id, hint, value)
  412. values
  413. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  414. on duplicate key update
  415. last_update=NOW(),
  416. value=VALUES(value)
  417. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.648848Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  418. (id, hint, value)
  419. values
  420. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.648594596+02:00')
  421. on duplicate key update
  422. last_update=NOW(),
  423. value=VALUES(value)
  424. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.649123Z 36 Close stmt
  425. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.677923Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  426. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.749249Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  427. (id, hint, value)
  428. values
  429. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  430. on duplicate key update
  431. last_update=NOW(),
  432. value=VALUES(value)
  433. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.749321Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  434. (id, hint, value)
  435. values
  436. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.74906528+02:00')
  437. on duplicate key update
  438. last_update=NOW(),
  439. value=VALUES(value)
  440. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.749610Z 36 Close stmt
  441. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.777033Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  442. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.849435Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  443. (id, hint, value)
  444. values
  445. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  446. on duplicate key update
  447. last_update=NOW(),
  448. value=VALUES(value)
  449. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.849550Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  450. (id, hint, value)
  451. values
  452. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.849202925+02:00')
  453. on duplicate key update
  454. last_update=NOW(),
  455. value=VALUES(value)
  456. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.849856Z 36 Close stmt
  457. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.877064Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  458. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.948094Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  459. (id, hint, value)
  460. values
  461. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  462. on duplicate key update
  463. last_update=NOW(),
  464. value=VALUES(value)
  465. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.948174Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  466. (id, hint, value)
  467. values
  468. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:08.947907753+02:00')
  469. on duplicate key update
  470. last_update=NOW(),
  471. value=VALUES(value)
  472. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.948446Z 36 Close stmt
  473. 2018-05-22T09:56:08.977623Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  474. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.049287Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  475. (id, hint, value)
  476. values
  477. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  478. on duplicate key update
  479. last_update=NOW(),
  480. value=VALUES(value)
  481. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.049373Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  482. (id, hint, value)
  483. values
  484. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.049052703+02:00')
  485. on duplicate key update
  486. last_update=NOW(),
  487. value=VALUES(value)
  488. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.049652Z 36 Close stmt
  489. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.078456Z 36 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  490. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.149183Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  491. (id, hint, value)
  492. values
  493. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  494. on duplicate key update
  495. last_update=NOW(),
  496. value=VALUES(value)
  497. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.149280Z 36 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  498. (id, hint, value)
  499. values
  500. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.148887407+02:00')
  501. on duplicate key update
  502. last_update=NOW(),
  503. value=VALUES(value)
  504. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.149589Z 36 Close stmt
  505. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.177707Z 42 Connect root@localhost on xucl using TCP/IP
  506. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.177800Z 42 Query SELECT @@max_allowed_packet
  507. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.178241Z 42 Query SET autocommit=true
  508. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.178702Z 42 Query SET NAMES utf8mb4
  509. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.178841Z 42 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  510. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.179146Z 36 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  511. (id, hint, value)
  512. values
  513. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  514. on duplicate key update
  515. last_update=NOW(),
  516. value=VALUES(value)
  517. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.179293Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  518. (id, hint, value)
  519. values
  520. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  521. on duplicate key update
  522. last_update=NOW(),
  523. value=VALUES(value)
  524. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.179377Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  525. (id, hint, value)
  526. values
  527. (NULLIF(0, 0), 'copy iteration 0 at 1526982969', 'Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:24040; State: migrating; ETA: due')
  528. on duplicate key update
  529. last_update=NOW(),
  530. value=VALUES(value)
  531. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.183848Z 42 Close stmt
  532. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.183884Z 36 Close stmt
  533. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.183924Z 36 Query START TRANSACTION
  534. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.184149Z 36 Query select connection_id()
  535. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.189229Z 42 Query select id
  536. from information_schema.processlist
  537. where
  538. id != connection_id()
  539. and 36 in (0, id)
  540. and state like concat('%', 'metadata lock', '%')
  541. and info like concat('%', 'rename', '%')
  542. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.189557Z 36 Query set session lock_wait_timeout:=3
  543. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.191289Z 43 Connect root@localhost on xucl using TCP/IP
  544. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.191372Z 36 Query rename /* gh-ost */ table `xucl`.`t` to `xucl`.`_t_del`, `xucl`.`_t_gho` to `xucl`.`t`
  545. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.199314Z 43 Query SELECT @@max_allowed_packet
  546. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.200038Z 43 Query SET autocommit=true
  547. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.200105Z 43 Query SET NAMES utf8mb4
  548. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.200261Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  549. (id, hint, value)
  550. values
  551. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  552. on duplicate key update
  553. last_update=NOW(),
  554. value=VALUES(value)
  555. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.200404Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  556. (id, hint, value)
  557. values
  558. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  559. on duplicate key update
  560. last_update=NOW(),
  561. value=VALUES(value)
  562. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.200448Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  563. (id, hint, value)
  564. values
  565. (NULLIF(0, 0), 'copy iteration 0 at 1526982969', 'Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 1s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:24488; State: migrating; ETA: due')
  566. on duplicate key update
  567. last_update=NOW(),
  568. value=VALUES(value)
  569. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.201584Z 42 Close stmt
  570. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.201644Z 43 Close stmt
  571. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.248258Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  572. (id, hint, value)
  573. values
  574. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  575. on duplicate key update
  576. last_update=NOW(),
  577. value=VALUES(value)
  578. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.248366Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  579. (id, hint, value)
  580. values
  581. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  582. on duplicate key update
  583. last_update=NOW(),
  584. value=VALUES(value)
  585. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.248411Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  586. (id, hint, value)
  587. values
  588. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.248052978+02:00')
  589. on duplicate key update
  590. last_update=NOW(),
  591. value=VALUES(value)
  592. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.248704Z 43 Close stmt
  593. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.248716Z 42 Close stmt
  594. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.277169Z 43 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  595. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.348123Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  596. (id, hint, value)
  597. values
  598. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  599. on duplicate key update
  600. last_update=NOW(),
  601. value=VALUES(value)
  602. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.348254Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  603. (id, hint, value)
  604. values
  605. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  606. on duplicate key update
  607. last_update=NOW(),
  608. value=VALUES(value)
  609. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.348304Z 43 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  610. (id, hint, value)
  611. values
  612. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.347931458+02:00')
  613. on duplicate key update
  614. last_update=NOW(),
  615. value=VALUES(value)
  616. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.348585Z 42 Close stmt
  617. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.348597Z 43 Close stmt
  618. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.376970Z 42 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  619. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.448083Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  620. (id, hint, value)
  621. values
  622. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  623. on duplicate key update
  624. last_update=NOW(),
  625. value=VALUES(value)
  626. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.448188Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  627. (id, hint, value)
  628. values
  629. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  630. on duplicate key update
  631. last_update=NOW(),
  632. value=VALUES(value)
  633. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.448233Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  634. (id, hint, value)
  635. values
  636. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.447894653+02:00')
  637. on duplicate key update
  638. last_update=NOW(),
  639. value=VALUES(value)
  640. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.448513Z 42 Close stmt
  641. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.448524Z 43 Close stmt
  642. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.477078Z 43 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  643. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.548943Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  644. (id, hint, value)
  645. values
  646. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  647. on duplicate key update
  648. last_update=NOW(),
  649. value=VALUES(value)
  650. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.549054Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  651. (id, hint, value)
  652. values
  653. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  654. on duplicate key update
  655. last_update=NOW(),
  656. value=VALUES(value)
  657. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.549102Z 43 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  658. (id, hint, value)
  659. values
  660. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.548760771+02:00')
  661. on duplicate key update
  662. last_update=NOW(),
  663. value=VALUES(value)
  664. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.549382Z 42 Close stmt
  665. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.549393Z 43 Close stmt
  666. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.578227Z 42 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  667. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.648137Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  668. (id, hint, value)
  669. values
  670. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  671. on duplicate key update
  672. last_update=NOW(),
  673. value=VALUES(value)
  674. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.648241Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  675. (id, hint, value)
  676. values
  677. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  678. on duplicate key update
  679. last_update=NOW(),
  680. value=VALUES(value)
  681. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.648286Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  682. (id, hint, value)
  683. values
  684. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.647954397+02:00')
  685. on duplicate key update
  686. last_update=NOW(),
  687. value=VALUES(value)
  688. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.648568Z 43 Close stmt
  689. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.648579Z 42 Close stmt
  690. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.677111Z 43 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  691. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.748068Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  692. (id, hint, value)
  693. values
  694. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  695. on duplicate key update
  696. last_update=NOW(),
  697. value=VALUES(value)
  698. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.748171Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  699. (id, hint, value)
  700. values
  701. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  702. on duplicate key update
  703. last_update=NOW(),
  704. value=VALUES(value)
  705. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.748216Z 43 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  706. (id, hint, value)
  707. values
  708. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.747886726+02:00')
  709. on duplicate key update
  710. last_update=NOW(),
  711. value=VALUES(value)
  712. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.748497Z 42 Close stmt
  713. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.748508Z 43 Close stmt
  714. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.777156Z 42 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  715. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.848840Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  716. (id, hint, value)
  717. values
  718. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  719. on duplicate key update
  720. last_update=NOW(),
  721. value=VALUES(value)
  722. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.850017Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  723. (id, hint, value)
  724. values
  725. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  726. on duplicate key update
  727. last_update=NOW(),
  728. value=VALUES(value)
  729. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.850104Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  730. (id, hint, value)
  731. values
  732. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.848555183+02:00')
  733. on duplicate key update
  734. last_update=NOW(),
  735. value=VALUES(value)
  736. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.850528Z 43 Close stmt
  737. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.850542Z 42 Close stmt
  738. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.877177Z 43 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  739. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.949419Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  740. (id, hint, value)
  741. values
  742. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  743. on duplicate key update
  744. last_update=NOW(),
  745. value=VALUES(value)
  746. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.949524Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  747. (id, hint, value)
  748. values
  749. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  750. on duplicate key update
  751. last_update=NOW(),
  752. value=VALUES(value)
  753. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.949569Z 43 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  754. (id, hint, value)
  755. values
  756. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:09.949216417+02:00')
  757. on duplicate key update
  758. last_update=NOW(),
  759. value=VALUES(value)
  760. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.949850Z 42 Close stmt
  761. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.949862Z 43 Close stmt
  762. 2018-05-22T09:56:09.977901Z 42 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  763. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.049520Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  764. (id, hint, value)
  765. values
  766. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  767. on duplicate key update
  768. last_update=NOW(),
  769. value=VALUES(value)
  770. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.049637Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  771. (id, hint, value)
  772. values
  773. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  774. on duplicate key update
  775. last_update=NOW(),
  776. value=VALUES(value)
  777. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.049684Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  778. (id, hint, value)
  779. values
  780. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:10.049317922+02:00')
  781. on duplicate key update
  782. last_update=NOW(),
  783. value=VALUES(value)
  784. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.049970Z 43 Close stmt
  785. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.049981Z 42 Close stmt
  786. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.077077Z 43 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  787. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.148090Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  788. (id, hint, value)
  789. values
  790. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  791. on duplicate key update
  792. last_update=NOW(),
  793. value=VALUES(value)
  794. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.148195Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  795. (id, hint, value)
  796. values
  797. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  798. on duplicate key update
  799. last_update=NOW(),
  800. value=VALUES(value)
  801. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.148240Z 43 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  802. (id, hint, value)
  803. values
  804. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:10.147897501+02:00')
  805. on duplicate key update
  806. last_update=NOW(),
  807. value=VALUES(value)
  808. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.148527Z 42 Close stmt
  809. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.148538Z 43 Close stmt
  810. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.177953Z 42 Query select hint, value from `xucl`.`_t_ghc` where hint = 'heartbeat' and id <= 255
  811. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.189863Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  812. (id, hint, value)
  813. values
  814. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  815. on duplicate key update
  816. last_update=NOW(),
  817. value=VALUES(value)
  818. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.189967Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  819. (id, hint, value)
  820. values
  821. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  822. on duplicate key update
  823. last_update=NOW(),
  824. value=VALUES(value)
  825. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.190014Z 42 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  826. (id, hint, value)
  827. values
  828. (NULLIF(0, 0), 'copy iteration 0 at 1526982970', 'Copy: 0/0 100.0%; Applied: 0; Backlog: 0/1000; Time: 2s(total), 0s(copy); streamer: mysql-bin.000001:29007; State: migrating; ETA: due')
  829. on duplicate key update
  830. last_update=NOW(),
  831. value=VALUES(value)
  832. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.190280Z 43 Close stmt
  833. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.190292Z 42 Close stmt
  834. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.192997Z 43 Query select id
  835. from information_schema.processlist
  836. where
  837. id != connection_id()
  838. and 36 in (0, id)
  839. and state like concat('%', 'metadata lock', '%')
  840. and info like concat('%', 'rename', '%')
  841. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.194342Z 42 Query select is_used_lock('gh-ost.41.lock')
  842. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.194469Z 41 Query drop /* gh-ost */ table if exists `xucl`.`_t_del`
  843. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.204711Z 41 Query unlock tables
  844. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.205209Z 41 Query ROLLBACK
  845. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.205210Z 41 Quit
  846. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.212698Z 43 Query show /* gh-ost */ table status from `xucl` like '_t_del'
  847. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.214087Z 36 Query ROLLBACK
  848. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.214211Z 36 Quit
  849. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.249618Z 42 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  850. (id, hint, value)
  851. values
  852. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  853. on duplicate key update
  854. last_update=NOW(),
  855. value=VALUES(value)
  856. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.249924Z 43 Prepare insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  857. (id, hint, value)
  858. values
  859. (NULLIF(?, 0), ?, ?)
  860. on duplicate key update
  861. last_update=NOW(),
  862. value=VALUES(value)
  863. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.249992Z 43 Execute insert /* gh-ost */ into `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  864. (id, hint, value)
  865. values
  866. (NULLIF(1, 0), 'heartbeat', '2018-05-22T11:56:10.248964488+02:00')
  867. on duplicate key update
  868. last_update=NOW(),
  869. value=VALUES(value)
  870. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.250372Z 42 Query drop /* gh-ost */ table if exists `xucl`.`_t_ghc`
  871. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.257636Z 42 Close stmt
  872. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.257674Z 43 Query drop /* gh-ost */ table if exists `xucl`.`_t_del`
  873. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.266537Z 40 Quit
  874. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.266589Z 39 Quit
  875. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.267238Z 42 Quit
  876. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.267326Z 43 Close stmt
  877. 2018-05-22T09:56:10.267333Z 43 Quit


  • 直连主库

  • 主库上创建ghost表

  • 新表(ghost表)上直接alter修改表结构

  • 迁移原表数据到新表

  • 拉取解析binlog事件,应用到新表

  • cut-over阶段,用新表替换掉原表