title: 错误码

错误码 错误信息 描述
26001 The server indicated that this operation failed 云端原因导致操作失败。
26002 Wilddog server is busy now, please try again later 服务器繁忙。
26003 Server unavailable 服务不可用。
26101 This client does not have permission to perform this operation 客户端没有权限执行此操作
26102 Quota limit exceeded. Please contact support@wilddog.com 超出套餐限制,请续费或者联系 support@wilddog.com。
26103 QPS speeding, please reduce qps 操作数据超过 5 秒 120 次的限制( 读操作不受此限制)。
26104 Data requested exceeds the maximum size that can be accessed with a single request 单次请求数据量过大。请参考 数据限制 )
26105 Size of the leaf node exceeds the limitation (1M bytes) 单个叶子节点的数据大小不能大于 1M。
26106 1. Path specified exceeds the maximum length that can be written (768 bytes) 2. Path specified exceeds the maximum depth that can be written (32) 路径长度不能大于 768 个字节,路径深度不能大于 32
26107 Connection refused (too many connections) 独立设备数超限
26108 App has been frozen App 停止服务,余额不足开通下个月套餐
26201 Transaction hash does not match 事务操作时数据已被其他客户端修改。
26202 User code called from the SyncReference runloop threw an exception:\n 客户端异常。
26203 The transaction had too many retries 事务操作重试次数超过限制。
26204 The transaction was overridden by a subsequent set 事务操作被随后的写操作覆盖。
26301 Could not set priority on non-existent node 不能给不存在的节点设置 priority
26801 The supplied auth token has expired token 过期。
26802 The supplied auth token was invalid token 无效。
29999 Unknown error 未知错误。