title: 错误码

错误码 错误信息 描述
22001 The server indicated that this operation failed 服务异常,操作失败
22002 The supplied auth token has expired 该 token 已过期
22003 The fetch token has expired oauth token 已过期,获取失败,请联系 wilddog
22004 The supplied auth token was invalid 用户提供的 token 无效
22005 The transaction had too many retries 用户创建失败,请重试
22006 The specified authentication type is not enabled for this Wilddog. 未开启身份认证功能,请在控制台开启后重试
22007 The specified authentication sign is the auth secret . token 认证需要超级密钥
22008 Invalid provider specified, please check application code. 身份认证提供商调用错误,请联系野狗 support@wilddog.com
22009 The specified email address is incorrect. 该邮箱地址无效
22010 The specified password is incorrect. 该密码不正确
22011 The specified user does not exist. 该用户不存在
22012 A security error occurred while processing the authentication request. 身份认证过程中,发生了安全错误
22013 The specified email address is already in use. 该邮箱地址已经使用
22014 Invalid authentication credentials provided. 该身份认证凭证无效
22015 Invalid authentication arguments provided. 该身份认证参数无效
22016 A third_party provider error occurred. See data for details. 第三方身份认证提供商发生错误,查看信息了解详情
22018 Invalid oobCode. 本次重置密码请求无效的
22101 AppUser not exist. Please check appId 该野狗用户不存在,请检查 appid
22201 User can only be linked to one identity for the given provider.” 每个 oauth 身份认证提供商,用户只能绑定一次
22202 Client use upgrade API , but token is old version 用户已经升级 api,但 token 仍是旧版
22203 The email address is already in use by another account 邮箱地址已经被其他账户使用
22204 This identity already linked anotheraccount. 该身份已经与其他账户绑定
22205 The account doesn’t hava a email. 该账户没有绑定邮箱
22206 There is no user record corresponding to this identifier. The user may have been deleted. 没有对应用户记录,该用户可能已经被删除
22207 The token was parsed error. 该 token 解析失败
22208 User can only be linked to one identity for the given provider. 每个用户只能绑定一次野狗登录方式
22209 The user try to do security_sensitive actions require that the user has recently signed in 该用户尝试安全敏感操作,但登录时间过长,需重新登录
22210 The user not have password provider 该用户没有 wilddog 登录方式
22211 Password’s length must between 6 and 32 密码的长度必须在 6 到 32 位
22212 DisplayName length must be length than 20 昵称长度必须小于 20 位
22213 PhotoUrl length must be length than 1024 照片地址长度必须小于 1024 位
22214 This token is not for this app 此 token 不属于该应用
22215 This token’s type is not correct 该 token 类型不正确
22216 This idtoken’s claims is not correct wilddog id token 自定义字段不正确
22217 This token’s userid in not valid 该 token 的 wilddog id 无效
22218 This idtoken’s wilddog claim is error wilddog 属性不正确
22219 The specified phone is incorrect. 该手机号码不正确
22220 The email is not exist 该邮箱不存在
22221 The phone is not exist 该手机号不存在
22222 When user’s operation with phone, the smsCode must be carried 该手机未发送过验证码,请检查
22223 Send smsCode occurred error, Please try it again 发送验证码发生错误,请重试
22224 The phone is already in use by another account. 该手机号已被其他账户使用
22225 Photo url or display name contain illegal special characters 照片地址或昵称包含非法字符
22226 Sms code error , please retry to send sms code 短信验证码错误,请重新发送验证码
22227 Sms server error , Please try again 短信服务错误,请重试
22230 Sms forbidden error , Please apply for the sms server 短信禁止使用,请申请短信服务
22232 Sms type is empty 短信类型为空
22233 Weapp login error, Please see the details 微信小程序登录错误,请查看详情
22234 Weapp userinfo sign check failed, Please check it and try again 微信小程序用户信息签名校验失败,请重新检查后重试
22235 Sms frequency error . 短信发送过于频繁
22236 Your account must have at least ¥5 to use sms service 帐户余额不足5元,不能开启短信服务
22237 Your account rate insufficient balance 账户余额不足
22238 Your account dose not have enough balance for this api call 账户余额不足,本次发送无法完成,请充值
22239 Exceeded max api call frequency 发送接口调用频繁,超过每秒 10 次,请稍后重试
29999 An unknown error ocurred 发生未知错误