DDL 数据定义语言, create,alter,drop
DML 数据操作语言,insert,delete,update,select
DCL 数据控制语言, grant, revoke
创建数据库 create database 数据库名;
创建表 create table 表名(列名 数据类型[Primary key|Unique] [Not null] [, 列名 数据类型 [Not null], …]);
Create table student(S# char(8) not null, Sname char(10),Ssex char(2),
Sage integer, D# char(2), Sclass char(6));
Create table course (Cid character(3),cname character(12),chours integer,credit real(1),T# char(3));
dept (D# char(2),Dname char(10),dean char(10));
teacher(T# char(3),Tname char(10),D# char(2),salary float(2))
SC(S# char(8), c# char(3),score float(1))
insert into 表名[(列名,[,列名]…] values (值,[,值],…);
insert into student values(‘98030101’,’张三’,’男’,20,’03’,’980301’);
insert into student values
查询语句 select 列名 [[,列名]..] from 表名 [where 检索条件];
select sid,sname from student;
select * from student;
检索教师表中所有工资少于1500元或工资大于2000元 并且是03系的教师姓名
select tname
from teacher
where (salary<1500 or salary > 2000) and did=’03’;
select sid from sc where cid=’001’ or cid=’002’;
select sc1.sid sid from sc sc1,sc sc2
where sc1.sid=sc2.sid and sc1.cid=’001’ and sc2.cid=’002’;
select DISTINCT sid from sc where score>80;
结果排序问题 order by 列名 [asc|desc]
select sid from sc where cid=’002’ and score>80 order by score desc;
列名 [not] like “字符串”
% 匹配0个或多个字符
_ 匹配任意单个字符
\ 转义
\% 表示匹配字符”%”
select sid,sname from student where sname like ‘张%’;
select sname from student where sname like ‘张__’;
select 列名 from 表名1,表名2,… where 检索条件;
select sname from student,sc
where student.sid=sc.sid and sc.cid=’001’
order by score desc;
select sc1.sid as student1, sc2.sid as student2
from sc sc1,sc sc2
where (sc1.cid=sc2.cid) and sc1.cid=’001’ and sc1.score>sc2.score;
select sc1.sid from sc sc1,sc sc2
where sc1.sid=sc2.sid and sc1.cid=’001’ and sc2.cid=’002’ and sc1.score>sc2.score;
delete from 表名 [where 条件表达式];
update 表名
set 列名=表达式|(子查询)
[where 条件表达式]
alter table tablename
[add {colname datatype,…}] 增加新列
[drop{完整性约束名}] 删除完整性约束
[modify{colname datatype,…}] 修改列定义
撤销表 drop table 表名
撤销数据库 drop database 数据库名;
指定当前数据库 use 数据库名
关闭当前数据库 close 数据库名
select sname from student where 60 > all (select score from sc
where s3=student.s#)
select s# from sc where sc.c#=’001’ and sc.score >= all
( select score from sc where sc.c#=’001’)
select c# from sc where sc.s#=’98030101’ and sc.score <=all
(select score from sc where sc.s#=’98030101’)
select C# from SC,student s
where sname=’张三’ and s.s#=sc.s# and
score <= all( select score from sc
where s#=s.s#);
θ any 和some是一个意思,都是存在一个,尽量不使用any
= some 和 in 等价
exist (子查询) 难点,,多练习
表示 子查询结果有无元组存在
select distinct s# from sc sc1
where not exists
(select from sc sc2
where sc2.s#=’98030101’ and not exists
(select from sc
where c#=sc2.c# and s#=sc1.s#));
分组 group by 分组条件
Having子句,分组过滤子句,需要group by支持,写在group by 后面
select S# from sc
where score < 60
group by s# having count(*)>2;
distinct 不用于*,必须指定某一列
null不能用= 要用is
is [not] null
create view view_name [(列名 [,列名]…)]
as 子查询 [which check option]
带聚集函数的视图,使用了unique或distinct,group by,算术表达式计算的列,单个表的列构成但没有包考主键的不可更新
drop view view_name;
create table companies
name char(100),
country char(100)
create table trades
id int(20),
seller char(100),
buyer char(100),
value int(10)
insert into companies values
(‘None at all’,’Nothingland’);
insert into trades values
select country,ifnull(sum(value),0) export from companies left join trades on companies.name=trades.seller group by country;
select country,ifnull(sum(value),0) import from companies left join trades on companies.name=trades.buyer group by country;
select a.country,a.export,b.import from
(select country,ifnull(sum(value),0) export from companies left join trades on companies.name=trades.seller group by country) a join
(select country,ifnull(sum(value),0) import from companies left join trades on companies.name=trades.buyer group by country) b on a.country=b.country;
create table transfers(
name varchar(30) not null,
money integer not null);
insert into transfers values
select name,sum(money) as sum1 from transfers where money>0 group by name;
select name,-sum(money) as sum2 from transfers where money<0 group by name;
select t1.name,ifnull(t1.sum1,0) sum_of_deposits,ifnull(t2.sum2,0) sum_of_withdrawals from (select name,sum(money) as sum1 from transfers where money>0 group by name) t1 left join (select name,-sum(money) as sum2 from transfers where money<0 group by name) t2 on t1.name=t2.name;
select t1.name,ifnull(t1.sum1,0) sum_of_deposits,ifnull(t2.sum2,0) sum_of_withdrawals from (select name,sum(money) as sum1 from transfers where money>0 group by name) t1 left join (select name,-sum(money) as sum2 from transfers where money<0 group by name) t2 on t1.name=t2.name
select t2.name,ifnull(t1.sum1,0) sum_of_deposits,ifnull(t2.sum2,0) sum_of_withdrawals from (select name,sum(money) as sum1 from transfers where money>0 group by name) t1 right join (select name,-sum(money) as sum2 from transfers where money<0 group by name) t2 on t1.name=t2.name
order by name;
mysql没有full join,可以使用left join和right join ,然后union。