

I was a single mother, jobless, diagnosed with depression,
barely able to keep the lights on, or feed my daughter.
I am now one of the most successful and wealthy women in the world.
whose billionaire status was stripped after donating too much to charity.
I have been named most influential woman in Britain and once upon a time ,
conceived a story now worth 25 billion dollars.
I was born on July the 31th 1965 in Yate Gloucestershire, England
My father was an aircraft engineer and my mother is science technician.
I always surrounded myself with stories and lived in books being your average bookworm.
To this day my favorite book remains Jessica Mitford s autobiography.
While other kids played sports went shopping or saw movies.
I was at home quietly reading everything Mitford had to offer.
She became my heroine, One who followed her heart to the very end.
One of my earliest memories was my love for writting .
I wrote my first book titled “Rabbits” when i was six years old.
My favorite were fantasy stories for my sister where we both particularly interested in the fantastical.
Where words were in the extraordinary hid among the ordinary.
Primary school was unexciting to me and was especially strict.
As a way to escape, writing became my distraction but as much as i tried to escape,消遣
targedy struck when my mother was cursed with an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis.多发性硬化症
An unforgiving neurological disease that impairs motor control and cognition.
There was , still is , no cure.
I felt helpless.
But , i believed if i could achieve my dream as a witer ,so too would my other dreams come true.
To see mom health and happy .
And so , I wrote believing ,hopping it would eventually fight off her disease.
My dream school was Oxford University.
But , when i was rejected , i enrolled at the University of Exeter.
I eventually graduated and continued to write stories.
While working at a number jobs i thought would be only temporary as i pursued a career as an author.
Although i wanted to be a writer , i flet like a drifter.流浪汉
At this point all i had were two adult novels ,which never saw the light of day.
Family and friends began to worry about my career.
trying to convince me that i should “let go” of writing
and focus on getting a “real job” because there was no money in writing.
I was torn.被现实击溃
But suddenly like a bolt of lightning.
In 1990, on an excruciatingly train ride from Manchester to London.
a curious stroy of a young boy attending a school of wizardry came fully formed.魔法

It didnt take long until i retreated into a certain numb cold and unhappy state.
I fell into a depression.
Looking at my daughter i felt fear . Fear that she would die because i was a failure.
Increasingly i became exhausted of all hope and peace.
Consumed by fear and judgement of others. 吞噬
I felt as if a dark figure was slowly sucking the life out of me.
Soon, i felt like there was no reason for me to live anymore.
I became afraid of living and contemplated suicide.
I could not care less about myself.
But fortunately for me , i still had Jessica.
And staring into my daughter eyes i knew i could not leave her an orphan.
Clinically diagnosed with depression.
I walk into a small clinic tears falling with the pen.
as i signed my name and began to heal.
I attended sessions regularly and only after a period of counselling.
I realized , that not only did i have a daughter to feed , but now , a book to write.
Still homeless,
I began writing on an old typewriter and managed to finish a manuscript of an entire story.
I submitted the book to 12 publishing houses and was rejected by every single one.