SMS Signing API

  • Support for creating, modifying, querying, and deleting SMS signatures

HTTP Authentication

Use HTTP Basic Authentication to do access authorization. In this way, the entire API request can be completed by common HTTP tools such as curl, browser plugins, etc.

A field (Key/Value pair) is added in the HTTP Header:

  1. Authorization: Basic base64_auth_string

The generation algorithm of base64_auth_string is: base64(appKey:masterSecret), that is: appKey plus a colon, plus string assembled by masterSecret, and then do a base64 conversion. appKey, masterSecret can be viewed in the application settings of console.

Create Signature API

Function Description

  • Create SMS Signature

Call Address

Request Example

Please note that the content-type is multipart/form-data.

  1. curl -X POST \
  2. \
  3. -u '7d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1' \
  4. -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data;' \
  5. -F 'sign=申请的签名'


sign TRUE Signature content
image0 FALSE Signature review with picture
image1 FALSE Signature review with picture
image2 FALSE Signature review with picture
image3 FALSE Signature review with picture

Return Example

Successful Request

  1. {"sign_id": 37582}

Failed Request

  1. {
  2. "error": {
  3. "code": *****,
  4. "message": "*****"
  5. }
  6. }

Modify Signature API

Function Description

  • Modify the signature that failed the audit and submit the audit again

Call Address

Request Example

  1. curl -X POST \
  2. \
  3. -u '7d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1' \
  4. -H 'content-type: multipart/form-data;' \
  5. -F 'sign=修改的签名'


sign TRUE Signature content
image0 FALSE Signature review with picture
image1 FALSE Signature review with picture
image2 FALSE Signature review with picture
image3 FALSE Signature review with picture

Return Example

Successful Request

  1. {"sign_id": 37582}

Failed Request

  1. {
  2. "error": {
  3. "code": *****,
  4. "message": "*****"
  5. }
  6. }

Query Signature API

Function Description

  • Query SMS signature

Call Address

Request Example

  1. curl --insecure -X GET -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "7d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1"

Return Example

Successful Request

  1. {
  2. "sign_id": 37582,
  3. "sign": "极光推送",
  4. "status": 1, //签名审核状态,1为通过,2为未通过
  5. "use_status": 1 //签名使用状态,1为使用中,0为未使用
  6. }

Failed Request

  1. {
  2. "error": {
  3. "code": *****,
  4. "message": "*****"
  5. }
  6. }

Delete Signature API

Function Description

  • Delete SMS signature

Call Address

Request Example

  1. curl --insecure -X DELETE -v -H "Content-Type: application/json" -u "7d431e42dfa6a6d693ac2d04:5e987ac6d2e04d95a9d8f0d1"

Return Example

Successful Request

  1. HTTP/1.0 200
  2. Content-Type: application/json
  3. Content-Length: 0

Failed Request

  1. {
  2. "error": {
  3. "code": *****,
  4. "message": "*****"
  5. }
  6. }

Return Code

200 50000 success Successful Request
400 50001 missing auth auth is empty
401 50002 auth failed Authentication of Auth failed
400 50003 missing body body is empty
403 50007 invalid body body is invalid
403 50008 no sms code auth Not open SMS service
403 50013 invalid temp_id Template ID is empty
404 50016 api not found API does not exist
415 50017 media not supported Media type is not supported
405 50018 request method not support Request method is not supported
500 50019 server error Server exception
403 50025 wrong template type Wrong template type
403 50101 invalid image Illegal picture
403 50102 invalid sign id Illegal signature id
403 50103 other signatures in the audit Other pending signatures exists and cannot be submitted
403 50104 invalid signature Illegal signature content
403 50105 the signature in use cannot be deleted The signature in use cannot be deleted