JMessage PC SDK Development Guide


JMessage PC SDK develops with C++ languageon the basis of Web SDK protocol, and provides an easy-to-use C++ interface.

The compiler supports VS2017 (msvc141) and is compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8/8.1, and Windows 10.

MacOS supports Clang5+, MacOS 10.13 (x86_64)


  • Real-time messages, offline messages, single chats, group chats, chat rooms
  • Message types support text, voice, pictures, files, location, custom messages, etc.
  • task/then asynchronous interface based on cpprestsdk (more about the task). The upper layer can invoke the asynchronous interface by using the callback or co_await mode.
  • Features based on WEB SDK. Developers can refer to Web SDK.


Need to provide relevant parameters When the SDK is initializing.

  • appkey : an IM application appkey registered by the developer on Jiguang platform
  • randomStr : a random string of 20-36 lengths, used as a signature salt
  • timestamp : current timestamp, used to prevent replay attacks. Accurate to millisecond.
  • signature : signature, which is expired after 10 minutes

The generation algorithm of signature is as follows

  1. signature = md5("appkey={appkey}&timestamp={timestamp}&random_str={randomStr}&key={secret}")

Secret is an IM application masterSecret registered by the developer on Jiguang platforms

It is not recommended to calculate the signature on the client, since there is a risk of leaking masterSecret

  1. //签名生成示例(Qt):
  2. auto timestamp = QDateTime::currentDateTime().toMSecsSinceEpoch();
  3. auto str = QString("appkey=007a1134fb361233c566a1cc&timestamp=%1&random_str=022cd9fd995849b58b3ef0e943421ed9&key=122d61038232226fc12d0422").arg(time);
  4. auto signature = QCryptographicHash::hash(str.toUtf8(), QCryptographicHash::Md5).toHex().toStdString();

Quick Start


Simple Examples

  1. There are two ways to use the SDK package:

    1. Using the NuGet package, right-click your project in Visual Studio and select Manage Nuget Packages

      Select the browse page, search for jmessage-cpp, and install the required SDK version

    2. Manually download the SDK and unzip it

      • Add SDK include directory to Project property page -> C/C++ -> General -> Additional include directory
      • Add the SDK lib directory to thc Project property page -> Linker -> General -> Additional include directory
      • Link the SDK library and add Jmcpp.libin the Release configuration and Jmcppd.lib in the Debug configuration in Project property page -> Linker -> Input -> Additional dependencies
  2. Create Client

  • Client class provides the main function of the SDK, so first create a Client object
  • The Configuration parameter configures the Client, including the SDK cache path, log level, etc. Generally choose the default.
  1. #include <Jmcpp/Client.h> // 包含头文件
  2. Jmcpp::Configuration cfg; // 默认配置
  3. Jmcpp::Client client(cfg); //创建Client对象
  1. Before logging in, the SDK should set the corresponding listener callback to handle message reception events.
  • The SDK provides a callback interface for message listening. The messages are divided into real-time messages (messages received when users are online) and offline messages.
  1. // 监听消息
  2. client.onMessageReceive([](Jmcpp::MessagePtr msg)
  3. {
  4. auto content = msg->content;
  5. if(std::holds_alternative<Jmcpp::TextContent>(content))
  6. {
  7. auto&& imageCont = std::get<Jmcpp::TextContent>(content);
  8. std::cout
  9. << msg->sender.username << " send to "
  10. << msg->receiver.username << " : "
  11. << imageCont.text
  12. << std::endl;
  13. }
  14. else if(std::holds_alternative<Jmcpp::ImageContent>(content))
  15. {
  16. }
  17. else
  18. {
  19. }
  20. });
  21. // 监听同步消息
  22. client.onMessageSync([](std::vector<Jmcpp::MessagePtr> msgs)
  23. {
  24. });
  • The SDK provides a callback interface for event listening. The events are divided into real-time events and synchronization events.
  1. // 监听实时事件
  2. client.onEventReceive([](Jmcpp::Event ev)
  3. {
  4. if(std::holds_alternative<Jmcpp::ForceLogoutEvent>(ev))
  5. {
  6. auto&& e = std::get<Jmcpp::ForceLogoutEvent>(ev);
  7. }
  8. else if(std::holds_alternative<Jmcpp::MessageRetractedEvent>(ev))
  9. {
  10. auto&& e = std::get<Jmcpp::MessageRetractedEvent>(ev);
  11. }
  12. else
  13. {
  14. //...
  15. }
  16. });
  17. // 监听事件同步
  18. client.onEventSync([](std::vector<Jmcpp::Event> ev)
  19. {
  20. //...
  21. });
  1. Login, Authentication, and Send Messages
  • Login and registration of SDK requires developer’s authentication, where the signature should be obtained by the developer through a service or other means. It is not recommended to use the masterSecret calculation on the client. Here just a demonstration usage.
  1. Jmcpp::Authorization auth;
  2. auth.appKey = "25b693b31d2c2ad5f072ef0c";
  3. auth.randomStr = "022cd9fd995849b58b3ef0e943421ed9";
  4. auth.timestamp = "1467967210887";// 使用时应该获取当前事件戳,这里只是演示
  5. auth.signature = "D97C2DDA3E46E5E6D482E9E8EE84AF93";//使用时应该动态计算得到,这里只是演示
  6. //登录
  7. client.login("yourUsername", "yourPassword",auth).get();
  8. // 创建一条文本消息内容
  9. auto content = client.createTextContent("hello!").get();
  10. // 创建消息,包含要发送的用户或群
  11. auto msg = client.buildMessage(Jmcpp::UserId("targetUsername"), content);
  12. // 发送消息
  13. client.sendMessage(msg).get();
  1. Log out and Destroy Client
  1. client.logout();
  1. Error Handling
  1. try{
  2. client.login("yourUsername", "yourPassword", getAuthorization()).get();
  3. auto content = client.createTextContent("hello!").get();
  4. auto msg = client.buildMessage(Jmcpp::UserId("test"), content);
  5. client.sendMessage(msg).get();
  6. client.logout();
  7. }
  8. catch(Jmcpp::ServerException& e)
  9. {
  10. // API 服务器调用返回的错误
  11. std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
  12. }
  13. catch(std::system_error& e)
  14. {
  15. // API 调用产生的其它错误
  16. std::cout << e.what() << std::endl;
  17. }

Please see the example in the SDK archive for complete example.

Reference Documents

Error Code Definition: Error Code List of IM Web SDK

Full API Documentation: Windows C++ SDK API