SDK Interface Description

JSHAREService class, contains all interfaces of share SDK. JSHARELaunchConfig class, boot configuration model of share SDK
JSHAREMessage class,instructions of share parameters
JSHARESocial class, authorization information model of social platforms JSHARESocialUserInfo class, user information model of social platforms, inherited from JSHARESocial.

SDK Initialization

Method - setupWithConfig

Interface Description

Initialize the interface. It is recommended to call in application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions.

Interface Definition

  1. +(void)setupWithConfig:(JSHARELaunchConfig *)config

Parameter Description

config:JSHARELaunchConfig class.

Call Example

  1. JSHARELaunchConfig *config = [[JSHARELaunchConfig alloc] init];
  2. config.appKey = @"AppKey copied from JiGuang Portal application";
  3. config.SinaWeiboAppKey = @"374535501";
  4. config.SinaWeiboAppSecret = @"baccd12c166f1df96736b51ffbf600a2";
  5. config.SinaRedirectUri = @"";
  6. config.QQAppId = @"1105864531";
  7. config.QQAppKey = @"glFYjkHQGSOCJHMC";
  8. config.WeChatAppId = @"wxa2ea563906227379";
  9. config.WeChatAppSecret = @"bb63c0a06bf0ee7f633a5bc44304d110";
  10. config.FacebookAppID = @"1847959632183996";
  11. config.FacebookDisplayName = @"JShareDemo";
  12. config.TwitterConsumerKey = @"4hCeIip1cpTk9oPYeCbYKhVWi";
  13. config.TwitterConsumerSecret = @"DuIontT8KPSmO2Y1oAvby7tpbWHJimuakpbiAUHEKncbffekmC";
  14. [JSHAREService setupWithConfig:config];

Processing Platform Callbacks

Method - handleOpenUrl

Interface Description

Processing platform callback, required;

Interface Definition

  1. +(BOOL)handleOpenUrl:(NSURL *)url;

Parameter Description

url:Called in application:handleOpenURL: of Appdelegate. JShare will not be able to provide share callbacks without calling this interface.

Call Example

  1. - (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application handleOpenURL:(NSURL *)url{
  2. [JSHAREService handleOpenUrl:url];
  3. return YES;
  4. }

Initiate Sharing

Method - share

Interface Description

Call this interface to initiate sharing

Interface Definition

  1. +(void)share:(JSHAREMessage *)message
  2. handler:(JSHAREStateHandler)handler

Parameter Description

message:JSHAREMessage class
handler:Callback for sharing results

Call Example

  1. JSHAREMessage *message = [JSHAREMessage message];
  2. message.text = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件 JShare,SDK 包体积小,集成简单,支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  3. message.platform = JSHAREPlatformWechatSession;
  4. message.mediaType = JSHAREText;
  5. [JSHARESdk share:message handler:^(JSHAREState state, NSError *error) {
  6. NSLog(@"分享回调");
  7. }];

Instructions of Share Parameters on Each Platform

WeChat (Including WeChat Friends, Moments Collection)

1)Share Texts

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREText
text Yes NSString Share text No more than 10KB
  1. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  2. message.platform = platform;
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREText;

2)Share Images

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREImage
image No NSData Image Size cannot exceed 10M
  1. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  2. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREImage;
  4. message.platform = platform;
  5. message.image = imageData;

3)Share Music

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREAudio
title No NSString Music title Length cannot exceed 512
text No NSString Music description Length cannot exceed 1K
mediaDataUrl No NSString Music resource Url Click play button to play url directly, and the length cannot exceed 10K
Url Yes String Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 10K
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail Size cannot exceed 32K
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREAudio;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";

4)Share Videos

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREVideo
title No NSString Music title Length cannot exceed 512
text No NSString Music description Length cannot exceed 1K
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 10K
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail Size cannot exceed 32K
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREVideo;
  2. message.url =@"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";

5)Share Webpages

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHARELink
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 512
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 1K
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 10K
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail No more than 32K. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHARELink;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";
  5. message.platform = platform;
  6. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  7. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  8. message.image = imageData;

6)Share Emoji Expressions(Not support by WeChat Moments and WeChat Collection)

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREEmoticon
emoticonData No NSData Expression Size cannot exceed 10M
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREEmoticon;
  2. NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"res6" ofType:@"gif"];
  3. NSData *emoticonData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
  4. message.emoticonData = emoticonData;

7)Share Files(Not support by WeChat Moments)

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREFile
fileData Yes NSData File data Size cannot exceed 10M
fileExt Yes NSString File suffix No more than 64 characters
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREFile;
  2. NSString *filePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"jiguang" ofType:@"mp4"];
  3. NSData *fileData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:filePath];
  4. message.fileData = fileData;
  5. message.fileExt = @"mp4";
  6. message.platform = platform;
  7. message.title = @"jiguang.mp4";

8)Share apps(Not support by WeChat Collection)

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREApp
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 512
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 1K
Url No NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 10K
extInfo No NSString Custom simple data of third-party programs
fileData No NSData Data of Corresponding to APP Size cannot exceed 10M
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREApp;
  2. message.url =@"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";
  5. message.extInfo = @"<xml>extend info</xml>";
  6. message.fileData = data;
  7. message.platform = platform;


1)Share Texts

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREText
text Yes NSString Share text No more than 1536 characters
  1. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  2. message.platform = platform;
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREText;

2)Share Images

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREImage
image Yes NSData Image Size cannot exceed 15M
text No NSString Description of shared content No more than 512 characters
  1. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  2. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREImage;
  4. message.platform = platform;
  5. message.image = imageData;

3)Share Links

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHARELink
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 128
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 512
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 512
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail No more than 1M. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHARELink;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";
  5. message.platform = platform;
  6. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  7. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  8. message.image = imageData;

4)Share Music

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREAudio
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 128
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 512
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 512
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail No more than 1M. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
mediaDataUrl No NSString Music resource Url Click play button to play url directly
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREAudio;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";

5)Share Videos

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREVideo
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 128
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 512
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 512
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail No more than 1M. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREVideo;
  2. message.url =@"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";

QQ Space

1)Share Texts

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREText
text Yes NSString Share text No more than 1536 characters
  1. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  2. message.platform = platform;
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREText;

2)Share Images

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREImage
image Yes NSData Image Size cannot exceed 5M
images No NSArray Image Sharing to QQ space supports multiple pictures. The elements of picture array need to be NSData type, and the number of pictures is limited to 20 pieces. If you only share a single image to the QQ space, use the image field.
  1. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  2. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREImage;
  4. message.platform = platform;
  5. message.image = imageData;

3)Share Links

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHARELink
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 128
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 512
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 512
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail No more than 1M. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHARELink;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";
  5. message.platform = platform;
  6. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  7. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  8. message.image = imageData;

4)Share Music

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREAudio
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 128
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 512
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 512
mediaDataUrl No NSString Url address of music data Length cannot exceed 512
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail No more than 1M. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREAudio;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";

5)Share Videos

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREVideo
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 128
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 512
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Click the url for jump page, and the length cannot exceed 512
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail No more than 1M. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREVideo;
  2. message.url =@"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";

6)Share Local Videos

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREVideo
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 128
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 512
videoAssetURL Yes NSString Local video AssetURL The required parameters for sharing local video to QQ space, can be passed ALAssetPropertyAssetURL of ALAsset, or localIdentifier of PHAsset
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREVideo;
  2. message.text = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare,SDK包体积小,集成简单,支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  3. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";
  4. message.videoAssetURL = assetURL.absoluteString;
  5. message.platform = JSHAREPlatformQzone;

Sina Weibo

1)Share Texts

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREText
text Yes NSString Share text No more than 140
  1. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  2. message.platform = platform;
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREText;

2)Share Images

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREImage
image Yes NSData Image The size cannot exceed 10 M
text No NSString Description of shared content No more than 140
  1. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  2. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREImage;
  4. message.platform = platform;
  5. message.image = imageData;

3)Share Links

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHARELink
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 1K
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 140
Url Yes NSString Jump Url No more than 512 characters
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail The size is less than 32k. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHARELink;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";
  5. message.platform = platform;
  6. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  7. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  8. message.image = imageData;

Direct Message on Sina Weibo

1)Share Links

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHARELink
title No NSString Title Length cannot exceed 1K and is not empty
text No NSString Description Length cannot exceed 1K
Url Yes NSString Jump Url No more than 512 characters
thumbnail No NSDate Thumbnail The size is less than 32k. When sharing does not provide a thumbnail, if the image parameter is not empty, JShare will crop the picture provided by this parameter to fit the thumbnail.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHARELink;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.title = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare";
  5. message.platform = JSHAREPlatformSinaWeiboContact;
  6. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  7. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  8. message.image = imageData;

Facebook, Facebook Messenger

1)Share Texts (Not support by Messenger)

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREText
text Yes NSString Share text
  1. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  2. message.platform = platform;
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREText;

2)Share Images

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREImage
images Yes NSArray Image The number of pictures is limited to six. If you share a single picture, the size of the picture should not exceed 12M. If you share more than one picture, the size of each picture should not exceed 700K.
text No NSString Text
  1. message.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"时间:%@ JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!",[self localizedStringTime]];
  2. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  3. message.images = @[imageData,imageData];
  4. message.mediaType = JSHAREImage;
  5. message.platform = platform;

3)Share Videos

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREVideo
text No NSString Text
videoAssetURL Yes NSString Video parameter Sharing the video type to facebook, facebookMessenger can only recognize ALAsset’s ALAssetPropertyAssetURL
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREVideo;
  2. message.text = @"欢迎使用极光社会化组件JShare,SDK包体积小,集成简单,支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  3. message.videoAssetURL = assetURL.absoluteString;
  4. message.platform = platform;

4)Share Links

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHARELink
text No NSString Description
Url Yes NSString Jump Url Share clicked jump url
  1. message.mediaType = JSHARELink;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.platform = platform;


1)Share Texts

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREText
text Yes NSString Share text
  1. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  2. message.platform = platform;
  3. message.mediaType = JSHAREText;

2)Share Images

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREImage
image Yes NSData Image The size of a single image cannot exceed 5M.
images No NSArray Image Share multiple images with images, and the elements of the image array need to be of type NSData. The number of images is limited to four.
text No NSString Text No more than 140 characters
  1. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  2. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  3. message.image = imageData;
  4. message.mediaType = JSHAREImage;
  5. message.platform = platform;

3)Share Videos

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHAREVideo
text No NSString Text No more than 140 characters
videoData Yes NSData Video parameter Videos shared to twitter, the size should not exceed 15mb, the time should be between 0.5 seconds and 30 seconds, the size should be between 32x32 and 1280x1024, the aspect ratio should be between 1:3 and 3:1
  1. message.mediaType = JSHAREVideo;
  2. message.text = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"时间:%@ JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!",
  3. NSString *path = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:@"jiguangVideoForTwitter" ofType:@"mp4"];
  4. NSData *data = [NSData dataWithContentsOfFile:path];
  5. message.videoData = data;
  6. message.platform = JSHAREPlatformTwitter;

4)Share Links

Parameter Whether Required Parameter Type Parameter Description Remarks
mediaType Yes NS_ENUM Share type JSHARELink
text No NSString Description The total length of url and text cannot exceed 280 bytes
Url Yes NSString Jump Url The total length of url and text can’t exceed 280 bytes. It can have pictures or videos, but it can’t bring pictures and videos at the same time.
videoData No NSData Video parameter Videos shared to twitter should not exceed 15mb in size.
image No NSData Image The size of a single image cannot exceed 5M.
images No NSArray Image Share multiple images with images, and the elements of the image array need to be of type NSData. The number of images is limited to four.
  1. message.mediaType = JSHARELink;
  2. message.url = @"";
  3. message.text = @"JShare SDK支持主流社交平台、帮助开发者轻松实现社会化功能!";
  4. message.platform = platform;
  5. NSString *imageURL = @"";
  6. NSData *imageData = [NSData dataWithContentsOfURL:[NSURL URLWithString:imageURL]];
  7. message.image = imageData;

The specific use of parameters can refer to Demo.

Check whether the webpage logs in with no Sina client


Log out the latest account on


Check if there is a WeChat Client


Check if there is a QQ client


Check if there is a Sina Weibo client


Check if there is a Facebook client


Check if there is a Messenger client


Check if there is a Twitter client


Get user information on social platforms

method - getSocialUserInfo

Interface Definition

+(void)getSocialUserInfo:(JSHAREPlatform)platform handler:(JSHARESocialHandler)handler

Interface Description

By calling the interface for user information acquiring, obtain user’s ID, avatar, and other data on the third-party platform to construct the account system.

Parameter Description

  • platform: JSHAREPlatform enumeration type

  • handler: JSHARESocialHandler gets callbacks for user information

Call Example

  1. [JSHAREService getSocialUserInfo:platfrom handler:^(JSHARESocialUserInfo *userInfo, NSError *error) {
  2. NSString *alertMessage;
  3. NSString *title;
  4. if (error) {
  5. title = @"失败";
  6. alertMessage = @"无法获取到用户信息";
  7. }else{
  8. title =;
  9. alertMessage = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"昵称: %@\n 头像链接: %@\n 性别: %@\n",,userInfo.iconurl,userInfo.gender == 1? @"男" : @"女"];
  10. }
  11. UIAlertView *Alert = [[UIAlertView alloc] initWithTitle:title message:alertMessage delegate:nil cancelButtonTitle:@"OK" otherButtonTitles:nil];
  12. dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(), ^{
  13. [Alert show];
  14. });
  15. }];

method - isPlatformAuth

Interface Definition


Interface Description

Check if the information expires after the user is authorized. Note: Just check whether the local token is within the validity period. If the corresponding social platform user manually cancels the authorization on the social platform, even if the local token is still in the validity period, it still fails.

Parameter Description

  • platform: Social platform enumeration

Call Example

  1. BOOL isOauth = [JSHAREService isPlatformAuth:JSHAREPlatformQQ];

method - cancelAuthWithPlatform

Interface Definition


Interface Description

Delete authorization information stored locally after the user is authorized.

Parameter Description

  • platform: Social platform enumeration

Call Example

  1. BOOL cancelOauth = [JSHAREService cancelAuthWithPlatform:JSHAREPlatformQQ];

Log Level Settings

Method - setDebug

Interface Description

Set whether to print Debug level log information generated by sdk, and the default is NO (do not print Debug level log)

Interface Definition

  1. +(void)setDebug:(BOOL)enable

Parameter Description

enable:Set YES to enable, set NO to turn off

Call Example

  1. [JSHAREService setDebug:YES];