Description of JSMS iOS SDK API
Obtain SMS Verification Code
+ (void)getVerificationCodeWithPhoneNumber:(NSString * _Nonnull)number
andTemplateID:(NSString * _Nonnull)templateID
completionHandler:(JSMSCompletionHandler _Nonnull)handler;
Interface Description
Get interface of SMS verification code: Create a button to get the SMS verification code, or call the SMS verification code in the button event of the existing interface.
Parameter Description
number: Mobile number
templateID: SMS template ID
handler: The callback of request or request failure
Call Example
- (IBAction)sendSmsAuthCode:(id)sender {
[JSMSSDK getVerificationCodeWithPhoneNumber:@"152xxxxxxxx" andTemplateID:@"1" completionHandler:^(id resultObject, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"Get verification code success!");
NSLog(@"Get verification code failure!");
Get Voice Verification Code
Interface to get voice verification code is added in Version 1.2.0.
+ (void)getVoiceVerificationCodeWithPhoneNumber:(NSString * _Nonnull)number
completionHandler:(JSMSCompletionHandler _Nonnull)handler;
Interface Description
Interface for obtaining voice verification code: Create button to get voice verification code, or call the method to get voice verification code in button event of existing interface
Parameter Description
number: Mobile number
handler: The callback of request or request failure
Call Example
- (IBAction)sendVoiceAuthCode:(id)sender {
[JSMSSDK getVoiceVerificationCodeWithPhoneNumber:@"152xxxxxxxx" completionHandler:^(id resultObject, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"Get voice verification code success!");
NSLog(@"Get voice verification code failure!");
Get Voice Verification Code (broadcast language can be set)
Interface to get voice verification code is added in Version 1.4.0, which can set type of broadcast language.
+ (void)getVoiceVerificationCodeWithPhoneNumber:(NSString * _Nonnull)number
completionHandler:(JSMSCompletionHandler _Nonnull)handler;
Interface Description
Interface for obtaining voice verification code: Create button to get voice verification code, or call the method to get voice verification code in button event of existing interface
Parameter Description
number: Mobile number
options: Broadcast language. When the parameter is invalid, default language is Chinese
handler: The callback of request or request failure
Call Example
- (IBAction)sendVoiceAuthCode:(id)sender {
[JSMSSDK getVoiceVerificationCodeWithPhoneNumber:@"152xxxxxxxx"
completionHandler:^(id resultObject, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"Get voice verification code success!");
NSLog(@"Get voice verification code failure!");
Verify Verification Code
+ (void)commitWithPhoneNumber:(NSString * _Nonnull)number
verificationCode:(NSString * _Nonnull)vCode
completionHandler:(JSMSCompletionHandler _Nonnull)handler;
Interface Description
Verify verification code: Create a button to submit a verification code, or call a verification code in a button event of an existing interface.
Parameter Description
number: Mobile number
vCode: SMS verification code
handler: The callback of request or request failure
Call Example
[JSMSSDK commitWithPhoneNumber:@"152xxxxxxxx" verificationCode:@"123456" completionHandler:^(id resultObject, NSError *error) {
if (!error) {
NSLog(@"Commit verification vode success!");
NSLog(@"Commit verification code failure!");
Set the Interval of Verification Code Request
Set the interface for obtaining the interval of verification code request is added in Version 1.2.0.
+ (void)setMinimumTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)seconds;
Interface Description
Set the interface for obtaining the interval of verification code request: You can only send the request to obtain the verification code within the set interval once. If you do not call this interface, default interval of sdk is 30s
Parameter Description
- seconds: Interval
Call Example
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions {
[JSMSSDK setMinimumTimeInterval:60];
return YES;
Description of Error Code
Error Code | Description of Error Code | Remarks |
2993 | Uuid error. Verification of verification code failed | |
2994 | Parameter error | |
2996 | Two requests within the minimum time interval | |
2997 | The number changed. Please get the verification code first | |
2998 | Network Error | |
2999 | Other errors | |
3001 | Request timed out | |
4204 | Invalid mobile number | |
4001 | Body is empty | |
4002 | Invalid AppKey | |
4003 | Invalid source | |
4004 | Decryption of body failed | |
4005 | Decryption of aes key failed | |
4006 | Timestamp conversion failed | |
4007 | Format of body is incorrect | |
4008 | Invalid timestamp | |
4009 | No SMS verification permission | |
4011 | Send overclocking | There is no limit for the same mobile phone number getting verification code every day. The notification verification code with same content is 3 pieces in 10 minutes, and there are no restrictions on different contents. The marketing category is also 3 in 10 minutes. |
4012 | Api does not exist | |
4013 | Template does not exist | |
4014 | Extra is empty | |
4015 | Incorrect verification code | |
4016 | No margin | |
4017 | Verification code timeout | |
4018 | Verification code has been verified | |
5000 | Server error |