Admin API V1

The JPush Admin API provides the developers with the ability to create/delete an app, upload a certificate, and more.

The unified API address is:

Note: The Admin API is not yet fully open. To experience this feature, please contact us.

Definition of request header:

  • The value of HTTP Header Authorization: Basic base64_auth_string
  • The generation rule of base64_auth_string is: base64(dev_key:dev_secret), dev_key, and dev_secret. Please visit the developer account page of official website to obtain
  • Note that the dev_key is separated from the dev_secret by a “:” colon

Please refer to the relevant specification document: Basic Authentication of HTTP.

Create a Jiguang app

Function Description

Create an app under the developer account.

Call Address


Request Example

  1. curl -X POST -v
  2. -H 'Content-type: application/json'
  3. -u 'd61988533983cbc7a2eceb0a:fb3ea2a1830d9731ef202a8f'
  4. -d '{"app_name":"myapp","android_package":"","group_name":"groupOne"}'
  5. > POST /v1/app HTTP/1.1
  6. > Authorization: Basic ZDYxOTg4NTMzOTgzY2JjN2EyZWNlYjBhOmZiM2VhMmExODMwZDk3MzFlZjIwMmE4Zg==

Request Parameters

The request parameter is an App object, expressed in JSON format, and containing the field information as follows:

Parameter name Type Is it necessary Description
app_name string Yes Application Name
android_package string Yes Name of Application package (Android)
group_name string No Name of Application group
  1. {"app_name":"myapp","android_package":"","group_name":"groupOne"}

Response Example

  1. < HTTP/1.1 200 OK
  2. < Content-Type: application/json
  3. {"app_key":"dc51b6829206b2736e7e6d63","is_new_created":true,"android_package":""}

Response Parameters

Parameter Name Description Description
app_key string Application ID
android_package string Name of Application package (Android)
is_new_created boolean

Delete an app

Function Description

Delete the specified app under the developer account

Call Address


Request Example

  1. curl
  2. -X POST
  3. -u devKey:devSecret

Response Example

  1. 错误:{"error":{"code":1015,"message":"app delete fail"}}
  2. 正确:{"success":"Synchronized success"}

Upload Certificates

Function Description

Developers can upload certificates to the corresponding Jiguang app by using this API

Call Address


Request Example

  1. curl
  2. -F "devCertificatePassword=your dev certificate passowrd"
  3. -F "proCertificatePassword=your pro certificate passowrd"
  4. -F "devCertificateFile=@your dev certificate file"
  5. -F "proCertificateFile=@your pro certificate file"
  6. -u '{devKey}:{devSecret}'

If there is no dev certificate or pro certificate, the corresponding -F parameter and corresponding password are not required. For example: dev certificate only.

  1. curl
  2. -F "devCertificatePassword=your dev certificate passowrd"
  3. -F "devCertificateFile=@your dev certificate file"
  4. -u 'devKey:devSecret'

Request Parameters

Parameter name Types Description
devCertificatePassword string Dev certificate password
proCertificatePassword string Pro certificate password
devCertificateFile file Dev certificate file
proCertificateFile file Pro certificate file

Response Example

  1. 错误:{"error":{"code":1012,"message":"certificate invalid"}}
  2. 正确:{"success":"Synchronized success"}

Response Parameters

Parameter name Description Description
code int Return code
message string Response information

Error Code and Error Message

HTTP Status Code Error Code Description
200 Success!
200 1010 Certificate already exists
200 1012 Certificate is illegal
200 1013 Appkey is illegal
200 1014 There is no certificate file in the parameters
200 1015 App deleting failed
405 4001 Only HTTP Post methods are supported
400 4002 Request parameter is empty
400 4003 Illegal request parameters
401 4004 Permission verification error: dev_key does not exist
401 4005 Permission verification error: dev_secret is incorrect
401 4007 Permission are not opened
500 10 System error

Reference Document: HTTP-Status-Code