Getting Started
- Introduction
[ ] Quick Start
- Template Syntax
- Reactivity Fundamentals
- Computed Properties
- Class and Style Bindings
- Conditional Rendering
- List Rendering
- Event Handling
- Form Input Bindings
- Lifecycle Hooks
- Watchers
- Template Refs
Components In-Depth
[ ] Registration
- Props
- Events
- Fallthrough Attributes
- Slots
- Provide / inject
[ ] Async Components
[ ] Composables
- Custom Directives
[ ] Plugins
Built-in Components
[ ] Transition
- TransitionGroup
- KeepAlive
- Teleport
[ ] Suspense
Scaling Up
- Tooling
- Routing
- State Management
- Testing
[ ] Server-Side Rendering (SSR)
Best Practices
- Performance
- Accessibility
[ ] Security
[ ] Overview
- TS with Composition API
Extra Topics
- Composition API FAQ
- Reactivity in Depth
- Rendering Mechanism
- Render Functions & JSX
- Vue and Web Components
- Animation Techniques
- Reactivity Transform
Global API
- createApp()
- createSSRApp()
- app.mount()
- app.unmount()
- app.provide()
- app.component()
- app.directive()
- app.use()
- app.mixin()
- app.version
- app.config
- app.config.errorHandler
- app.config.warnHandler
- app.config.performance
- app.config.compilerOptions
- app.config.globalProperties
[ ] app.config.optionMergeStrategies
[ ] version
- nextTick()
- defineComponent()
- defineAsyncComponent()
- defineCustomElement()
Composition API
- Basic Usage
- Accessing Props
- Setup Context
[ ] Usage with Render Functions
Reactivity: Core
[ ] ref()
- computed()
- reactive()
- readonly()
- watchEffect()
- watchPostEffect()
- watchSyncEffect()
[ ] watch()
Reactivity: Utilities
[ ] isRef()
- unref()
- toRef()
- toRefs()
- isProxy()
- isReactive()
[ ] isReadonly()
Reactivity: Advanced
[ ] shallowRef()
- triggerRef()
- customRef()
- shallowReactive()
- shallowReadonly()
- toRaw()
- markRaw()
- effectScope()
- getCurrentScope()
[ ] onScopeDispose()
Lifecycle Hooks
[ ] onMounted()
- onUpdated()
- onUnmounted()
- onBeforeMount()
- onBeforeUpdate()
- onBeforeUnmount()
- onErrorCaptured()
- onRenderTracked()
- onRenderTriggered()
- onActivated()
- onDeactivated()
Dependency Injection
[ ] provide()
- inject()
Options API
Options: State
- data
- props
- computed
- methods
- watch
- emits
[ ] expose
Options: Rendering
[ ] template
- render
[ ] compilerOptions
Options: Lifecycle
[ ] beforeCreate
- created
- beforeMount
- mounted
- beforeUpdate
- updated
- beforeUnmount
- unmounted
- errorCaptured
- renderTracked
- renderTriggered
- activated
- deactivated
[ ] serverPrefetch
Options: Composition
[ ] provide
- inject
- mixins
[ ] extends
Options: Misc
[ ] name
- inheritAttrs
- components
[ ] directives
Component Instance
[ ] $data
- $props
- $el
- $options
- $parent
- $root
- $slots
- $refs
- $attrs
- $watch()
- $emit()
- $forceUpdate()
- $nextTick()
- v-text
- v-html
- v-show
- v-if
- v-else
- v-else-if
- v-for
- v-on
- v-bind
- v-model
- v-slot
- v-pre
- v-once
- v-memo
[ ] v-cloak
Special Elements
Special Attributes
[ ] key
- ref
- is
Single File Component
Syntax Specification
- Overview
- Language Blocks
- Automatic Name Inference
- Pre-Processors
- Src Imports
[ ] Comments
[ ] Basic Syntax
- Reactivity
- Using Components
- Using Custom Directives
- defineProps() & defineEmits()
- defineExpose()
- useSlots() & useAttrs()
- Usage alongside normal
- Top-level await
- TypeScript-only Features
[ ] Restrictions
CSS Features
[ ] Scoped CSS
- CSS Modules
[ ] v-bind() in CSS
Advanced APIs
Render Function
[ ] h()
- mergeProps()
- cloneVNode()
- isVNode()
- resolveComponent()
- resolveDirective()
- withDirectives()
[ ] withModifiers()
Server-Side Rendering
[ ] renderToString()
- renderToNodeStream()
- pipeToNodeWritable()
- renderToWebStream()
- pipeToWebWritable()
- renderToSimpleStream()
[ ] useSSRContext()
TypeScript Utility Types
[ ] PropType
- ComponentCustomProperties
- ComponentCustomOptions
- ComponentCustomProps
[ ] CSSProperties
Custom Renderer
[ ] createRenderer()