
  • CVE https://cve.mitre.org/
  • 代码扫描 https://snyk.io/
  • 镜像扫描 https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy#os-packages



  • 安装

    1. $ sudo vim /etc/yum.repos.d/trivy.repo
    2. [trivy]
    3. name=Trivy repository
    4. baseurl=https://aquasecurity.github.io/trivy-repo/rpm/releases/$releasever/$basearch/
    5. gpgcheck=0
    6. enabled=1
    7. $ sudo yum -y update
    8. $ sudo yum -y install trivy
  • 扫描镜像
    trivy image [image-name:tag]
    三、容器安全-代码和镜像的漏洞扫描 - 图1

  • 常用命令
    1. [root@localhost compose-healthcheck-redis]# trivy
    2. 2022-01-06T21:58:06.457+0800 WARN The root command will be removed. Please migrate to 'trivy image' command. See https://github.com/aquasecurity/trivy/discussions/1515
    3. NAME:
    4. trivy - A simple and comprehensive vulnerability scanner for containers
    5. USAGE:
    6. trivy command [command options] target
    7. COMMANDS:
    8. image, i scan an image
    9. filesystem, fs scan local filesystem for language-specific dependencies and config files
    10. rootfs scan rootfs
    11. repository, repo scan remote repository
    12. client, c client mode
    13. server, s server mode
    14. config, conf scan config files
    15. plugin, p manage plugins
    16. help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
    17. OPTIONS:
    18. --quiet, -q suppress progress bar and log output (default: false) [$TRIVY_QUIET]
    19. --debug, -d debug mode (default: false) [$TRIVY_DEBUG]
    20. --cache-dir value cache directory (default: "/root/.cache/trivy") [$TRIVY_CACHE_DIR]
    21. --help, -h show help (default: false)
    22. --version, -v print the version (default: false)