
  • Windows:ipconfig
  • Linux:ifconfig或者ip addr



    1. > ping
    2. Pinging with 32 bytes of data:
    3. Reply from bytes=32 time=2ms TTL=64
    4. Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64
    5. Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64
    6. Reply from bytes=32 time=3ms TTL=64
    7. Ping statistics for
    8. Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4, Lost = 0 (0% loss),
    9. Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:
    10. Minimum = 2ms, Maximum = 3ms, Average = 2ms

    telnet命令 测试端口的连通性

    1. ~ telnet www.baidu.com 80
    2. Trying
    3. Connected to www.wshifen.com.
    4. Escape character is '^]'.
    5. HTTP/1.1 400 Bad Request
    6. Connection closed by foreign host.

    traceroute 路径探测跟踪

  • Linux下使用 tracepath

    1. ~ tracepath www.baidu.com
    2. 1?: [LOCALHOST] pmtu 1500
    3. 1: DESKTOP-FQ0EO8J 0.430ms
    4. 1: DESKTOP-FQ0EO8J 0.188ms
    5. 2: 3.371ms
    6. 3: no reply
    7. 4: gv-rc0052-cr102-et91-251.core.as33915.net 13.970ms
    8. 5: asd-tr0021-cr101-be156-10.core.as9143.net 19.190ms
    9. 6: nl-ams04a-ri3-ae51-0.core.as9143.net 213.589ms
    10. 7: 16.887ms
    11. 8: HundredGE0-6-0-0.br04.sjo01.pccwbtn.net 176.099ms asymm 10
    12. 9: HundredGE0-6-0-0.br04.sjo01.pccwbtn.net 173.399ms asymm 10
    13. 10: 63-219-23-98.static.pccwglobal.net 177.337ms asymm 11
    14. 11: 178.197ms asymm 12
    15. 12: no reply
    16. 13: no reply
    17. 14: no reply
    18. 15: no reply
    19. 16: no reply
    20. 17: no reply
    21. 18: no reply
    22. 19: no reply
    23. 20: no reply
    24. 21: no reply
    25. 22: no reply
    26. 23: no reply
    27. 24: no reply
    28. 25: no reply
    29. 26: no reply
    30. 27: no reply
    31. 28: no reply
    32. 29: no reply
    33. 30: no reply
    34. Too many hops: pmtu 1500
    35. Resume: pmtu 1500
  • Windows下使用 TRACERT.EXE

    1. > TRACERT.EXE www.baidu.com
    2. Tracing route to www.wshifen.com []
    3. over a maximum of 30 hops:
    4. 1 4 ms 3 ms 3 ms
    5. 2 * * * Request timed out.
    6. 3 21 ms 18 ms 19 ms gv-rc0052-cr102-et91-251.core.as33915.net []
    7. 4 14 ms 13 ms 12 ms asd-tr0021-cr101-be156-10.core.as9143.net []
    8. 5 23 ms 19 ms 14 ms nl-ams04a-ri3-ae51-0.core.as9143.net []
    9. 6 15 ms 14 ms 13 ms
    10. 7 172 ms 169 ms 167 ms HundredGE0-6-0-0.br04.sjo01.pccwbtn.net []
    11. 8 167 ms 168 ms 168 ms HundredGE0-6-0-0.br04.sjo01.pccwbtn.net []
    12. 9 168 ms 173 ms 167 ms 63-219-23-98.static.pccwglobal.net []
    13. 10 172 ms 170 ms 171 ms

    curl命令 请求web服务

    参看:curl 的用法指南