In HBuilderX, you can complete most operations directly through the keyboard.

Shortcut key scheme

HBuilderX has built-in 5 shortcut key modes, HBuilderXVS CodeSublime TextIntelliJ Idea / WebstormEclipse

Shortcut key scheme - 图1

Custom shortcuts

In HBuilderX, all keyboard shortcuts can be customized through the keybindings.json file.

Click the menu [Tools] [Custom Keybingdings] to open the custom shortcut key configuration file, where you can overwrite the default shortcut key.

The shortcut key setting consists of command and key.

Shortcut key scheme - 图2

FAQ:HBuilderX Shortcut key concept.

Mouse wheel

Supported from HBuilderX 3.1.17+

Up Down
Ctrl Zoom in Zoom out
Alt Scroll up one screen Scroll down one screen
Shift Scroll left 3 columns Scroll right 3 columns
Alt+Shift Scroll left one screen Scroll right one screen
Ctrl+Alt Toggle tabs to the left Toggle tabs to the right

Note: MacOSX system, ctrl corresponds to command

HBuilderX Command List

HBuilderX Command List