Goto Definition@goto

HBuilderX has a powerful jump function, as follows:

Goto Previous Location@goto-previous-location

In HBuilderX, Alt+Left (MacOSX: ctrl + -) or click < on the toolbar, to return to the previous cursor position.

Goto Definition@goto - 图1

Goto Line@goto-line

Go to line shortcut:ctrl + G

Goto Definition@goto - 图2

Goto the specified rank@goto-line-column

Supported from HBuilderX 2.8.10+

Goto Definition@goto - 图3

  • input 0 to jump to the first line (Supported from HBuilderX 3.1.13+)
  • input $ to jump to the last line. (Supported from HBuilderX 3.1.13+)

HBuilderX supports using the command line to jump to the specified row and column.

  1. # Example:
  2. # File path, must be an absolute path
  3. /Applications/ /Users/hx/

Goto Definition@goto-definition

Goto definition is an important part of what makes an editor useful.

HBuilderX has a powerful syntax analysis engine that can accurately jump to the defined position.

The shortcut key to go to the definition is Alt+D, and the mouse operation is Alt+left click.

Goto Definition@goto - 图4

Remarks: Support switching [Ctrl+left mouse button] or [Alt+left mouse button] to go to definition (menu [select], [switch to “Alt+Click” for Multi-Cursor] or [switch to “⌘+Click” for Multi-Cursor])

Goto Definition to New Column@goto-definition-to-column

Another feature of HBuilderX is Goto definition to column.

ctrl+alt+left click, you can open the defined code on the other side for easy viewing.

Goto Definition@goto - 图5