Plugin Installation

The html syntax verification plug-in needs to be installed in HBuilderX Plugin Market.

How to configure options

After the installation is complete, enter [Settings] [Plugins] [htmlhint], and click htmlhintrc to edit rules.

How to add other options? - 图1

The option configuration file is .htmlhintrc, and the corresponding descriptions of the existing options are as follows:

Option Description
tagname-lowercase Whether to enable lowercase for tag names; true: enable, false: disable
attr-lowercase Whether to enable lowercase for attribute names, true: enable, false: disable
attr-value-double-quotes Whether the attribute value must be enclosed in double quotes, true: enable, false: disable
doctype-first Whether Doctype must be the first line of the HTML document, true: enable, false: disable
tag-pair Whether tags must be paired, true: enable, false: disable
spec-char-escape Whether special characters must be escaped, true: enable, false: disable
id-unique Whether the ID attribute must be unique, true: enable, false: disable
src-not-empty Whether the src attribute is empty, true: enable, false: disable
attr-no-duplication: In the same tag, whether the attribute value cannot be repeated, true: enable, false: disable

More details can refer to htmlhint options

How to add other options?

Modify the .htmlhintrc file and add options, such as:

  1. {
  2. "attr-value-not-empty": true, //Property value cannot be empty
  3. "tag-self-close": true, //The label must be self-sealing
  4. "title-require": true, //The title tag must appear in the head tag
  5. "inline-style-disabled": false, //Can use inline style
  6. "id-class-ad-disabled": true, //ID and Class must not use ad keywords. ID or Class using ad keywords will be blocked by ad blocking software
  7. }