Code Assistant

In the code assistant of HBuilderX, you can directly press alt+number to select an item.

Code Assistant - 图1

Highlight Matching Text

Supported from HBuilderX 3.1.13+

Code Assistant - 图2

Code assistant window switch selection mode

Supported from HBuilderX 3.1.13+

The default setting is the Alt+number option.

Code Assistant - 图3

Code assistant configuration

Open the menu [Settings] [Editor Settings], you can see the configuration of the code assistant.

  • Enable|Disable Code Assistant
  • Font size of the code assistant
  • The character that triggers the code assistant
  • Tab automatically inserts the selected item through the code assistant

Code Assistant - 图4

Turn off code assistant

You can turn off the code assistant at any time.

Open the menu [Settings] [Preferences] and uncheck Enable Code Assistant.