
    角色设计关键词分享:形象多角度关键词:这里添加主体描述,multiple poses and expression,children’s book illustration style, simple, cute, flat colourIP盲盒效果关键词:这里增加主体描述, watercolor texture style, popmart blind box, clay material, bright background, award-winning, LED, 3d art, depth of field, Pixar trend, surreal, octane rendering, ray tracing, complex details, animation lighting, c4d, —q 2 —ar 3:4
    Moebius style克里斯蒂安·莱恩德克风格(复古插画):
    Christian Leyendecker style詹姆斯·格尼风格(油画):
    james gurney style吉卜力工作室(宫崎骏):
    studio ghibli亨利·马蒂(野兽派): henri matisse style塔尔希拉·多·阿玛拉尔(超现实主义): tarsila do amaral style莫里斯·普雷德加斯特(后印象派): maurice prendergast style阿方斯·穆哈(描边插画):alfons maria mucha style金敏: satoshi kon style大友克洋(阿基拉): katsuhiro otomo style新海诚: shinkai makoto style米山舞: yoneyama mai style吉田明彦: Akihiko Yoshida style鸟山明: Toriyama Akira style表现风格动漫模式: niji复古Riso印刷:risograph2.5D: isometric扁平的: flat平面图形: graphic波谱艺术: Pop Art迪斯尼: disney皮克斯: pixar极简主义: minimalism插画: illustration摄影作品: photography卡通漫画: cartoon立体的: 3D二次元向: pixiv细描边: cel shading描边: outlined赛伯朋克: Cyberpunk水墨风: ink style素描: sketch工笔国画:Chinese elaborate-style-painting概念艺术: trending on pixiv concept art水彩画: watercolor painting黑白: black and white浮世绘: ukiyoeA站流行风格: trending on artstation废土风: wasteland punk海报设计: poster style材质风格毛茸茸的: fluffy鲜艳的: vivid color丙烯画: acrylic painting哑光: matte构图特写: headshot超广角: ultrawide shot微距: macro shot广阔视野: an expansive view of肖像: ortrait半身的: busts全身的: full body站立的: standing侧面的: profile鸟瞰: bird view顶视: top view俯视: up view正视图: front view对称: symmetrical居中构图: Center the composition对称构图: symmetrical the composition三分法构图: rule of thirds compositionS型构图: S-shaped composition对角线构图: diagonal composition水平构图: Horizontal composition曼茶罗构图: mandala聚焦:focalpoint画质要求背景颜色: red background高清的: 4k/8k高质量: best quality超精细: ultra detailed复杂的细节: complex detail镜头焦距: 30mm lens景深: dof灯光氛围霓虹色调: neon shaes红黑色调: red and black tone白粉色调: white and pink tone好看的光: Beautiful lighting柔和的光: Soft light电影光: Cinematic light暖光: Warm light冷光: Cold light逆光: Back light边缘光: Edge light立体光: volumetric light画面情绪暗黑的: moody明亮: light黑暗: dark Oc渲染: Octane render OC强烈对比的: dramatic contrast希望的: hopeful沮丧的: depressed高兴的: elated难过的: upset令人恐惧的: fearful角色情绪高兴: happy兴奋: excited生气: angry害怕: afraid厌恶: disgusted惊喜: surprised