200. 岛屿数量

This question can be solved by DFS, BFS, Union-Find, I only practiced DFS and Union-Find

  1. class Solution:
  2. def numIslands(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
  3. rows = len(grid)
  4. if rows==0:
  5. return 0
  6. cols = len(grid[0])
  7. visited = [[False for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(rows)]
  8. DIRECTION = ((1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1))
  9. count = 0
  10. def isArea(x,y):
  11. return x>=0 and y>=0 and x<=rows-1 and y<=cols-1
  12. def dfs(i,j):
  13. visited[i][j] = True
  14. for k in range(4):
  15. x = i + DIRECTION[k][0]
  16. y = j + DIRECTION[k][1]
  17. if isArea(x,y) and not visited[x][y] and grid[x][y]=='1':
  18. dfs(x,y)
  19. for i in range(rows):
  20. for j in range(cols):
  21. if not visited[i][j] and grid[i][j]=='1':
  22. dfs(i,j)
  23. count+=1
  24. return count


  1. from collections import deque
  2. class Solution:
  3. def numIslands(self, grid: List[List[str]]) -> int:
  4. rows =len(grid)
  5. cols =len(grid[0])
  6. DIRECTION = ((1,0),(0,1),(-1,0),(0,-1))
  7. count=0
  8. def inArea(x,y):
  9. return x>=0 and y>=0 and x<rows and y<cols
  10. def bfs(x,y):
  11. queue = deque()
  12. queue.append([x,y])
  13. while queue:
  14. i,j = queue.popleft()
  15. if inArea(i,j) and grid[i][j]=='1':
  16. grid[i][j]='0'
  17. for k in range(4):
  18. queue.append([i+DIRECTION[k][0],j+DIRECTION[k][1]])
  19. for i in range(rows):
  20. for j in range(cols):
  21. if grid[i][j]=='1':
  22. bfs(i,j)
  23. count+=1
  24. return count

22. 括号生成


  1. def generateParenthesis(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
  2. res = []
  3. cur_str = ''
  4. def dfs(cur_str, left, right):
  5. '''
  6. params:
  7. cur_str, the string from root to leaf
  8. left, how many left ( left
  9. right, how many right ) left
  10. '''
  11. if left==0 and right==0:
  12. res.append(cur_str)
  13. return
  14. if right<left:
  15. return
  16. if left > 0:
  17. dfs(cur_str+'(', left-1,right)
  18. if right >0:
  19. dfs(cur_str+')', left, right-1)
  20. dfs(cur_str, n,n)
  21. return res


  1. def generateParenthesis(self, n: int) -> List[str]:
  2. res = []
  3. cur_str = ''
  4. def dfs(cur_str, left, right):
  5. '''
  6. params:
  7. cur_str, the string from root to leaf
  8. left, how many left ( left
  9. right, how many right ) left
  10. '''
  11. if left==n and right==n:
  12. res.append(cur_str)
  13. return
  14. if right>left:
  15. return
  16. if left < n:
  17. dfs(cur_str+'(', left+1,right)
  18. if right < n:
  19. dfs(cur_str+')', left, right+1)
  20. dfs(cur_str, 0,0)
  21. return res

剑指 Offer 12. 矩阵中的路径


329. 矩阵中的最长递增路径

拓扑排序, 课程表是为了找环,如果有环,说明无法学完全部课程,因为有的课程互为先决条件,导致有环出现。
这道题以数字大小来作为出度入度,是肯定没有环的,要计算的最长路径,那么就是每次把入度为0的作为一层,将这一层点挪去之后,还剩下的入度为0的点就是下一次,加入队列进入下一次循环, 经过多少次循环后再也没有入度为0的点就得到了最长递增路径

  1. from collections import deque
  2. class Solution:
  3. def longestIncreasingPath(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
  4. if not matrix:
  5. return 0
  6. rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
  7. DIRECTION = ((1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1))
  8. # indegrees每个坐标上的值,是matrix对应坐标位置的入度
  9. indegrees = [[0 for _ in range(cols)] for _ in range(rows)]
  10. def inArea(x,y):
  11. return x>=0 and y>=0 and x<rows and y<cols
  12. # calculate the indegrees
  13. for i in range(rows):
  14. for j in range(cols):
  15. for k in range(4):
  16. new_x = i + DIRECTION[k][0]
  17. new_y = j + DIRECTION[k][1]
  18. if inArea(new_x, new_y) and matrix[i][j] > matrix[new_x][new_y]:
  19. indegrees[i][j]+=1
  20. queue = deque()
  21. # 入度为0的坐标进入队列
  22. for i in range(rows):
  23. for j in range(cols):
  24. if indegrees[i][j] == 0:
  25. queue.append((i,j))
  26. res = 0
  27. while queue:
  28. # 每一层遍历 res+1
  29. res += 1
  30. for _ in range(len(queue)):
  31. x, y = queue.popleft()
  32. for k in range(4):
  33. new_x = x + DIRECTION[k][0]
  34. new_y = y + DIRECTION[k][1]
  35. if inArea(new_x,new_y) and matrix[x][y] < matrix[new_x][new_y]:
  36. indegrees[new_x][new_y] -= 1
  37. if indegrees[new_x][new_y] == 0:
  38. queue.append((new_x,new_y))
  39. return res

从最小的数字开始,遍历每个点附近的四个点, 取这四个点里(1.没有出界,2.值比当前点小)的当前路径最长的,然后这个点的路径就是那个附近最长路径+1, 如果附近四个点都比当前点大,那么这个点就是一个起始点,最长路径为1

  1. from collections import deque
  2. class Solution:
  3. def longestIncreasingPath(self, matrix: List[List[int]]) -> int:
  4. if not matrix:
  5. return 0
  6. rows, cols = len(matrix), len(matrix[0])
  7. DIRECTION = ((1,0),(-1,0),(0,1),(0,-1))
  8. dp = [[0]*cols for _ in range(rows)]
  9. def inArea(x,y):
  10. return x>=0 and y>=0 and x<rows and y<cols
  11. points = sorted([[matrix[i][j], (i,j)] for i in range(rows) for j in range(cols)])
  12. res = 0
  13. for point in points:
  14. value = point[0]
  15. x, y = point[1]
  16. max_path = 0
  17. for k in range(4):
  18. new_x = x + DIRECTION[k][0]
  19. new_y = y + DIRECTION[k][1]
  20. if inArea(new_x, new_y) and matrix[new_x][new_y] < value:
  21. max_path = max(max_path, dp[new_x][new_y])
  22. dp[x][y] = max_path+1
  23. res = max(res, dp[x][y])
  24. return res

130. 被围绕的区域

和边界的O连接的o不变, 其他位置的o都是被围绕的,需要被设置为x
那么dfs bfs 和并查集都可以解决,思路是先处理边界位置的O, 把和边界相连的o都置为,比如#,结束遍历后再重新遍历一次board, 把#置为o,把o置为x
dfs是递归, bfs是用队列

  1. class Solution:
  2. def solve(self, board: List[List[str]]) -> None:
  3. """
  4. Do not return anything, modify board in-place instead.
  5. """
  6. if not board:
  7. return board
  8. rows, cols = len(board), len(board[0])
  9. DIRECTION = ((0,1),(1,0),(0,-1),(-1,0))
  10. ans = []
  11. def inArea(x, y):
  12. return x >= 0 and y>=0 and x<rows and y<cols
  13. def dfs(x, y):
  14. board[x][y] = '#'
  15. for k in range(4):
  16. new_x = x + DIRECTION[k][0]
  17. new_y = y + DIRECTION[k][1]
  18. if inArea(new_x, new_y) and board[new_x][new_y] == 'O':
  19. dfs(new_x, new_y)
  20. # up&bottom boader
  21. for j in range(cols):
  22. if board[0][j] == 'O':
  23. dfs(0,j)
  24. if board[rows-1][j] == 'O':
  25. dfs(rows-1, j)
  26. # left&right boader
  27. for i in range(rows):
  28. if board[i][0] == 'O':
  29. dfs(i,0)
  30. if board[i][cols-1] == 'O':
  31. dfs(i,cols-1)
  32. for i in range(rows):
  33. for j in range(cols):
  34. board[i][j] = 'O' if board[i][j] == '#' else 'X'
  35. return board

778. 水位上升的泳池中游泳

优先队列, Python的实现是二叉堆. 相当于flood fill, 类似bfs的思维. 不是贪心只关注当前点周围可以去到的最低的点, 而是当前走过的点里面去找最低的点. 比如一个点如果选择过, 那么这个点的→和↓就会变为可接触的点,并且进入二叉堆heap, 每次我们都选择这些可接触点的最小值,也就是二叉堆的堆顶

  1. import heapq
  2. class Solution:
  3. def swimInWater(self, grid: List[List[int]]) -> int:
  4. if not grid:
  5. return 0
  6. rows, cols = len(grid), len(grid[0])
  7. visited = [[False]*cols for _ in range(rows)]
  8. heap = []
  9. heapq.heappush(heap, (grid[0][0],(0,0)))
  10. high = float('-inf')
  11. DIRECTION = ((1,0), (0,1), (-1,0), (0,-1))
  12. while heap:
  13. height, loc = heapq.heappop(heap)
  14. high = max(high, height)
  15. x, y = loc
  16. visited[x][y] = True
  17. if x == rows-1 and y == cols-1:
  18. return high
  19. for k in range(4):
  20. new_x = x + DIRECTION[k][0]
  21. new_y = y + DIRECTION[k][1]
  22. if 0<=new_x<rows and 0<=new_y<cols and not visited[new_x][new_y]:
  23. heapq.heappush(heap, (grid[new_x][new_y], (new_x, new_y)) )