1. plan
    2. implement
    3. 学习进度:明日看46课时数据结构;中间件17课时:交换机模式之发布订阅;
    4. 实际学习时长;7H57M;
    5. summary
    6. 今天开始Leecode算法朋友圈打卡;
    7. 明日把学习时长,投入产出比计算出来,适应数据分析;
    8. 继续看数学史,31号学不完的部分以及预期,未完成的原因写出来,完成一份学习报告;
    9. agenda
    10. push paper to gitee;
    11. give up for two sum;
    12. have not been resolved error in RabbitMQ which call the sentence: ch.basic_ack(delivery_tag=method.delivery_tag);
    13. the reference is : https://www.rabbitmq.com/tutorials/tutorial-two-python.html;
    14. supplement usual command in notes of RabbitMQ;