

  1. Date:2021-4-14
  2. R version 4.0.3 (2020-10-10)
  3. Platform: x86_64-w64-mingw32/x64 (64-bit)
  4. Running under: Windows 10 x64 (build 18363)


  1. library(tidyverse)
  2. setwd("G:\\Desktop\\s_note\\data\\data2clean")
  3. df <- read.csv("df.csv")


  • 查看数据
  1. > df
  2. ID A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
  3. 1 T_1 1.866507 3.038351 2.779211 1.606315 1.001641 8.577044 4.683432 5.163498 3.231970 5.635133
  4. 2 T_2 4.445010 2.721566 4.797077 6.861528 1.272664 5.840218 8.330187 3.248087 6.423117 9.527156
  5. 3 T_3 7.077780 8.095160 1.826613 2.737936 5.897779 5.017294 5.729174 6.960172 8.999864 2.437848
  6. 4 T_4 3.719282 4.840970 8.024423 8.301709 5.664989 8.680034 2.702984 7.555995 1.997212 6.508056
  7. 5 T_5 2.661250 8.839854 4.805376 2.711006 9.752574 3.498883 6.594125 9.650040 5.391911 5.792326
  8. 6 T_6 2.056874 8.421298 1.580424 2.796107 9.757730 4.045160 2.756127 5.573386 2.222584 9.035145
  9. 7 T_7 5.873148 7.886457 5.646370 3.603152 1.399365 1.826301 2.891329 5.860019 9.476443 6.408861
  10. 8 T_8 9.458056 3.692235 2.429818 2.433509 8.162586 5.246516 7.630174 1.654225 9.279964 6.621570
  11. 9 T_9 9.765868 4.460042 8.002026 4.315732 6.215334 3.019176 6.437253 5.999071 3.435929 9.134484
  12. 10 T_10 1.328430 7.676231 2.743958 5.028596 7.816146 7.840817 2.674568 9.824781 2.804552 3.707074
  1. > df2
  2. ID ID2 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10
  3. 1 T_1 T1 1.866507 3.038351 2.779211 1.606315 1.001641 8.577044 4.683432 5.163498 3.231970 5.635133
  4. 2 T_2 T1 4.445010 2.721566 4.797077 6.861528 1.272664 5.840218 8.330187 3.248087 6.423117 9.527156
  5. 3 T_3 T1 7.077780 8.095160 1.826613 2.737936 5.897779 5.017294 5.729174 6.960172 8.999864 2.437848
  6. 4 T_4 R2 3.719282 4.840970 8.024423 8.301709 5.664989 8.680034 2.702984 7.555995 1.997212 6.508056
  7. 5 T_5 R2 2.661250 8.839854 4.805376 2.711006 9.752574 3.498883 6.594125 9.650040 5.391911 5.792326
  8. 6 T_6 R2 2.056874 8.421298 1.580424 2.796107 9.757730 4.045160 2.756127 5.573386 2.222584 9.035145
  9. 7 T_7 T3 5.873148 7.886457 5.646370 3.603152 1.399365 1.826301 2.891329 5.860019 9.476443 6.408861
  10. 8 T_8 T3 9.458056 3.692235 2.429818 2.433509 8.162586 5.246516 7.630174 1.654225 9.279964 6.621570
  11. 9 T_9 T3 9.765868 4.460042 8.002026 4.315732 6.215334 3.019176 6.437253 5.999071 3.435929 9.134484
  12. 10 T_10 T3 1.328430 7.676231 2.743958 5.028596 7.816146 7.840817 2.674568 9.824781 2.804552 3.707074


**gather**: 宽数据转换为长数据

  • **key**: 宽数据的列名转换成长数据后对应列的列名
  • **value**: 转换后,值所对应列的列名
  • ...: 指定哪列用于转换,使用**-**(减号),则代表除了某一列外所有的数据进行转换, 一般会将因子所在的列去掉(-因子)
  • **factor_key**: 默认FALSE,转换后的数据按照字符串的顺序排列,TURE则按照原顺序排列
  1. #宽数据-->长数据
  2. df.long <- gather(data = df,key = Index,value = a_value,-ID)
  3. #df.long <- gather(data = df,key = Index,value = a_value,A1:A10,factor_key = T)
  4. head(df.long)
  5. > head(df.long)
  6. ID Index a_value
  7. 1 T_1 A1 1.866507
  8. 2 T_2 A1 4.445010
  9. 3 T_3 A1 7.077780
  10. 4 T_4 A1 3.719282
  11. 5 T_5 A1 2.661250
  12. 6 T_6 A1 2.056874
  13. #存在多列分组时
  14. df2 <- read.csv("df2.csv")
  15. df2.long <- gather(data = df2,key = Index,value = a_value,-c(ID,ID2))
  16. #df2.long <- gather(data = df2,key = Index,value = a_value,A1:A10,factor_key = T)
  17. head(df2.long)
  18. ID ID2 Index a_value
  19. 1 T_1 T1 A1 1.866507
  20. 2 T_2 T1 A1 4.445010
  21. 3 T_3 T1 A1 7.077780
  22. 4 T_4 R2 A1 3.719282
  23. 5 T_5 R2 A1 2.661250
  24. 6 T_6 R2 A1 2.056874


**spread** :长数据转换为宽数据

  • **key**: 指定列名,该列转换后为宽数据的列名
  • **value**: 指定数据所在列的列名
  • **fill**: 如果存在缺失值则使用fill指定的值进行填充
  • **convert**: 可以识别某列的数据类型,并自动转换,通常用于转换后的列中有多种数据类型,可以即根据不同的数据类型进行转换, 如value所在列既有字符串也有数值(This is useful if the value column was a mix of variables that was coerced to a string)
  1. #长数据-->宽数据
  2. df.wid <- spread(data = df.long,key = Index,value = a_value)
  3. df.wid
  4. > df.wid
  5. ID A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A1
  6. 1 T_1 3.038351 2.779211 1.606315 1.001641 8.577044 4.683432 5.163498 3.231970 5.635133 1.866507
  7. 2 T_2 2.721566 4.797077 6.861528 1.272664 5.840218 8.330187 3.248087 6.423117 9.527156 4.445010
  8. 3 T_3 8.095160 1.826613 2.737936 5.897779 5.017294 5.729174 6.960172 8.999864 2.437848 7.077780
  9. 4 T_4 4.840970 8.024423 8.301709 5.664989 8.680034 2.702984 7.555995 1.997212 6.508056 3.719282
  10. 5 T_5 8.839854 4.805376 2.711006 9.752574 3.498883 6.594125 9.650040 5.391911 5.792326 2.661250
  11. 6 T_6 8.421298 1.580424 2.796107 9.757730 4.045160 2.756127 5.573386 2.222584 9.035145 2.056874
  12. 7 T_7 7.886457 5.646370 3.603152 1.399365 1.826301 2.891329 5.860019 9.476443 6.408861 5.873148
  13. 8 T_8 3.692235 2.429818 2.433509 8.162586 5.246516 7.630174 1.654225 9.279964 6.621570 9.458056
  14. 9 T_9 4.460042 8.002026 4.315732 6.215334 3.019176 6.437253 5.999071 3.435929 9.134484 9.765868
  15. 10 T_10 7.676231 2.743958 5.028596 7.816146 7.840817 2.674568 9.824781 2.804552 3.707074 1.328430
  16. df2.wid <- spread(data = df2.long,key = Index,value = a_value,convert = T)
  17. df2.wid
  18. ID ID2 A1 A10 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9
  19. 1 T_1 T1 1.866507 5.635133 3.038351 2.779211 1.606315 1.001641 8.577044 4.683432 5.163498 3.231970
  20. 2 T_10 T3 1.328430 3.707074 7.676231 2.743958 5.028596 7.816146 7.840817 2.674568 9.824781 2.804552
  21. 3 T_2 T1 4.445010 9.527156 2.721566 4.797077 6.861528 1.272664 5.840218 8.330187 3.248087 6.423117
  22. 4 T_3 T1 7.077780 2.437848 8.095160 1.826613 2.737936 5.897779 5.017294 5.729174 6.960172 8.999864
  23. 5 T_4 R2 3.719282 6.508056 4.840970 8.024423 8.301709 5.664989 8.680034 2.702984 7.555995 1.997212
  24. 6 T_5 R2 2.661250 5.792326 8.839854 4.805376 2.711006 9.752574 3.498883 6.594125 9.650040 5.391911
  25. 7 T_6 R2 2.056874 9.035145 8.421298 1.580424 2.796107 9.757730 4.045160 2.756127 5.573386 2.222584
  26. 8 T_7 T3 5.873148 6.408861 7.886457 5.646370 3.603152 1.399365 1.826301 2.891329 5.860019 9.476443
  27. 9 T_8 T3 9.458056 6.621570 3.692235 2.429818 2.433509 8.162586 5.246516 7.630174 1.654225 9.279964
  28. 10 T_9 T3 9.765868 9.134484 4.460042 8.002026 4.315732 6.215334 3.019176 6.437253 5.999071 3.435929


**separate** :数据分割,指定分割符或按照长度进行分割

  • **data**: 指定数据
  • **col**: 指定要分割的列
  • **into**: 指定要分成几列,以及每列的名字,正常是等于分割完的列数,指定的列数如果小于或大于分割后的列数应该使用extrafill进行调整
  • **sep**: 指定分割符,可以是符号或index,同时支持-index
  • **fill**: 当分割后的列数多于into的列数时候,指定NA值的位置,left/right/warn(默认)左侧/右侧/右侧且不忽略警告信息;
  • **extra**: 当分割后的列数少于into的列数时候,指定多余列的处理方式,drop/merge/warn(默认)-丢掉/与第二列合并/丢掉且不忽略警告信息;
  • **remove**: 是否保留分割前的数据列,默认FALSE
  • **convert**: 同上
  1. df3 <- data.frame(df2,ID3=str_c(df2$ID,"_",df2$ID2 )) %>% select(ID3,str_c("A",c(1:10)))
  2. #数据分割
  3. separate(data = df3,col = ID3,into = c("A","b","c"),sep = "_")
  4. separate(data = df3,col = ID3,into = c("A","b"),sep = -3,extra = "merge")
  5. separate(data = df3,col = ID3,into = c("A","b"),sep = "_",extra = "merge")


  1. #构建示例数据
  2. df <- tibble(grammer=c("Python","C","Java","Go",NA,"SQL","PHP","Python","Python"),
  3. score=c("1","2",NA,"4","5","6","7","10","15"))
  4. > df
  5. # A tibble: 9 x 2
  6. grammer score
  7. <chr> <chr>
  8. 1 Python 1
  9. 2 C 2
  10. 3 Java NA
  11. 4 Go 4
  12. 5 NA 5
  13. 6 SQL 6
  14. 7 PHP 7
  15. 8 Python 10
  16. 9 Python 15
  • **str_detect** :进行数据的条件提取,提取包含某字符的列/行, 支持正则,详见stringr学习,可以替代grep
  1. df[str_detect(df$grammer,string = "Python"),]
  2. #输出结果
  3. > df[str_detect(df$grammer,string = "Python"),]
  4. # A tibble: 4 x 2
  5. grammer score
  6. <chr> <chr>
  7. 1 Python 1
  8. 2 NA NA
  9. 3 Python 10
  10. 4 Python 15
  • **filter**: 按行筛选, 支持字符与数字,使用==进行比较时,比较浮点数的大小时应该使用**near()**函数进行比较,用法如下
    使用between()函数代替score >= 2 & score < 5.0, >> between(score,2,5)
  1. df %>% filter(grammer == "Python")
  2. #使用%in%可以让代码更加简洁和可读,避免使用多个 |
  3. df %>% filter(grammer %in% c("Python","c","Java"))
  4. df %>% filter(score == 10)
  5. df %>% filter(score >= 2)
  6. df %>% filter(score >= 2 & score < 5.0)
  7. df %>% filter(score >= 2 | score < 5.0)
  8. df %>% filter(score != 2 )
  9. ###near函数的使用
  10. #使用==时,由于浮点数和int的问题使结果有问题
  11. > sqrt(2) ^2 == 2
  12. [1] FALSE
  13. #使用near函数进行比较
  14. > near(sqrt(2)^2,2)
  15. [1] TRUE
  • **select**: 按列筛选,可以筛选包含某字段的列,同时可以配合一些辅助函数进行使用,如
    contains(): 筛选包含某字符的列
    starts_with(): 筛选以指定字符开头的列
    ends_with: 筛选以指定字符结尾的列
    matches(): 使用正则表达式筛选
    everything(): 配合这一函数使用,可以将select函数所选中的列排在前面,后面列顺序保持不变
  1. df %>% select(score)
  2. #使用此方法可以对列进行重新排序
  3. df %>% select(c(score,grammer))
  4. > df %>% select(c(score,grammer))
  5. # A tibble: 9 x 2
  6. score grammer
  7. <chr> <chr>
  8. 1 1 Python
  9. 2 2 C
  10. 3 NA Java
  11. 4 4 Go
  12. ......
  13. #配合contains函数实现筛选包含某一字段的列
  14. df %>% select(contains("s"))
  15. > df %>% select(contains("s"))
  16. # A tibble: 9 x 1
  17. score
  18. <chr>
  19. 1 1
  20. 2 2
  21. 3 NA
  22. 4 4
  23. ......


使用is.na()判断是否存在缺失值,结合filter()函数可以实现对含有NA行的筛选,同时结合! (取反)可以实现筛选不含NA的行

  1. #以nycflights13的数据为例子
  2. library(tidyverse)
  3. library(nycflights13)
  4. #dep_time包含缺失值的行
  5. #使用基础函数
  6. flights[is.na(flights$dep_time),]
  7. > flights[is.na(flights$dep_time),1:5]
  8. # A tibble: 8,255 x 5
  9. year month day dep_time sched_dep_time
  10. <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
  11. 1 2013 1 1 NA 1630
  12. 2 2013 1 1 NA 1935
  13. 3 2013 1 1 NA 1500
  14. 4 2013 1 1 NA 600
  15. 5 2013 1 2 NA 1540
  16. ......
  17. #使用filter
  18. flights %>% filter(is.na(flights$dep_time)) %>% select(1:5)
  19. # A tibble: 8,255 x 5
  20. year month day dep_time sched_dep_time
  21. <int> <int> <int> <int> <int>
  22. 1 2013 1 1 NA 1630
  23. 2 2013 1 1 NA 1935
  24. 3 2013 1 1 NA 1500
  25. 4 2013 1 1 NA 600
  26. 5 2013 1 2 NA 1540



  1. #继续以flights数据为例子
  2. #首先选择flights中的year,以及dest到hour列,使用了mutate增加了两列
  3. df <-
  4. flights %>% select(year,dest:hour) %>% mutate(speed = distance / hour,other = air_time + hour)
  5. > df
  6. # A tibble: 336,776 x 7
  7. year dest air_time distance hour speed other
  8. <int> <chr> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
  9. 1 2013 IAH 227 1400 5 280 232
  10. 2 2013 IAH 227 1416 5 283. 232
  11. 3 2013 MIA 160 1089 5 218. 165
  12. 4 2013 BQN 183 1576 5 315. 188
  13. ......
  14. # ... with 336,766 more rows
  15. #使用transmute则可以仅仅保留添加的列
  16. df <-
  17. flights %>% select(year,dest:hour) %>% transmute(speed = distance / hour,other = air_time + hour)
  18. > df
  19. # A tibble: 336,776 x 2
  20. speed other
  21. <dbl> <dbl>
  22. 1 280 232
  23. 2 283. 232
  24. 3 218. 165
  25. ......
  26. # ... with 336,766 more rows




使用**inner_join****left_join**, **right_join**, **full_join**等函数对数据表进行组合,基本流程就成,需要全部保留的数据将**by =**选项指定的全部数据留下,另一个数据框开始匹配,如果可以匹配上则填入相应数据,反之则填入**NA**

  • **left_join**:左连接,保留左侧(x)的全部数据,左侧为准


  • **right_join**: 右连接,保留右侧(y)的全部数据。右侧为准


  • **full_join**: 全连接,保留所有的数据


  • **inner_join**: 仅仅找共有的数据


  1. #构建测试数据
  2. library(tidyverse)
  3. df.x <- tibble(name = c(1,2,3),
  4. > df.x
  5. # A tibble: 3 x 2
  6. name value_x
  7. <dbl> <chr>
  8. 1 1 x1
  9. 2 2 x2
  10. 3 3 x3
  11. df.y <- tibble(name = c(1,2,4,5),
  12. value_y = c("y1","y2","y3","y4"))
  13. > df.y
  14. # A tibble: 4 x 2
  15. name value_y
  16. <dbl> <chr>
  17. 1 1 y1
  18. 2 2 y2
  19. 3 4 y3
  20. 4 5 y4
  21. #——————左连接——————
  22. #保留了x的所有name,y数据并没有name = 3对应的值,所以为NA
  23. df.x %>% left_join(df.y,by = "name")
  24. # A tibble: 3 x 3
  25. name value_x value_y
  26. <dbl> <chr> <chr>
  27. 1 1 x1 y1
  28. 2 2 x2 y2
  29. 3 3 x3 NA
  30. #——————右连接——————
  31. df.x %>% right_join(df.y,by = "name")
  32. # A tibble: 4 x 3
  33. name value_x value_y
  34. <dbl> <chr> <chr>
  35. 1 1 x1 y1
  36. 2 2 x2 y2
  37. 3 4 NA y3
  38. 4 5 NA y4
  39. #保留y的names,同时names=4 5的时候x没有对应值,所以为NA
  40. #——————内连接——————
  41. df.x %>% inner_join(df.y,by = "name")
  42. # A tibble: 2 x 3
  43. name value_x value_y
  44. <dbl> <chr> <chr>
  45. 1 1 x1 y1
  46. 2 2 x2 y2
  47. #仅仅取了两个数据集共有的部分
  48. #——————全连接——————
  49. df.x %>% full_join(df.y,by = "name")
  50. # A tibble: 5 x 3
  51. name value_x value_y
  52. <dbl> <chr> <chr>
  53. 1 1 x1 y1
  54. 2 2 x2 y2
  55. 3 3 x3 NA
  56. 4 4 NA y3
  57. 5 5 NA y4
  58. #names所有值都保留