技巧和常见误区(Tips and Common Mistakes)

这是一个你可能会遇到的技巧和常见误区或错误的集合。 (原文#This is a collection of tips and common mistakes or errors you may encounter. )

切勿编辑system文件夹!(Never edit the system folder!)

你(几乎)不要修改系统文件夹。你想在system 和modules下文件的任何改变可以通过级联文件系统transparent extension,当你尝试更新您的Kohana的版本时,不会被破坏。 (原文#You should (almost) never edit the system folder. Any change you want to make to files in system and modules can be made via the cascading filesystem and transparent extension and won’t break when you try to update your Kohana version.)

不要试图对所有东西用同一个路由(Don’t try and use one route for everything)

Kohana 3的路由非常的强大和灵活,不要怕使用频繁,因为你需要使你的应用程序按你想要的方式运行! (原文#Kohana 3 routes are very powerful and flexible, don’t be afraid to use as many as you need to make your app function the way you want!)

处理大量的路由(Handling lots of routes)

有时候你的应用程序十分复杂,有许多的路由,将它们全部放到bootstrap.php变得难以管理。如果是这样的情况,只需在APPPATH中生成一个routes.php文件,并将它引入到你的bootstrap:require_once APPPATH.'routes'.EXT; (原文#Sometimes your application is sufficiently complex that you have many routes and it becomes unmanageable to put them all in bootstrap.php. If this is the case, simply make a routes.php file in APPPATH and require that in your bootstrap: require_once APPPATH.'routes'.EXT;


如果你在安装站点的时候获得一个ReflectionException,几乎可以肯定是因为你的[Kohana::init] ‘base_url’设置出错了。如果你的base url是正确的,那么可能是你的路由出错了。 (原文#If you get a Reflection_Exception when setting up your site, it is almost certainly because your [Kohana::init] ‘base_url’ setting is wrong. If your base url is correct something is probably wrong with your routes.) ReflectionException [ -1 ]: Class controller does not exist // where is part of the url you entered in your browser

解决办法(Solution) {#reflection-exception-solution}

正确设置你的[Kohana::init]中的’base_url’。base url应该是你的index.php文件相对于Web服务器的文档根目录的路径。 (原文#Set your [Kohana::init] ‘base_url’ to the correct setting. The base url should be the path to your index.php file relative to the webserver document root.)

ORM/Session __sleep() bug

在PHP中有一个错误,一个致命的错误后,可能会损坏你的session。当你做一些愚蠢的,并导致致命的错误的时候,生产服务器上不应有未捕获的致命错误,所以这个bug只可以在开发中发生。加载下一个页面,你会得到一个数据库连接错误,那么所有随后加载的页面将显示以下错误。 (原文#There is a bug in php which can corrupt your session after a fatal error. A production server shouldn’t have uncaught fatal errors, so this bug should only happen during development, when you do something stupid and cause a fatal error. On the next page load you will get a database connection error, then all subsequent page loads will display the following error:)

  1. ErrorException [注意]: 未定义的指数:id (原文#ErrorException [ Notice ]: Undefined index: id
  2. MODPATH/orm/classes/kohana/orm.php [ 1308 ]

解决办法 (Solution) {#orm-session-sleep-solution}

为了解决这个问题,清除你在该域名下的cookies来重置您的session。这不应该发生在生产服务器上,这样你就不用向你的客户解释如何清除自己的cookies。你可以看更详细的关于这个问题的讨论。 (原文#To fix this, clear your cookies for that domain to reset your session. This should never happen on a production server, so you won’t have to explain to your clients how to clear their cookies. You can see the discussion on this issue for more details.)