视图 原文




视图文件存储在文件系统的views文件夹下.你也可以在views下创建子文件来管理自己的视图文件.下面所列出的视图文件(注意它们的位置)都是不错的例子:(# View files are stored in the views directory of the filesystem. You can also create sub-directories within the views directory to organize your files. All of the following examples are reasonable view files:)

  1. APPPATH/views/home.php
  2. APPPATH/views/pages/about.php
  3. APPPATH/views/products/details.php
  4. MODPATH/error/views/errors/404.php
  5. MODPATH/common/views/template.php


[视图]对象通常在控制器中使用[View::factory]方法创建.接下来,视图(刚创建的)常常被赋值为[Request::$response]方法的属性(值)或是分配到其他的视图中去.原文 using the [View::factory] method. Typically the view is then assigned as the [Request::$response] property or to another view.)

  1. public function action_about()
  2. {
  3. $this->response->body(View::factory('pages/about'));
  4. }


  1. public function action_index()
  2. {
  3. $view = View::factory('pages/about');
  4. // Render the view
  5. $about_page = $view->render();
  6. // Or just type cast it to a string
  7. $about_page = (string) $view;
  8. $this->response->body($about_page);
  9. }



  1. public function action_roadtrip()
  2. {
  3. $view = View::factory('user/roadtrip')
  4. ->set('places', array('Rome', 'Paris', 'London', 'New York', 'Tokyo'));
  5. ->bind('user', $this->user);
  6. // The view will have $places and $user variables
  7. $this->response->body($view);
  8. }

[!!]set()和bind()赋值的愉一不同之处就是bind()方法是引用变量(赋值).如果你用bind()方法使用了一个未声明的变量,变量将被创建并默认值 等于 NULL.原文andbind()is thatbind()assigns the variable by reference. If youbind()a variable before it has been defined, the variable will be created with a value ofNULL`. )


  1. public function action_roadtrip()
  2. {
  3. $view = View::factory('user/roadtrip');
  4. $view->places = array('Rome', 'Paris', 'London', 'New York', 'Tokyo');//直接赋值
  5. $view->user = $this->user;
  6. // (视图就有了$places和$user2个变量.)The view will have $places and $user variables
  7. $this->response->body($view);
  8. }


一个程序或许有好几个视图文件但是需要获取(显示)同样的变量.例如,在模板页和详细页都显示页面标题.你可通过[View::set_global]和[View::bind_global]方法来创建可以被所有视图都可获取的变量. 原文

  1. // 给所有视图都赋值$page_title(亦即,所有的视图都可以使用$page_title这个变量)[原文](# Assign $page_title to all views)
  2. View::bind_global('page_title', $page_title);

如果有一个程序(网站)中有三个视图被渲染到主页: template, template/sidebar, and pages/home.首先,创建一个抽象的模板控制器原文

  1. abstract class Controller_Website extends Controller_Template {
  2. public $page_title;
  3. public function before()
  4. {
  5. parent::before();
  6. // 使所有视图可用$page_titl[原文](# Make $page_title available to all views)
  7. View::bind_global('page_title', $this->page_title);
  8. // 将$sidear作为一个视图文件载入模板.[原文](# Load $sidebar into the template as a view)
  9. $this->template->sidebar = View::factory('template/sidebar');
  10. }
  11. }


  1. class Controller_Home extends Controller_Website {
  2. public function action_index()
  3. {
  4. $this->page_title = 'Home';
  5. $this->template->content = View::factory('pages/home');
  6. }
  7. }


如果你想在视图中包含其他视图,有2种选择.(第一种)使用[View::factory]可以沙盘化(像军事上用的沙盘模型)你包含的视图文件.这也意味着你必须使用[View::set]或 [View::bind]为视图中所有用到的变量赋值:原文

  1. // In your view file:
  2. // Only the $user variable will be available in "views/user/login.php"
  3. <?php echo View::factory('user/login')->bind('user', $user) ?>


  1. // In your view file:
  2. // Any variable defined in this view will be included in "views/message.php"
  3. <?php include Kohana::find_file('views', 'user/login') ?>


  1. // In your controller:
  2. public functin action_index()
  3. {
  4. $view = View::factory('common/template);
  5. $view->title = "Some title";
  6. $view->body = View::factory('pages/foobar');
  7. }
  8. // In views/common/template.php:
  9. <html>
  10. <head>
  11. <title><?php echo $title></title>
  12. </head>
  13. <body>
  14. <?php echo $body ?>
  15. </body>
  16. </html>


  1. <?php echo Request::factory('user/login')->execute() ?>
