
引导程序位于application/bootstrap.php。它负责设置Kohana的环境和执行的主要反应。它被包含在index.php(请看 Request flow) (原文#The bootstrap is located at application/bootstrap.php. It is responsible for setting up the Kohana environment and executing the main response. It is included by index.php (see Request flow))

[!!] 引导程序负责你的应用程序的流程。在Kohana之前的版本中引导程序在system文件夹,有些内容是看不见的,且无法编辑。在Kohana 3中,引导程序需要一个更加完整和通用的作用。不管怎样,只要你认为是合适的,就不要害怕编辑和修改您的引导程序。 (原文#The bootstrap is responsible for the flow of your application. In previous versions of Kohana the bootstrap was in system and was somewhat of an unseen, uneditible force. In Kohana 3 the bootstrap takes on a much more integral and versatile role. Do not be afraid to edit and change your bootstrap however you see fit.)

环境设置(Environment setup)

首先,引导程序设置时区和语言环境,增加Kohana的autoloader,那么级联文件系统可以工作了。你可以增加任何在你的应用程序中所需的所有的其他设置。 (原文#First the bootstrap sets the timezone and the locale, and adds Kohana’s autoloader so the cascading filesystem works. You could add any other settings that all your application needed here.)

  1. // 精简过的节选于带注释的bootstrap.php的范例。(原文#Sample excerpt from bootstrap.php with comments trimmed down)
  2. // 设置默认时区(原文#Set the default time zone.)
  3. date_default_timezone_set('America/Chicago');
  4. // 设置默认的语言环境(原文#Set the default locale.)
  5. setlocale(LC_ALL, 'en_US.utf-8');
  6. // 开启Kohana的auto-loader(原文#Enable the Kohana auto-loader.)
  7. spl_autoload_register(array('Kohana', 'auto_load'));
  8. // 为unserialization开启Kohana的auto-loader(原文#Enable the Kohana auto-loader for unserialization.)
  9. ini_set('unserialize_callback_func', 'spl_autoload_call');

初始化和配置(Initialization and Configuration)

Kohana是通过调用[Kohana::init]来初始化,log和config reader/writers被开启。 (原文#Kohana is then initialized by calling [Kohana::init], and the log and config reader/writers are enabled. )

  1. // 精简过的节选于带注释的bootstrap.php的范例。(Sample excerpt from bootstrap.php with comments trimmed down)
  2. Kohana::init(array('
  3. base_url' => '/kohana/',
  4. index_file => false,
  5. ));
  6. // 将文件写入器附加到日志记录。支持多写入器。(原文#Attach the file writer to logging. Multiple writers are supported.)
  7. Kohana::$log->attach(new Kohana_Log_File(APPPATH.'logs'));
  8. // 将文件读取器附加到配置。支持多读取器。(原文#Attach a file reader to config. Multiple readers are supported.)
  9. Kohana::$config->attach(new Kohana_Config_File);

你可以添加条件语句使引导程序在某些设置上有不同的值。例如,通过检查$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']和设置相应的缓存、分析等,检测我们是否设置起效。这只是一个例子,有许多不同的方法来完成同样的事情。 (原文#You can add conditional statements to make the bootstrap have different values based on certain settings. For example, detect whether we are live by checking $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] and set caching, profiling, etc. accordingly. This is just an example, there are many different ways to accomplish the same thing.)

  1. // 摘录自http://github.com/isaiahdw/kohanaphp.com/blob/f2afe8e28b/application/bootstrap.php(原文#Excerpt from http://github.com/isaiahdw/kohanaphp.com/blob/f2afe8e28b/application/bootstrap.php
  2. ... [trimmed])
  3. /**
  4. * 用域名来设置环境状况(原文#Set the environment status by the domain.)
  5. */
  6. if (strpos($_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], 'kohanaphp.com') !== FALSE)
  7. {
  8. // 设置起效!(We are live!)
  9. Kohana::$environment = Kohana::PRODUCTION;
  10. // 关闭notices和严格的errors(原文#Turn off notices and strict errors)
  11. error_reporting(E_ALL ^ E_NOTICE ^ E_STRICT);
  12. }
  13. /**
  14. * 初始化Kohana,设置默认选项(原文#Initialize Kohana, setting the default options.)
  15. ... [trimmed]
  16. */
  17. Kohana::init(array(
  18. 'base_url' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION ? '/' : '/kohanaphp.com/',
  19. 'caching' => Kohana::$environment === Kohana::PRODUCTION,
  20. 'profile' => Kohana::$environment !== Kohana::PRODUCTION,
  21. 'index_file' => FALSE,
  22. ));
  23. ... [trimmed]

[!!] 注意:默认的引导程序将设置Kohana::$environment = $_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'],如果设置了。在你的Web服务器的文档(例如Apache, Lighttpd),文件对如何提供此变量都可用。比许多其他的方法来设置Kohana::$enviroment,这被认为是更好的做法,因此你可以更改每台服务器的设置,而无需依靠配置选项或主机名。 (原文#Note: The default bootstrap will set Kohana::$environment = $_ENV['KOHANA_ENV'] if set. Docs on how to supply this variable are available in your web server’s documentation (e.g. Apache, Lighttpd). This is considered better practice than many alternative methods to set Kohana::$enviroment, as you can change the setting per server, without having to rely on config options or hostnames.)


阅读Modules页面获取更详细的介绍.(原文#Read the Modules page for a more detailed description.)

通过使用[Kohana::modules()]加载Modules。已经包含的modules是可选的。 (原文#Modules are then loaded using [Kohana::modules()]. Including modules is optional. )

数组里面的每个key应该是module的name,该值是module的路径,相对的或绝对的。 (原文#Each key in the array should be the name of the module, and the value is the path to the module, either relative or absolute.)

  1. // 摘录自bootstrap.php的例子(原文#Example excerpt from bootstrap.php)
  2. Kohana::modules(array(
  3. 'database' => MODPATH.'database',
  4. 'orm' => MODPATH.'orm',
  5. 'userguide' => MODPATH.'userguide',
  6. ));


阅读Routing页面获取更多详细的介绍和例子(原文#Read the Routing page for a more detailed description and more examples.)

Routes are then defined via [Route::set()].

  1. // 来自Kohana 3中的默认路由(The default route that comes with Kohana 3)
  2. Route::set('default', '(<controller>(/<action>(/<id>)))')
  3. ->defaults(array(
  4. 'controller' => 'welcome',
  5. 'action' => 'index',
  6. ));