错误/异常处理(Error/Exception Handling)

Kohana同时提供了异常处理和错误处理,通过PHP的ErrorException类,将errors转换到exceptions。许多细节的错误和应用程序的内部状态将通过handler来显示。 (原文#Kohana provides both an exception handler and an error handler that transforms errors into exceptions using PHP’s ErrorException class. Many details of the error and the internal state of the application is displayed by the handler:)

  1. 异常类(Exception class)
  2. 错误等级(Error level)
  3. 错误消息(Error message)
  4. 错误代码行高亮的错误代码(Source of the error, with the error line highlighted)
  5. 执行流程的调试追踪(A debug backtrace of the execution flow)
  6. 引入文件,加载扩展,和全局变量(Included files, loaded extensions, and global variables)


点击任何一个链接来切换显示更多的信息: (原文#Click any of the links to toggle the display of additional information:)


关闭错误/异常处理(Disabling Error/Exception Handling)

如果你不想用完整的错误处理,在你调用[Kohana::init]的时候,可以关闭它(我们强烈反对): (原文#If you do not want to use the internal error handling, you can disable it (highly discouraged) when calling [Kohana::init]:)

  1. Kohana::init(array('errors' => FALSE));

错误报告(Error Reporting)

默认情况下,Kohana显示所有错误,包括严格模式的warnings。可以用error_reporting来设置: (原文#By default, Kohana displays all errors, including strict mode warnings. This is set using error_reporting:)

  1. error_reporting(E_ALL | E_STRICT);

当你的应用程序在生产下运行,推荐用较为保守的设置,如无视notices: (原文#When you application is live and in production, a more conservative setting is recommended, such as ignoring notices:)

  1. error_reporting(E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE);

如果你在触发错误时得到白屏,你的主机可能已禁用了显示错误。你可以通过在调用error_reporting后增加这一行再次开启它。 (原文#If you get a white screen when an error is triggered, your host probably has disabled displaying errors. You can turn it on again by adding this line just after your error_reporting call:)

  1. ini_set('display_errors', TRUE);

即使在​​生产中,错误也应该总是显示,因为它允许你在错误发生时,用exception and error handling去生成一个漂亮的错误页面,而不是一个空白的屏幕。 (原文#Errors should always be displayed, even in production, because it allows you to use exception and error handling to serve a nice error page rather than a blank white screen when an error happens.)

HTTP异常处理(HTTP Exception Handling)

Kohana自带一个强大的处理HTTP错误的系统。他包含每个http状态码的异常类。在你的应用程序中触发一个404(最常见的场景): (原文#Kohana comes with a robust system for handing http errors. It includes exception classes for each http status code. To trigger a 404 in your application (the most common scenario):)

  1. throw new HTTP_Exception_404('File not found!');

在Kohana中,没有默认的方法处理这些错误。建议您设置一个异常处理程序(并注册)来处理这些类型的错误。这里有一个简单的例子在/application/classes/foobar/exception/handler.php。 There is no default method to handle these errors in Kohana. It’s recommended that you setup an exception handler (and register it) to handle these kinds of errors. Here’s a simple example that would go in /application/classes/foobar/exception/handler.php:

  1. class Foobar_Exception_Handler
  2. {
  3. public static function handle(Exception $e)
  4. {
  5. switch (get_class($e))
  6. {
  7. case 'Http_Exception_404':
  8. $response = new Response;
  9. $response->status(404);
  10. $view = new View('error_404');
  11. $view->message = $e->getMessage();
  12. $view->title = 'File Not Found';
  13. echo $response->body($view)->send_headers()->body();
  14. return TRUE;
  15. break;
  16. default:
  17. return Kohana_Exception::handler($e);
  18. break;
  19. }
  20. }
  21. }

把一些这样的东西放到你的bootstrap里面来注册这个handler。 (原文#And put something like this in your bootstrap to register the handler.)

  1. set_exception_handler(array('Foobar_Exception_Handler', 'handle'));

注意确定将set_exception_handler()放到Kohana引导程序的Kohana::init()**之后**,否则无法正常工作。 (原文#*Note:* Be sure to placeset_exception_handler()**after**Kohana::init()` in your bootstrap, or it won’t work.)

如果你收到Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0,这意味着有一个在异常处理程序中的错误。如果用上面的例子,要确定404.php存在于/application/views/error/下。 (原文#If you receive Fatal error: Exception thrown without a stack frame in Unknown on line 0, it means there was an error within your exception handler. If using the example above, be sure 404.php exists under /application/views/error/.)