性能的指标,与功能等其他特性指标一样,是被定义出来,绝不是被测试出来。/Metrics of performance, as the same as functional features, all of these are by defined but not by test.

    测试即度量,其仅是对指标予以确认和定性,给定出特定的结果而已。/Test is just measure, for offering specific results to confirm for these metrics.


    当我们计划开展性能测试前,有以下问题需要被明确/What should be confirmed before we planning for performance test:

    • 当前的性能问题的具体表现是什么/specific problems of performance for now
    • 最迫切要解决的性能问题是什么/what are the most urgent problems
    • 达成的性能指标是多少/how about the metrics of goals are
    • 性能指标达成后,有没有业务运营指标或产品特性承载,或技术架构指标,以表明性能结果确实达成/what the metrics for indicating test results achievement are, such as metrics of businesses, new features, technical metrics, DAU, etc.