刷抖音刷到马一龙教你造火箭,学到了所谓五步法则(Five Step Process)

    What we are trying to have it implement rigorously is that sort of five step process.

    1. Step one make your requirement less dumb,
    2. Step two delete part of the process. If you are not adding things back in, you clearly are not deleting enough.
    3. Only the third step is simplify or optimize, not the first step. It’s possibly the most common error of a smart engineer is to optimize a thing that should not exist.
    4. And then finally you get to step four is to accelerate cycle time. You are moving too slowly, go faster. But don’t go faster until you worked on the other three things first.
    5. And then the final step is automate.
    1. 尽量把需求想明白
    2. 尽可能删减需求模块,如果还没有删到必须把某个功能加回来,显然删得还不够多
    3. 到第三步才是优化,做完足够的简化才能发现什么是确实需要优化的,一个聪明的工程师最容易犯的错误就是去优化一个本不应该存在的问题
    4. 第四步是加速这个过程,要快。但不能操之过急,至少要在前三个步骤上花足够的时间
    5. 最后是自动化这个过程

