
  1. library(AnnoProbe)
  2. suppressPackageStartupMessages(library(GEOquery))
  3. ## 使用AnnoProbe 获取数据
  4. gset=AnnoProbe::geoChina('GSE1009')
  5. # check the ExpressionSet
  6. eSet=gset[[1]]
  7. # extract the expression matrix and phenotype data
  8. probes_expr <- exprs(eSet);dim(probes_expr)
  9. head(probes_expr[,1:4])
  10. boxplot(probes_expr,las=2)
  11. probes_expr=limma::normalizeBetweenArrays(probes_expr)
  12. boxplot(probes_expr,las=2)
  13. ## pheno info
  14. phenoDat <- pData(eSet)
  15. head(phenoDat[,1:4])
  16. ## check GPL and annotate the probes to genes.
  17. gpl=eSet@annotation
  18. checkGPL(gpl)
  19. printGPLInfo(gpl)
  20. probe2gene=idmap(gpl)
  21. head(probe2gene)
  22. genes_expr <- filterEM(probes_expr,probe2gene )
  23. head(genes_expr)
  24. # do DEG
  25. ## define the group
  26. group_list= c(rep('Control',3),rep('Diabetes',3))
  27. table(group_list)
  28. ## Create DEGContainer
  29. data_i <- Create_DEGContainer(
  30. species = "Human",
  31. dataType = "Array",
  32. expMatrix = genes_expr,
  33. groupInfo = group_list,
  34. caseGroup = "Diabetes",idType = "SYMBOL",filterMethod = NULL
  35. )
  36. ## Run workflow
  37. data_o <- runALL(data_i,dir = "testArray",top = 10,parallel = T,GO = T,KEGG = T)