title: Characterization of surjective opeartor
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date: 2018-11-18 08:20:08
- 数学
- 学习笔记
tags: - 泛函分析
This article provides a useful characterization of surjective operator, which is called the method of a priori estimates.
The main result concerning surjective operators is the following. For the proofs we refer the reader to [1, Theorem 2.20, page 47].
Theorem 1 Let and
be two Banach spaces. Let
%20%5Csubset%20E%20%5Crightarrow%20F#card=math&code=A%3A%20D%28A%29%20%5Csubset%20E%20%5Crightarrow%20F) be an unbounded linear operator that is densely defined and closed. The following properties are equivalent:
is surjective,
- there is a constant
such that
, for all
%3D%7B0%7D#card=math&code=N%28A%5E%5Cstar%29%3D%7B0%7D) and
#card=math&code=R%28A%5E%5Cstar%29) is closed.
If restricting our attention to Hilbert spaces, there is a further conclusion, which was proved by Hormander [2, Lemma 4.1.1, page 78].
Theorem 2 Let and
be two Hilbert spaces. Let
%20%5Csubset%20E%20%5Crightarrow%20F#card=math&code=A%3A%20D%28A%29%20%5Csubset%20E%20%5Crightarrow%20F) be an unbounded linear operator that is densely defined and closed. Let
be a closed subspace of
containing the range
#card=math&code=R%28A%29) of
. Then
#card=math&code=K%3DR%28A%29) if and only if for some constant
The following lemma gives a sufficient condition for , which can be found in [1, Theorem 3.24, page 72].
Lemma 3 Let and
be two reflexive Banach spaces. Let
%20%5Csubset%20E%20%5Crightarrow%20F#card=math&code=A%3A%20D%28A%29%20%5Csubset%20E%20%5Crightarrow%20F) be an unbounded linear operator that is densely defined and closed. Then
#card=math&code=D%28A%5E%5Cstar%29) is dense in
. Thus
is well defined and it may also be viewed as an unbounded operator from
. Then we have
Proof of Theorem 2 First assume that is valid and let
. Since
, the equation
is equivalent to the identity
It suffices to prove
Indeed, let be the antilinear functional
_F#card=math&code=A%5E%5Cstar%20f%5Crightarrow%28g%2Cf%29_F) from
#card=math&code=R%28A%5E%2A%29). The map
is well defined, since
is injective by
. An application of the Hahn-Banach theorem to
shows that there exists a linear functional
, which is bounded by
. According to Riesz representation theorem, there exists
such that
_E%3D(g%2Cf)_F#card=math&code=%28u%2CA%5E%5Cstar%20f%29_E%3D%28g%2Cf%29_F) for all
#card=math&code=f%20%5Cin%20D%28A%5E%5Cstar%29). Thus, the equation
has a solution
To prove we first note that, if
is orthogonal to
, we have
_F%3D0#card=math&code=%28g%2Cf%29_F%3D0), and
%3D(f%2CAv)%3D0#card=math&code=%28A%5E%5Cstar%20f%2C%20v%29%3D%28f%2CAv%29%3D0) for all
#card=math&code=v%5Cin%20D%28A%29), since
%5Csubset%20K#card=math&code=R%28A%29%5Csubset%20K), which implies
. Hence it is sufficient to prove
#card=math&code=f%20%5Cin%20K%20%5Ccap%20D%28A%5E%5Cstar%29) and then it follows immediately from
Conversely, assuming that %3DK#card=math&code=R%28A%29%3DK), we must prove that the set
is bounded. To do so it is sufficient to prove that is weakly bounded in
, this means that
%7C_F#card=math&code=%7C%28f%2Cg%29%7C_F) is bounded when
for every fixed
(see following lemma). But by hypothesis we can choose
#card=math&code=u%20%5Cin%20D%28A%29) such that
, and this implies
The theorem is proved.
Lemma 4 (weakly bounded implies strongly bounded) Let be a Banach space. The subset
is weakly bounded, this means t
%7C%20%5Cleq%20M_f#card=math&code=%7Cf%28x%29%7C%20%5Cleq%20M_f) when
for every fixed
, where
is a constant independent of
. Then
is bounded.
Proof of Lemma 4 Consider continuous linear functional given by
%3Df(x)#card=math&code=F_x%20%28f%29%3Df%28x%29) for all
. It is obviously that
. It follows from weakly boundedness of
By uniform boundedness principle, we have , which implies
for all
. The lemma is proved.
If is surjective in the theorem 2, we have further information concerning right inverse of
which is the following corollary.
Corollary 5 Under the assumption of Theorem 2, if holds for some
, and
is surjective, there exists a linear continuous operator
such that
Proof of Corollary 5 It follows from that
is injective. According to bounded inverse theorem, there exists a bounded linear operator
%5E%7B-1%7D#card=math&code=%28A%5E%5Cstar%29%5E%7B-1%7D) from
#card=math&code=R%28A%5E%5Cstar%29) to
which satisfies
%5E%7B-1%7D%5C%7C%3C%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bc%7D#card=math&code=%5C%7C%28A%5E%5Cstar%29%5E%7B-1%7D%5C%7C%3C%5Cfrac%7B1%7D%7Bc%7D). Indeed, it follows from
Hence, we have %5E%7B-1%7DA%5E%5Cstar)%5E%5Cstar%3DA((A%5E%5Cstar)%5E%7B-1%7D)%5E%5Cstar#card=math&code=I%3D%28%28A%5E%5Cstar%29%5E%7B-1%7DA%5E%5Cstar%29%5E%5Cstar%3DA%28%28A%5E%5Cstar%29%5E%7B-1%7D%29%5E%5Cstar). Letting
%5E%7B-1%7D)%5E%5Cstar#card=math&code=G%3D%28%28A%5E%5Cstar%29%5E%7B-1%7D%29%5E%5Cstar) proves the corollary.
- Haim Brezis, Functional Analysis, Sobolev Spaces and Partial Differentioal Equations
- Lars Hormander, An introduction to complex analysis in several variables