Form Bindings

Using v-bind and v-on together, we can create two-way bindings on form input elements:

  1. <input :value="text" @input="onInput">
js methods: { onInput(e) { // a v-on handler receives the native DOM event // as the argument. text.value = } }
js function onInput(e) { // a v-on handler receives the native DOM event // as the argument. text.value = }

Try typing in the input box - you should see the text in <p> updating as you type.

To simplify two-way bindings, Vue provides a directive, v-model, which is essentially a syntax sugar for the above:

  1. <input v-model="text">

v-model automatically syncs the <input>‘s value with the bound state, so we no longer need to use a event handler for that.

v-model works not only on text inputs, but also other input types such as checkboxes, radio buttons, and select dropdowns. We cover more details in Guide - Form Bindings.

Now, try to refactor the code to use v-model instead.