
Sometimes we may need to perform “side effects” reactively - for example, logging a number to the console when it changes. We can achieve this with watchers:

js import { ref, watch } from 'vue' const count = ref(0) watch(count, (newCount) => { // yes, console.log() is a side effect console.log(`new count is: ${newCount}`) }) watch() can directly watch a ref, and the callback gets fired whenever count‘s value changes. watch() can also watch other types of data sources - more details are covered in Guide - Watchers.
js export default { data() { return { count: 0 } }, watch: { count(newCount) { // yes, console.log() is a side effect console.log(`new count is: ${newCount}`) } } } Here, we are using the watch option to watch changes to the count property. The watch callback is called when count changes, and receives the new value as the argument. More details are covered in Guide - Watchers.

A more practical example than logging to the console would be fetching new data when an ID changes. The code we have is fetching todos data from a mock API on component mount. There is also a button that increments the todo ID that should be fetched. Try to implement a watcher that fetches a new todo when the button is clicked.