
A child component can accept input from the parent via props. First, it needs to declare the props it accepts:

vue <!-- ChildComp.vue --> <script setup> const props = defineProps({ msg: String }) </script> Note defineProps() is a compile-time macro and doesn’t need to be imported. Once declared, the msg prop can be used in the child component’s template. It can also be accessed in JavaScript via the returned object of defineProps().
js // in child component export default { props: { msg: String }, setup(props) { // access props.msg } } Once declared, the msg prop is exposed on this and can be used in the child component’s template. The received props are passed to setup() as the first argument.

js // in child component export default { props: { msg: String } } Once declared, the msg prop is exposed on this and can be used in the child component’s template.

The parent can pass the prop to the child just like attributes. To pass a dynamic value, we can also use the v-bind syntax:

vue-html <ChildComp :msg="greeting" />
vue-html <child-comp :msg="greeting"></child-comp>

Now try it yourself in the editor.