Treg细胞是一类能够负向调节免疫反应的细胞,《Kuby Immunology, 7th Edition》中将这种具有维持外周免疫耐受的Treg细胞分为iTreg(induced Treg)和nTreg(natural Treg)。其中nTreg来源于胸腺,iTreg来源于次级淋巴组织。
在T Regulatory Cells Overview中将Treg分为三类,nTreg和另外两种iTreg(Tr1与Th3),并总结了他们之间的区别。
Property | Natural Treg (nTreg) | Induced Treg (iTreg) - Tr1 | Induced Treg (iTreg) - Th3 |
Development | Thymus | Periphery (MALT) | Periphery (MALT) |
Phenotype | CD4CD25CD127 | CD4CD25 | CD4CD25 from CD25 precursors |
Other Associated Markers | CTLA-4GITRFoxp3 | CD45RBFoxp3 | CD25CD45RBFoxp3 |
Suppression | Contact-, Granzyme-B dependent, makes TGF beta | IL-10 mediated | TGF beta mediated |
Target Cells | APC and Effector T Cells | Effector T Cells | Unknown |
CD28 Involvement | Thymic development and maintenance in periphery | Unnecessary for development or function | Unnecessary for development or function |
in vivo Role | Suppression of autoreactive T cells | Mucosal immunity, inflammatory response | Mucosal immunity, inflammatory response |
in vitro Expansion | TCR/CD28 stimulation and IL-2 | CD3, IL-10, Retinoic Acid | CD3, TGF beta |