The pyecharts library is used to visualize data.
    The following shows a liquid chart.

    1. from pyecharts import options as opts
    2. from pyecharts.charts import Liquid, Page
    3. from pyecharts.globals import SymbolType
    4. import os
    5. def liquid() -> Liquid:
    6. c = (
    7. Liquid()
    8. .add("lq", [0.67, 0.30, 0.15])
    9. .set_global_opts(title_opts=opts.TitleOpts(title="Liquid"))
    10. )
    11. return c
    12. liquid().render('liquid.html')
    13. os.system("open liquid.html")

    The pyecharts library provides many other functions. You can download the following example programs to view data into various charts.
