How To Build A Positive Company Culture


Alan Kohll 艾伦 · 科尔Contributor 投稿人 Aug 14, 2018
如何建立积极的企业文化-福布斯 - 图1

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Company culture is an integral part of business. It affects nearly every aspect of a company. From recruiting top talent to improving employee satisfaction, it’s the backbone of a happy workforce. Without a positive corporate culture, many employees will struggle to find the real value in their work, and this leads to a variety of negative consequences for your bottom line.
企业文化是企业不可分割的一部分。 它几乎影响到公司的每一个方面。 从招募顶尖人才到提高员工满意度,这是一支快乐的员工队伍的基石。 如果没有积极的企业文化,许多员工会努力寻找他们工作的真正价值,这会导致各种各样的负面结果,影响你的底线。
According to research by Deloitte, 94% of executives and 88% of employees believe a distinct corporate culture is important to a business’ success. Deloitte’s survey also found that there is a strong correlation between employees who claim to feel happy and valued at work and those who say their company has a strong culture.
根据德勤的研究,94% 的高管和88% 的员工相信一个独特的企业文化对于一个企业的成功很重要。 德勤的调查还发现,声称自己在工作中感到快乐和有价值的员工与声称自己公司文化深厚的员工之间存在强烈的相关性。
There’s a reason why companies who are named as a _Best Place to Work _see so much success. These organizations tend to have strong, positive corporate cultures that help employees feel and perform their best at work. Research gathered by CultureIQ found that employee’s overall ratings of their company’s qualities – including collaboration, environment and values – are rated 20% higher at companies that exhibit strong culture.
被评为最佳工作场所的公司取得如此大的成功是有原因的。 这些组织往往具有强大、积极的企业文化,帮助员工感受并在工作中表现出最佳状态。 Cultureiq 收集的研究发现,员工对公司品质的总体评价——包括协作、环境和价值观——在有强烈文化的公司要高出20% 。
But why is corporate culture such an important part of a business? Take a look at some of the benefits of a positive company culture:
但是,为什么企业文化是企业的重要组成部分呢? 让我们来看看积极的公司文化的一些好处:

  • Recruitment. 招聘Many HR professionals agree that a strong company culture is one of the best ways to attract potential employees. A positive culture gives an organization a competitive advantage. People want to work for companies with a good reputation from previous and current employees. A company with a positive culture will attract the type of talent that is willing to make their next workplace a home, rather than just a stepping-stone. 许多人力资源专业人士认为,强大的企业文化是吸引潜在雇员的最佳方式之一。 积极的文化给组织带来竞争优势。 人们希望为那些有着良好声誉的公司工作,这些声誉来自以前和现在的员工。 一个拥有积极文化的公司会吸引那些愿意把下一个工作场所变成家的人才,而不仅仅是一块垫脚石
  • Employee loyalty. Not only will a positive culture help recruitment efforts, it will help retain top talent as well. A positive culture fosters a sense of employee loyalty. Employees are much more likely to stay with their current employer when they feel they are treated right and enjoy going to work every day. 员工忠诚度。 积极的企业文化不仅有助于招聘工作,也有助于留住顶尖人才。 积极的文化培养员工的忠诚感。 当员工觉得自己受到了正确的对待,并且每天都享受着上班的乐趣时,他们更有可能留在当前的雇主那里: [

    ]()- Job satisfaction. It’s no surprise that job satisfaction is higher at companies with a positive corporate culture. Employers who invest in the well-being of their employees will be rewarded with happy, dedicated employees 工作满意度。 在拥有积极企业文化的公司,工作满意度更高,这并不奇怪。 那些为员工的福利投资的雇主将会得到快乐的、有奉献精神的员工
  • Collaboration. 合作Employees are much more likely to come together as a team at companies with a strong culture. A positive culture facilitates social interaction, teamwork and open communication. This collaboration can lead to some amazing results. 在文化氛围浓厚的公司里,员工更有可能团结在一起。 积极的文化促进社会交往、团队合作和开放的沟通。 这种合作可以带来一些惊人的结果
  • Work performance. Strong company cultures have been linked to higher rates of productivity. This is because employees tend to be more motivated and dedicated to employers who invest in their well-being and happiness. 工作表现。 强大的企业文化与更高的生产率有关。 这是因为雇员往往更有动力,更专注于那些为他们的幸福和快乐投资的雇主
  • Employee morale. Maintaining a positive company culture is a guaranteed way to boost employee morale. Employees will naturally feel happier and enjoy their work more when they work in a positive environment. 员工士气。 保持一个积极的公司文化是提高员工士气的保证方法。 当员工在积极的环境中工作时,他们自然会感到更快乐,更享受他们的工作
  • Less stress. A positive company culture will help significantly reduce workplace stress. Companies with a strong corporate culture tend to see less stressed employees, which helps boost both employee health and work performance. 减少压力。 积极的公司文化将有助于显著减轻工作压力。 具有强大企业文化的公司往往会看到压力较小的员工,这有助于提高员工的健康和工作表现

One great example of a positive company culture comes from Sweetgreen. This fast-casual health foods restaurant believes that the most important ingredient to success is a positive company culture. Sweetgreen promotes a positive corporate culture by offering special perks that help boost positivity and morale throughout the company.
积极的公司文化的一个很好的例子来自 Sweetgreen。 这家快速休闲的健康食品餐厅认为,成功最重要的因素是积极的公司文化。 Sweetgreen 通过提供特殊津贴来促进积极的企业文化,这有助于提升整个公司的积极性和士气。
如何建立积极的企业文化-福布斯 - 图2
U.S. Labor Secretary Thomas Perez (2nd L) and Representative George Miller (D-CA) (L) order food at… [+]
美国劳工部长托马斯 · 佩雷斯(左二)和众议员乔治 · 米勒(右一)在… [ + ]点餐
Some of Sweetgreen’s hallmark initiatives that have helped create a positive company culture include:

  • Family Fund: Sweetgreeen provides emergency financial support for employees during times of need. It’s funded through voluntary paycheck deductions from corporate employees. The Family Fund has assisted team members in paying for temporary housing due to a fire and has also helped assist an employee who needed to travel to care for a sick loved one. 家庭基金: 斯威格里恩公司在员工需要的时候提供紧急财政支持。 它的资金来源于公司员工自愿扣除的薪水。 家庭基金协助团队成员支付火灾造成的临时住房费用,还帮助需要旅行照顾生病的亲人的雇员
  • Notes of Gratitude: Employers host a “Gratitude Night” to thank employees for making a positive impact on their customers. The corporate office reviews letters sent in from happy customers and writes personal, handwritten notes to employees who have helped these customers. This type of event highlights employee achievement and gives them some public recognition for their hard work. 感恩之夜: 雇主们会举办一个“感恩之夜”来感谢员工对客户产生的积极影响。 公司办公室负责审核那些快乐的客户寄来的信件,并为那些帮助过这些客户的员工写下私人的、手写的便条。 这类活动强调员工的成就,并给予他们辛勤工作的一些公众认可
  • Working with Impact Projects: Sweetgreen offers employees the opportunity to get involved with impact projects to support the community. Sweetgreen recently partnered with the LA Food Policy Council to revamp a small, family-run grocery market. 与影响项目合作: Sweetgreen 为员工提供参与影响项目的机会,以支持社区。 Sweetgreen 最近与洛杉矶食品政策委员会合作,改造了一个家庭经营的小型杂货市场

Sweetgreen is just one example of the many forward-thinking companies that are dedicating their time and resources into building a positive company culture and supporting the well-being of their workforce. Other companies would greatly benefit from following the lead of these companies and building their own unique, positive culture.
Sweetgreen 只是许多具有前瞻性思维的公司中的一个例子,这些公司正在投入时间和资源,建立一种积极的公司文化,并支持员工的福祉。 其他公司也会从跟随这些公司的脚步和建立自己独特的、积极的文化中获益匪浅。
One of the best things about building a positive culture is that it can be done with any budget, at any size company and within any industry. As long as employers take the time to genuinely invest in the happiness and well-being of their workforce, a positive culture will grow and thrive.
建立一个积极的文化最好的事情之一就是它可以用任何预算,在任何规模的公司,在任何行业。 只要雇主花时间真诚地投资于员工的幸福和福祉,一种积极的文化就会茁壮成长。
Employers can use the following tips to help build a positive corporate culture at their workplace:
Emphasis on employee wellness. No organization can expect to foster a positive culture without healthy employees. Employees need to feel their best – physically, mentally and emotionally – in order to contribute to a positive culture. In many ways, employee wellness is a foundation for a positive corporate culture. Leaders should ensure that employees have the resources, tools and on-site healthcare opportunities they need to live their healthiest life – inside and outside of the office.
强调员工的健康。 没有健康的员工,任何组织都不能期望培养一种积极的文化。 员工需要在身体上、精神上和情感上感受到自己最好的状态,以便为积极的文化做出贡献。 在许多方面,员工健康是积极的企业文化的基础。 领导者应该确保员工有足够的资源、工具和现场医疗保健机会,让他们在办公室内外过上最健康的生活。
Grow off your current culture. Building a positive corporate culture doesn’t mean employers should completely scrap everything their company currently stands for. Rather than expecting employees to do a complete 180, employers should work on enhancing the current culture they have. Ask employees what they do and don’t like about their current culture and work environment. Leaders should use these suggestions to help create a positive corporate culture that’s appropriate for their workforce.
远离你现在的文化。 建立一个积极的企业文化并不意味着雇主应该完全抛弃他们公司目前所代表的一切。 雇主应该努力提升他们现有的企业文化,而不是期望员工做一个180度大转弯。 询问员工他们对当前的文化和工作环境有哪些喜好和不喜欢。 领导者应该利用这些建议来帮助创造一种适合他们员工的积极的企业文化。
Provide meaning. Meaning and purpose are more important in the workplace now than ever. A majority of employees crave meaning and purpose in their work. Without it, job satisfaction takes a major hit. And a company certainly can’t build a culture without any meaning behind its work. Create a mission statement and core values and communicate these to employees. Give employees specific examples of how their roles positively impact the company and its clients.
提供意义。 在工作场所,意义和目标比以往任何时候都更重要。 大多数员工在工作中渴望意义和目标。 如果没有它,工作满意度就会大打折扣。 一个公司当然不能建立一个没有任何意义的文化背后的工作。 创建一个使命宣言和核心价值观,并与员工沟通。 给员工一个具体的例子,说明他们的角色如何对公司和客户产生积极的影响。
Create goals. No organization can have corporate culture without clear goals in place. Employers should gather with their team to create goals and objectives that everyone can work towards. Creating a company goal brings employees together and gives everyone something specific to work towards – other than a paycheck.
制定目标。 没有明确的目标,任何组织都不可能拥有企业文化。 雇主应该和他们的团队一起创造出每个人都可以为之努力的目标和目的。 制定一个公司目标可以把员工聚集在一起,给每个人一些特定的工作目标——而不仅仅是薪水。
Encourage positivity. In order to build a positive culture, employers need to start by encouraging positivity in the workplace. It’s essential to promote positivity on a daily basis. Employers should lead by example by expressing gratitude, smiling often and remaining optimistic during difficult situations. Employees are much more likely to engage in positive behavior when they see their employers doing so.
鼓励积极性。 为了建立一种积极的文化,雇主需要从鼓励工作场所的积极性开始。 每天提升自己的积极性是很重要的。 雇主应该以身作则,表达感激之情,经常微笑,在困难的情况下保持乐观。 当员工看到他们的雇主这样做时,他们更有可能从事积极的行为。
Foster social connections. Workplace relationships are an essential element to a positive company culture. When employees barely know their colleagues and rarely interact, there’s no possible way for a strong culture to grow. Leaders need to provide employees with opportunities for social interactions in the workplace. Consider weekly team meals, happy hour excursions or even a book club to get things started.
培养社会联系。 工作场所的人际关系是一个积极的公司文化的基本要素。 当员工几乎不了解他们的同事,也很少互动时,一种强大的文化就不可能成长。 领导者需要为员工提供在工作场所进行社会交往的机会。 考虑一下每周一次的团队聚餐,开心时间的短途旅行,或者甚至是一个读书俱乐部来开始一些事情。
Listen. Being a good listener is one of the easiest ways employers can start to build a positive culture. According to research gathered by CultureIQ, 86% of employees at companies with strong cultures feel their senior leadership listens to employees, as compared to 70% of employees at companies without strong culture. Listen to employees, and make sure they feel their voices are heard and valued.
听着。 成为一个好的倾听者是雇主开始建立积极文化的最简单的方法之一。 根据 CultureIQ 收集的研究,在有着强烈文化背景的公司,86% 的员工认为他们的高级领导倾听员工的意见,而在没有强烈文化背景的公司,这一比例为70% 。 倾听员工的心声,确保他们觉得自己的声音被倾听和重视。
Empower “culture champions.” Similar to “wellness champions,” culture champions are employees who embody the values and missions of a company. They are excited to promote a company’s aspirations and encourage others to do the same. Identify these employees and encourage them to keep spreading the cheer.
赋予“文化冠军”力量 与“健康冠军”类似,文化冠军是体现公司价值观和使命的员工。 他们很高兴能促进公司的抱负,并鼓励其他人也这样做。 找出这些员工,鼓励他们继续传播这种快乐。
One of the most important roles a leader has is creating a positive culture. Be sure to cultivate a positive culture that enhances the talent, diversity and happiness of your workforce. Building a unique, positive culture is one of the best – and simplest – ways to get your employees to invest their talent and future with your company.
领导者最重要的角色之一就是创造一种积极的文化。 一定要培养一种积极的文化,提高你的员工的才能,多样性和幸福感。 建立一种独特的、积极的文化是让员工为公司投资人才和未来的最好也是最简单的方法之一。
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如何建立积极的企业文化-福布斯 - 图3
作者:Alan Kohll 艾伦 · 科尔
I have been working in the corporate wellness space for over 20 years. I am the founder and president of TotalWellness, a national corporate health and wellness services…
我在公司的健康部门工作了20多年。 我是 TotalWellness 的创始人和总裁,这是一家全国性的健康服务公司.