
原文: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/jndi/ops/basicsearch.html


以下代码创建了一个属性集matchAttrs ,它有两个属性“sn”“mail”。它指定合格条目必须具有姓氏(“sn”)属性,其值为“Geisel”“邮件”属性,具有任何值。然后调用 DirContext.search() 搜索上下文“ou = People”,查找具有matchAttrs指定属性的条目。

  1. // Specify the attributes to match
  2. // Ask for objects that has a surname ("sn") attribute with
  3. // the value "Geisel" and the "mail" attribute
  4. // ignore attribute name case
  5. Attributes matchAttrs = new BasicAttributes(true);
  6. matchAttrs.put(new BasicAttribute("sn", "Geisel"));
  7. matchAttrs.put(new BasicAttribute("mail"));
  8. // Search for objects that have those matching attributes
  9. NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("ou=People", matchAttrs);


  1. while (answer.hasMore()) {
  2. SearchResult sr = (SearchResult)answer.next();
  3. System.out.println(">>>" + sr.getName());
  4. printAttrs(sr.getAttributes());
  5. }

printAttrs()类似于 打印属性集的示例。

运行 this example 会产生以下结果。

  1. # java SearchRetAll
  2. >>>cn=Ted Geisel
  3. attribute: sn
  4. value: Geisel
  5. attribute: objectclass
  6. value: top
  7. value: person
  8. value: organizationalPerson
  9. value: inetOrgPerson
  10. attribute: jpegphoto
  11. value: [B@1dacd78b
  12. attribute: mail
  13. value: Ted.Geisel@JNDITutorial.example.com
  14. attribute: facsimiletelephonenumber
  15. value: +1 408 555 2329
  16. attribute: cn
  17. value: Ted Geisel
  18. attribute: telephonenumber
  19. value: +1 408 555 5252


  1. // Specify the ids of the attributes to return
  2. String[] attrIDs = {"sn", "telephonenumber", "golfhandicap", "mail"};
  3. // Search for objects that have those matching attributes
  4. NamingEnumeration answer = ctx.search("ou=People", matchAttrs, attrIDs);

This example 返回属性“sn”“telephonenumber”“golfhandicap”“mail”[具有属性“mail”且具有“sn”属性且具有值“Geisel”的条目的 HTG9]。此示例生成以下结果。 (该条目没有“golfhandicap”属性,因此不会返回。)

  1. # java Search
  2. >>>cn=Ted Geisel
  3. attribute: sn
  4. value: Geisel
  5. attribute: mail
  6. value: Ted.Geisel@JNDITutorial.example.com
  7. attribute: telephonenumber
  8. value: +1 408 555 5252